Why are most artists leftist?

Why are most artists leftist?

Is mostly political correctness and virtue signaling.

report and sage

It doesn't make much sense for an artist to be right wing, unless they draw manga or old retired lady landscapes or drawings of celebrities or some shit.

It's kinda like a right wing jazz musician, it just doesn't make sense.

>It doesn't make much sense for an artist to be right wing
Top kek

'cause criticizing the system, smoking weed, coming up with conspiracy theories and repeating the same topics mass audiences love so much (the government is bad, money owns us, all politicians are corrupt, women are hyper sexualized, office workers are treated as slaves, people in Africa deserve our attention, religion is a form of systematized manipulation, minorities and so on and so on) gets you so much attention for so little effort one would have to be a masochist to remain rightwing when trying to find his audience.

>Can't stick to my morals so I will just follow the masses

Since creativity is a part of being artistic, and creativity is about experimenting and trying new ideas, it makes sense that this might be reflected through an artist holding more progressive political beliefs.

Yeah except that the modern progressive left is very authoritarian and conformist. You'd think that a artist want freedom, not censorship and finger wagging moralists telling them how you must avoid "perpetuating sexist steteotypes" or send desth threats to your tumblr when you didn't put a jew nose on your steven universe fanart.

Gotta pay the bills man, gotta appeal. To find balance between the two is my ordeal.

That actually makes a lot of sense. It's a shame we've shifted our right wing into left and our left wing into cancer over the course of the past few decades.

You know, a lot of the highest ranking officials in Nazi Germany were artists of some sort

Right wingers are not creative.

Why is the right now triggered by someone having different political views

>Bush's cat paintings

Why is this thread on /ic/?

I'm mostly left politically speaking but I also hate muslims and Islam with all of my heart ever since I had to grow up alongside a couple of them. Recent events are just confirming my hate. They're the scum of the earth and there's no hope of ever turning them into civilized people. Fuck em till they're dead, I say. I also hate most african people, chinese people, maylasians and arrogant asian people in general. Japan, South Korea, Singapor, Thailand and couple of others are good in my book tho.

What does that say about me?

You can't say that here!

Both the right and left wing are prone to delusional idiots who follow the masses. No matter what politics, religion, circle of friends you are in there will always be one idiot who takes the extreme side of things or who wants the world to change because of his feelings.

So if we instead judge the intellectual left vs the intellectual right, by the politicians, political parties and policies, then we get a bit of a clearer image.
Artists typically care about art and education. The left wants to solve education and social issues by increasing funding for these things and giving more of an equal playing field for the lower and mid-class.
Along with that, there are many horror stories of artists who work slave-wages and overtime with no pay since they are seen as expendable.

The right doesn't exactly want to solve these issues, it doesn't see any problems with current education and social issues. It has more to do with treating the nation as a corporation out to earn income rather than treating it's people, while indulging in nationalism to create a sense of unity where we care more about a nation's GDP rather than human development index.
Because of these policies education tends to suffer, and typically there are no obligations for artists to be treated well in the workplace since corporations are supposed to reign supreme.

>political correctness, censorship!!
i.e. why don't everyone in real life act like the rest of the 16 year olds who browse my online anonymous imageboards?!
Be more specific; what is currently being politically corrected and isn't just treating someone with civility, and what is currently being censored?

As an artist you can't really aford to alienate people by being anything but the most pc possible, since that gets you blacklisted real fast.

Also because most "artists" are priviledged scum who've never worked a day in their lives.


I think you are confusing right-wingers with the corporate neocons that have a vice grip on the American right since the '60s. Those are big-business zionists who have nothing in common with their traditional voting demographic.

There is no sense of nationalism in the GOP, that is until Trump and the wave of the"alt-right".

I can argue about how the left's view on the education system is more damaging, but I don't really want to get into that.

>I can argue about how the left's view on the education system is more damaging, but I don't really want to get into that.
okay so you dont know how

>I think you are confusing right-wingers with the corporate neocons that have a vice grip on the American right since the '60s.

