Quentin Tarantino's works

People always say that Quentin steals ideas from other films and directors and that nothing he makes is original and so on. Can you give some examples?

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Kill Bill -> Lady Snowblood

"steals ideas" is a little harsh

directors have always taken inspiration from other film makers

The scene from Kill Bill where Lucy Liu lobs the head off of some guy is from one of the later Zatoichi movies. Instead the guy is impaled with spikes but the scene is identical.

Reservoir Dogs is literally City On Fire.

Django is literally a story already.

The "Battles without Honor an Humanity", the Kill Bill theme, is literally stolen from the movie, Battles Without Honour and Humanity.

Tarantino isn't just a hack, he's a talentless fuckhead.


Zatoichi 1989

Also, OP should check this video out: youtube.com/watch?v=lVCpXYBFvuo

Thanks. This looks interesting.

He might be a hack but he's not talentless. Far from it, kid. Tarantino's dialogue is uncanny, and he's an amazing writer.

>people are actually dumb enough to believe this shit

clever guy
everybody steals....

There's a difference between inspiration and outright copying. The new work should still be original in its way. Not just new characters doing the same shit old characters did.

Tarantino belives that he is a black man. This is related to childhood insecurities about his mother having a sexual preference for African-American men. He felt that his mother would not love him enough due to being white, so in order to compete for her affections, he started identifying with black culture so much that he eventually began thinking of himself as black.

Foot fetishism is not, in fact, a "black male thing". It is directly tied to subservience. Men feel arousal at sexualizing the literal lowest part of a woman, which is generally regarded as dirty, smelly and unsexy. This is because foot fetishists feel inferior, not worthy of the breast or the vagina, and must gain arousal from the only part of the woman they are "entitled to".

Tarantino feels unworthy of his mothers love, hence the foot fetish, and projects himself as black to compensate for this. Unconsciously he believes that his identifying as black will spark sexual desire in her, which he interprets as matronly love.

>Kill Bill -> Lady Snowblood


>Far from it, kid. Tarantino's dialogue is uncanny, and he's an amazing writer.
Funniest post ITT, he's a retard man child that needs to feel special by wanking himself silly to obscure references jammed in everywhere.

>There's a difference between inspiration and outright copying. The new work should still be original in its way. Not just new characters doing the same shit old characters did.

No one complained when Fistful of dollars did it from Yojimbo.
The whole movie is a scene by scene scenario straight out of Yojimbo, but it's a homage. But with your interpretation it would be outright copying the same scenario with different characters.

>No one complained when Fistful of dollars did it from Yojimbo.
they should have. Fistful of Dollars fucking sucked and was a cheap ripoff, not an homage. they got sued over it.

Interesting, I never looked at the criticism of it. This guy told me it was a homage of Yojimbo and when I watched Yojimbo it felt way too similar, almost the same movie, but I had in my head "this is what a homage is supposed to be like"

his best film (resevoir dogs) is basically a scene by scene remake of city on fire. When he writes his own script and story it's basically incomprehensible

i'm pretty sure he's pretty open about the movies he rips off though.

it's not like a black swan/perfect blue situation

i feel the same way about the Magnificent Seven. just stealing a masterpiece Kurasawa movie. an homage is taking inspiration from something, not remaking it.

his dialogue is one note garbage that needs to be checked and reigned in or it becomes unbearable. QT should not be the head director or head writer of anything. He should probably be relegated to casting

>After a lengthy film discussion, Quentin suggests we head to bed, which is the point where I really start panicking. I have stalled for a good long time but the makeouts were really losing their appeal because you can only be sweated on so much, and we were getting closer to the moment of truth on whether I'd have to put out or not. The makeout continues for a while longer, and I'm really getting nervous about where the night may lead, kicking myself over not pretending to be more drunk and "passing out", and wishing he'd turn the damn lights off so that he won't notice that I'm wearing Hanes Her Way underwear the size of Canada that I bought at CVS that morning because my life is really just that sad and pathetic. We make out some more, there's a little below the belt action that I try to avoid, as QT has the most unattractive penis I have ever seen (short. fat. nub-like. The chode of all chodes. Boys, those junior high pamphlets are lying when they say that all shapes and sizes are normal. Lying.) Just as I'm about to hyperventilate over the fact that he may try to put that horrific bodily implement anywhere near my Britney, he leans over and goes "Hey..."

