Reminder thar Rick never said 'GOD'S NOT REAL MORTY'

Reminder thar Rick never said 'GOD'S NOT REAL MORTY'.

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>Niggers aren't real, Morty!


He said it to Summer, not morty and he never says it again.

It doesn't matter who he said it to. He said there was no God.

Whoever he said it to, the fact remains that he provided no evidence or logic.

He said it once. Better make it a meme.

Yes but he never directly said it to morty, which is what everyone memes about.

He says it atleast twice per episode newfag

>BUUURRRRP Morty Go-BUURRRRP-ds not real BUUUURP Morty! I'm enlightened Rick!!

Name everytime he said it in the first season.

>Morty, A-Allah's n*burp*not real and Mu-Mu-Muhammad was a piece of *burp* shit and a ch-child rapist, Morty! Islam is not a rel*burp*igion of p-peace, Morty! L-L-Look up "taqiyya," Morty! *burp* Can't trust those camel jockeys! The wh-white race is superior to *burp* all other races, M-Morty, and I can prove it mathematically, Morty!
Do you think Roiland went too far with this one?

There isn't one.

Wtf I love Reddit and Cucky now?

Based Rick


Prove it

>people take this seriously and don't realize it's part of his asshole character

He even prayed to God when he thought it would help him before changing his mind back when he was saved. He's a hypocrite.

>it's just his character XD lol


Don't you have some kids in town to prevent from dancing?


If you enjoy watching the show, fucking watch it, but Sup Forums will always call it reddit.

Its a good show (not the second coming like its fans would have you believe if they weren't all atheists, but fun nonetheless,) but its fans are pure fucking reddit. Regardless of the actual content of the show, Sup Forums will continue to focus on the redditest aspects because of its insufferable fucking fans.

>antifascist in the middle


It was a good show. Season three has been abysmal so far.


>Trump's name was drumpf once better shit myself over two scoops

>prove a negative
Prove there isn't a teacup orbiting the Earth right now?

I kind of dropped off midway through season 2 because it was being shoved down my throat and it was difficult for me to watch without thinking about the numale at a party explaining to me how great of a show it was. I know I shouldn't let the fanbase ruin it for me, but I just kept putting it off until I stopped.

Too bad. I may never see PICKLE RICK now.

I don't see what the problem is. Religion is the domain of savages and charlatans.


frasier is the most comfy sitcom

It was already getting bad during season 2, so you made a good decision there. If you saw Get Shwifty, it's basically all either on that level of quality or below it now.

> fraser.

Was never actually that smart.

How do I upvote this?

I know, I'm just adding another level of bait to the picture

Overall yes but it still needed that appeal for mass audiences.

I mean just compare it to Big Bang Theory

I never actually watched big bang theory.

Comedy sitcoms are incredibly derivative now. At least with animation they can produce a level of spectacle and drama that you simply can't get with conventional set design.

For someone purported Atheist, Rick tends to talk to God a lot when he doesn't think anyone's listening. He does it on a very personable level, in a way because his own ego makes him believe he is capable to speak to such a being so frankly.

Nice pop culture reference, Talk about a zingadingdinglubbububadudbbubba

Says someone who never played devil's advocate to their own choices in life.

I bet you didn't weigh your options when you posted, did you cocksucker.

You're not missing anything.

Now that's not fair to accuse, I had to consider if I wanted to post an irrelevant image or not.

You don't believe in free will, do you cuck.

Reminder that Dan is an asshole and Justin doesn't want to work with him anymore

I enjoyed S1 and S2 but what is going with S3? Why are the first ten minutes of S3E2 all about how great Summer suddenly is?

I wouldn't care if Summer died next episode of the flu somehow. She blows.

what did rick mean by this?

Donald Trumps name was never Drumpf

Why the fk would a man who can literally do/create anything himself believe in god? I must have missed the part in the Bible about switching timelines. "Fuck you, there is no god"

>Don't make me have to do this in front of The Hollywood Reporter next time.

>dude I'm a grown man who believes in sandnigger fairy tales about a sky wizard who gets angry if you touch your pecker lmao

okay sure, check the satellites. You won't see a teacup

Somebody actually took the time to make this

You actually think you're less obnoxious than rick and morty fans? Youre an angry obessed weirdo

It's invisible but I bear witness to the teacup Lord therefore it's real

Eat shit, faggot. You came to the wrong website with that chip on your shoulder.

But I bet you got it when your daddy raped you.

lmao literally an upset child

But us redditors are the "triggered" ones.

Why does everyone try to make me hate this show? Even when it started, everyone was shitting on it straight out of the gate. People enjoy bad things all the time but you never see a chick get called autism because she likes anime.

>o-oh shit, I just came onto a website acting like a cunt and someone dunked on me, better tell him he's mad

Is this your first time around these here parts or were you just born retarded, user?

