It's this kind of thread

It's this kind of thread

Other urls found in this thread:

>love England
>love GERMany


Go back building my second house, Daniel Dos Santos Gomez

do you have the murican one?

It's GomeS, frog!

fucking Portugal man, can't have a chill holiday because everyone thinks I'm russian

>hates spain, france and italy
>loves germany
>loves poland and ukraine
>hates russia
Wtf? Are you sure you are a Barbosa?

Template or my opinion? Here's the template.

Template. I meant US states

I should be studying instead of rating some stupid map

Wtf i hate Portugal now.

That's about it.

I like the pro capitalist stance of Poland and West Ukraine. I hate Spain just because, hate Italy because they have a shitty culture, hate Russia because they are our ideological rivals, and hate France because they are snobs

lol, you see Belgium as a whole country

What? Why destroy Donegal? Literally no one lives there and the scenery is beautiful

Why the hate for us? We've got so many of your brethen and sis' here.

My Flemish Sense is tingling!

Had to add another colour for the moors, because I don't like Spaniards, but at least they did fight the good fight.

Why the hate ?


op is a fucking inbred retard, ignore him

My opinion.

Bloody plebs

Cyka blyat

Thanks, senpai!

Doesn't surprise me coming from a German cuck

I am sorry, i dont have that one.

You are filling up with niggers. Old France is dying realy, realy fast.


You're welcome oldest ally

That's ok, bro

>Poortugal likes countries that give it money and hates everyone else

sounds about right

yeah but Daniel O'Donnel tho

Why hate Guyane ?

>Portugal likes countries that give it THEIR money BACK
ftfy, Moses.

I thought you were an Ukrainian immigrant.

Well, you hate the three countries which are culturally closer to yours. And you openly state that you hate one because of its culture.

Fuck off eternal teuton.




Britain always honours her alliances.

Like in the Pink Map situation?

My bros know who they are.

Mate, we didn't even go to the eastern border of Angola or the western border of Mozambique until the 1950's. We had no hopes of securing Zambia/Zimbabwe

It was either them or the dutch. And fuck the dutch.

Opinion primarily funded on the respective policies and less on the people. To give an example in my experience Frenchies can be arrogant as fuck but there are some decent ones.


Why so much hate for the isles?

Love everyone

there should be a big red hate dot for every capital city which is now filled with mudslimes


primarily because of the PC bullshit that their politicians are trying to establish internally and because of constant need for special treatment in the EU, but now that they will leave I´m starting to like you guys more.


that´s true

just out curiosity why would you hate Bulgaria? :D





Why the fire, based Portugal?

Fuck the scots,the swedes,the africans (belgian) and the eu and the muzzie hellholes of course

The rest is quite nice but my country is the cause of all evil at this point

>91,6 %
When was this map made?

I would seriously doubt Italy's percentage.

2014, Abdullah

Neutral for most as I literally don't give a shit about them and they don't even exist in my mind

There you have it, then.
They should do another one after the refugee """"crisis""""

Wow, talk about bad neighbors.

fuck you too swen :^)

>loves the Black sea

Probably a Varna faggot. They're smug little cunts who think they're better than everybody else.

I only love the UK and Portugal.

Everyone else can suck my cock

probably the first time anyone wants to be spanish, because it so fucked up, not even "refugees" want to stay

Glad we have the Danube to separate you muslims from us True Dacians

Why so salty, hans?

what is it with Romania and cringy avatarfags

there's tank guy and dracula guy and that guy who really hates hungarians, like more than usual for them

honestly... I always wondered how brits are still defending their island. I've been livin in Newcastle for half a year and beforehand so many Sup Forumsacks told me the english north is still pure... It was the biggest shithole I've ever been to, not even lying. Pakis und negroes everywhere, streets full of shit and ulgy whores.

And I lived in Duisburg and Berlin, which I considered shitholes before my time in England

just the bantz. I love spain

take my money and shut up shitskin

Apart from Corsica / Sardinia, I didn't bother cleaning up what was left before. I'm good to neutral when it comes to British isles.

Why do so many people hate Albania and Kosovo? kek

I was there a few times and it was awesome... is it because they are le muslims? XDD

>Tyne & Wear

>being called shitskin by a spaniard
kek, gotta love Sup Forums


i see what you did there


would you prefer that weebfaggot cancerbrush russian from estonia posting that teethbrushing gif?

It's always the bloody Portuguese and Greeks hating on Finns just because the people didn't want to sign up for the extremely shady EU bailouts, yet were pushed into it by EU job yearning politicucks anyway. Fuck you too.

Here's the meme video you created back when the whole hate started.


kek, that video is cringe-worthy and has nothing to do with why we hate you.

>This map

No french would post such a map

Yeah, a true French would color Algeria blue instead.

Wow, I would've never guessed. Tackar storbror!

I'm proud of you
you posted like a true angolian

>Kill it with fire
I love you Portugal.

wtf have the scots ever done they're a non entity meme country fuck England tho

I still love you

Then I'm not part of my own cucktry, I guess, and that's for the better.

Elaborate, then. Never had any problems in Lisbon until the whole bailout shit started, I used to conduct much of my business there.

Oh, it has to do with the bailout attitude, just not that video in particular.

>It's filling up with niggers
But that's not true. We have had niggers for 100 years now, most of the black people you meet in France are the Great grand children of immigrants. The true immigrants are the sand niggers who live in northern France, since those who live in Paris are the kids of the guys who lived here while we had Algeria.
You just see them more often in sports because wealthy people don't play football anymore. Look at our government or in smaller cities, it's 95% white



Can you then explain is there any reason why we should support the descendants of Muslim rape babies? Because last I checked we don't owe anything to you and one would think that a country with a history like Portugal's, getting rich off colonialism and all, would be more than able to help itself. Finland never had the luxury and it was a pretty much a 3rd world country until 1950s.

Niggers haven't bothered us until the early 80s when they figured out they could flee their piece of shit by plane.
I wonder which part of France you're from cause there's no way in hell we're 95% white, not even in our government, not even in smaller cities.
Though, mudslimes and niggers are in majority where I am. (Near Paris)
The only nigger-free places I have been were basically empty...