>I know this "Hey." This is the "Hey, should I get a condom?" hey that accompanies 20 minutes of ungratifying sex. As I'm trying to rapidly think of ways I can agent myself out of this deal, I hear what is without a doubt, the strangest question in the history of my life.

>Quentin Tarantino asks, "Can I suck on your toes while I jerk off?"

anyone else get a raging foot fetish from waching his shit as a child/adolescent? im not sucking toes and shit but damn i love looking at hot girls feet

You didn't like the dialogue in Inglorious Basterds?
That's a first

no, the movie is a clusterfuck and everything about it after the first 10 minutes is terrible. The dialogue is typical self-indulgent QT. It doesn't feel like the characters are speaking or acting on their own terms; everything is very obviously from the same source which ruins immersion. I'm not listening to two characters conversing. I'm listening to two people read Tarantino.

What did you think about the underground bar scene?
Did you love the tension and dialogue from the one nazi figuring out the identity of the fake German soldiers?

As as much as I agree with you on the most part, did you not feel impressed that the actors were pretty talented in switching back and forth in different languages?

But The Hateful Eight is his best film

holy shit ive read this but never knew it was real wtf

this explains everything

Can you really say it's better than both Kill Bills and Pulp Fiction?

it's genuinely one of his worst


The Magnificent Seven is the ideal of an homage. It takes the same premise but manages to make it its own.

I only like Jackie Brown and Inglorious Basterds, but they really are excellent. The problem I have with Tarantino isn't that he's unoriginal, but I generally really dislike his writing. It's often boring, and more recently he's be allowed to go really allowed to go off the rails.

I find his writing so unenjoyable I can't put it into words. His films all have a lot of significant issues with a lot of things.

not at all. it's a western ripoff that lacks the emotional depth of the original. it's not "inspired by" it - it's the same fucking movie in a different setting even stealing some of the shots.

you're mistaking good writing for good acting
there's nothing really noteworthy about the dialogue besides the fact that he likes to add weight to it by focusing solely on it and slowing the scene down for it
if you dissect the script there's nothing really out of the ordinary, the acting sold it

didn't they actually get sued and taken to court for essentially remaking Yojimbo without authorization of any kind?

The problem I had with it is it was yet another Jew-pandering muh evol nadseez movie. Which we are condemned to an endless stream of.

The yellow motorcycle suit The Bride wears in Kill Bill is from some Jackie Chan movie that nobody ever watched.

Total plagiarism.

many people saw the Basterds as way more cruel than the Nazis (see the bravery scene)
apart from Landa, the Germans were always seen as people carrying their duty, but the Jews were portrayed as neurotic fucks, the cinema coalburning girl included

I would like to make the point that writing about people talking about Pop culture is some of the easiest shlock you can put on paper. DFW was right

Are you really not aware of how famous Lee was? He was Schwarzenegger, literally a household name across the globe.

They're all just chinamen, cuck.

His Ezekiel 25:17 bit is from the beginning text crawl of a Sonny Chiba movie. Neither of them are the actual bible verse.

Resivour dogs is.literally a rip off....
Kill bill is a pastiche,
His only original script was jackie brown...

Nigga Jackie brown is based on a book he just made everyone black

Also death proof is a pastiche if girl/car b movies and slashers, Django unchained directly rips off several scenes from boss nigger and others, and hateful 8 is like a shitty version of the thing although it's still his best movie since Jackie brown it's still not good
Pulp fiction is just an amalgamation of lots of different crime films and things, can't really fault that though

>No one complained when Fistful of dollars did it from Yojimbo
Kurosawa did and 15% of money movie made went to him after court with Leone
he still liked the movie though

why does every one of these youtube "stars" sound like a basement dwelling nasal voiced loser

objectively a shit movie