What's the difference? Both are right and go hand in hand

That quote is fake justsayin

My heart honestly sank when I first saw this. If I were ever an artist that renowned I would never express my political views.

it says that you are not left you idiot

The left is in favor of federalized education, common core, no child left behind, "free" college, standardized testing, affirmative action. All lite-marxist style institutions that push children towards the most common denominator. This penalizes good students and is allowing poor students to coast.

The average IQ of a college student is less than half of a standard deviation away from 100, when a few decades ago only the most brightest students would be pushed towards higher learning.
More money spent on more people to reach the same levels of mediocrity.

Small government, non-federalized, private, charter, and homeschooled students do much better and graduate at higher rates.

The left is trying to eliminate academic competition, and turn schools into social indoctrination centers, this is exactly how the communists treated their schools.

Both are not right. Zionism and corporatism are not right wing ideologies, free market+open borders are libertarian principles.

I'm a Constitutionalist, small government that serves/protects the people from foreign threats, while local and state governments are more representative and have greater power over their communities than the federal. I like my guns, I like my freedom, and I will provide my own security. Modern Liberals/Progressives destroy freedom and would prefer security over truth and liberty.

Just leave me and my family alone so I can draw in peace. Let the Libs continue to destroy cities and communities like they did with Detroit, Chicago, etc.

The account isn't run by KJG himself though.

It says you're a realist.

You're assuming that leftists have to buy into multiculturalism. There can be leftist societies that are mono-racial and mono-cultrual. For example, Japan.

nazi art was shit tier art. you dont even have to be leftist to realize that

>mass audiences

You mean 16-30 year olds in the Internet? Guarantee the average person doesn't give a shit about any of those things

You just know your audience cause you're apart of it but it's not the majority, at all.

I don't think the person managing it would express their political views without KJG's consent. But I really do hope that is the case.

>leftist society

pick one you fuckin moron. you think it was a coincidence that they were collaborating with the nazis?

Are you talking about the futurists?

That's because it has became trendy to be left wing lately and people who would normally stay away from left wing ideas are parroting them in an attempt to sound cool.

Listen OP, most internet users in Europe and America are leftists, they are exposed to mass media and SJW shit, so that's what they believe as a reality.
It is only normal that most artists are leftists, but so are engineers, teachers, etc.

Nazism is not a right wing movement at all.

trying to give every child the possibility for a proper education doesn't mean that every child has to have the same standardized education.

>Nazism is not a right wing movement at all
>it had the word socialism in its name therefore its socialist hurr durr

why does everyone on this site fall for this shit? cant you fucking think for a second?

>Confirmation bias
Nowadays is harder to come out as a conservative than as a gay, trans, etc

Incorrect. Both his Facebook and Twitter are run by KJG himself.

>harder to come out as a conservative than as a gay, trans

whew, I'd like to live where you live.

All their policies were far left

What are you talking about? You think before the NCLB act there were children who couldn't go to school?

Standardized education is a joke. As I said, it just is a way to push every child into the same mold, nation-wide, regardless of excellence or stupidity. Trust me, everything the left is pushing for in terms of education is standardized and federalized.

If you think that every child has the right to go to a good school then why is the left trying to ban charter schools and sanction private/home schools? When they are proven to be the best option for children? Oh right, because it's not "equal" enough.

You won't

Strong government control = left

Then go post something on your art blog about how you're going to vote for trump.
Or you can come out as a gay genderqueer fairykin. Guess which option is going to get you blacklisted from the art community.

I've literally seen industry professionals tweet about black supremacy, unironic"we waz kingz" memes, and draw homosexual erotica. They still have jobs and are completely open and honest about their political beliefs.

Mods need to stop moving threads here, fuck off we're full

Fuck hillary

not only that, but someone actually felt the need to move THIS TRASH here rather than just delete it
think about that
how fucking stupid do you have to be to see this thread & think
>oh shit i better move this FUCKING GARBAGE to Sup Forums rather than delete it

>butthurt art student detected

>artistic leftists

because most artists lack creativity

How does being leftist mean you lack creativity?

>hurrr let's move this b8 thread on over to Sup Forums instead of just deleting it


Right wing artist reporting in

I think this is a thread from another board that got moved here.