Tfw Norway will never annex Sweden

>tfw Norway will never annex Sweden
>tfw you will never be enslaved and made into a House Swede, made to suck Norwegian cock every day
why live

hello eyvind. nice proxy.

>you will never be a sex slave for a milf

this can be arranged

Swedish boypussy belongs to Norwegian men

Wtf it should be the other way around.

Norway is richer, has the superior landscape and is more relevant despite having half the population.

Swedes already serve you, as waitresses and other lowly peasant jobs

Norwegians are just Danes with no potato.

Which makes Norwegians superior

>doesn't want a potato

I'd rather have a cock down my throat than a potato

Kill yourself you faggot.



stop this shit, put down the fucking soy.

I exclusively drink Norwegian cum

t. mentally ill faggot

What is actually wrong with swedish "men"

Nice proxy, Truls. Or did you cross the border just to make this post?


häng dig själv bög

your bullying only makes me harder

I'm sure you can go to Malmo and suck Mohammed's cock.

>sucking stinky middle easterner cock
no thanks

besides, muslims don't like gays

You dont need to go Malmö, it's aviable everywhere in Sweden these days.

Not everywhere.

t. Gotland

You could use some immigrants actualy since Gotlanders are so inbred lmao

No thanks Mr Bonnier

Are gotlanders like our ålanders? Inbred and they dont need to accept refugees.

Yes and yes :)

> Finns are forced to use Å when talking about one of their provinces
How does this rank in the Scandinavian humiliation ladder?

I could use term "oland" or Ahvenanmaa if I wanted, but since this is a scandi thread why i would not use the swedish name of it you dumb parilla nigger.

>tfw no field cabin to live in and wait for my viking masters to come and blow their load in my throat

Why even live

>tfw no Danish big ass big tit piggish gf

>knep min rǿv user

wtf I'm straight now

The image of a full grown Scandinavian who only speaks in a monotone and keeps intense eye contact during conversation making these posts makes me uncomfortable

I'll speak in monotone and keep intense eye contact with you while I blast your ass

>*notices your bulge* OwO

They have oil
You will never have

these are the people making these threads

nej jag är en söt flicka(pojke) ivl

not until you throw out your niggers we wont

But once you annex us you can do whatever you want, including throwing out the niggers yourself

me too hehe :3

a beautiful thought at least

not as beautiful as you :)

t. Ole Gunnar shopping in sweden


>tfw literally reading this while a Swedish dude serves me another coffee

Haha then what ;)

t. Pole who thinks sucking black dick in Sweden made him Swedish

WTF I love Sweden now