>Implying there is a god

sheeeit, I though you were being post-post ironic with your Dirty Dancing reference comment. I gave you too much credit by post-post-post ironically reddit commenting back at you. You need more lurk time normie.

>believing that god could be behind physics means you believe he hates masturbatin
grow up kid personally i believe when we die we get a crack at being a god

My shoes are too tight and everyone else must forget how to dance.


>Y axis goes from dumb to smart
>X axis goes from smart to dumb
this triggers my autism

you won't see a magical man with a white beard either.

Dennis and Dee have Ivy League educations

This is real? That's so awkward and embarrassing. He clearly does not want to work with that guy for whatever reason.

>show is supposed to be nihilistic and purport that "life is meaningless, do whatever"
>goes against this and focus on single version of rick and morty, despite infinite ricks and mortys
>increase focus of developing family dynamics
>sci fi used to be the focus with dysfunctional family as the backdrop, now it's a show about the family that explores their dysfunction through sci fi plots
>season 3 has completely given up on the A plot/B plot structure in favour of a plot
>move away from monster of the week/non ordered episodes towards a series you have to watch in order to understand the current state of the family
>edginess has been upped to an uncomfortable degree, like when rick talks to the one rat "i could have given you an identifier like scar but then you would be different from the rest of the hordes of you i kill man am i cool" was cringey as fuck
>the writers think it was clever (not just kind of silly or fun, but a legitimately clever way to get across the feeling) to have rick go on a needless murder spree while the family sits through a mindlessly boring therapy session
>the self insert character who gets to BTFO the god character of the show was stupid
>they wasted the voice talents of danny trejo and peter serafinowicz


>Scientist in a cartoon doesn't believe in God
Are you seriously triggered by this?

>Nobody cares if you enjoy watching Rick & Morty
>Rick & Morty is reddit and reddit is cancer newfag get out you don't even now who snacks was REEEEEEEEE
Wait, people take the reddit meme seriously enough to make this?

He may never say those words exactly again, but he definitely says stuff to that effect.

The episode where they go into Rick's spaceship battery comes to mind, paraphrasing here:

>I hope when you meet your god, he's as big a dick as you

>My god doesn't exist, why do you think I"m here?

I'm pretty sure there are other occurrences but I'm not about to rewatch the series to prove a point to strangers on the internet

Have an upvote good sir!

What's worse is that they bring it into real life and try to bait people with the show to see if they'll laugh or like it, only to get mad when they do

>The year is 2017
>People still believe in (any) God





what kind of nuanced fucking idiot do you have to be to see that video and still go on to act like this thread has any point, i hope you grow out of your autism one day, for your fathers sake, he doesnt desrve to have a son like you

I'll take "what is an absurdist hero" for 100, Alex.

what did justin mean by that

no proofs of God not existing either
atheists believe as much as theist
both are retarded, atheists just a bit more

>no proofs of God not existing either
- The world is not 6000 years old, thanks to some very old Zircon rock, we know it's at least 4.543 billion years old.

- We now know there was no Adam and Eve,
Evolution has been proven on a genetic level.

- The Big Bang happened, its afterglow can be seen today.

- The world never flooded, it would take 4.5 billion cubic kilometres of water. Earth only has 1.3 billion cubic kilometres.

- Out of body experiences and near death experiences occur in all cultures regardless of one's faith.
- They can be induced in a lab using the God Helmet (google it, it's pretty cool). It's now understood as a product of human biology.


>God means abrahamic religions and the fact that my literal understanding of the Bible doesn't work proves God is not real
btw I know you are memeing because no one can be this retarded and also you used the ":^)" so let's cut it there senpai

You guys make it science vs religion, but science is religion, everything explained in this cartoon, you habent seen a day in your life, amd thats what we call, SCIENCE FICTION OR SCI-FI,

think about it, the sci fi you guys hear of is false, and iys sad we have to learn aboit it in school that we humans evolve from monkeys, like cmon now, so we're the pokemon before the pokemon we acclaim to catch, but anyway, if we evolved from monkeys then why are monkeys still on earth if its been over millions of years ? monkeys should be "AREA UNKNOWN"

they acclaim animals evolved from dinosaurs but why arent dinosaurs still around, dinosaurs were bigger than monkeys and capable of surviving, naw something not right, right?

we humans were our own species from.the beginning of time, the only true logic is that since we're made up of molecules and etc, we came of existence from the work of a God,

science is a brainwash, and my last acclaim is ok, ok, now listen carefully, IF NOTHING HAPPENS AFTER DEATH, IF WE'RE REINCARNATED, OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT, why not take the chance to worship a God who gives you a heaven or hell just to be sure, and if God not real then you'll know then after because everyone who died, if they're reincarnaded, they'll vome back and tell us thats its no God or not, or if theres no heaven or hell, i see you at of what i call, "nothing after earth" lol seriously dude, i love science, but wake up, its not that hard to figure out a mestery, when its still a mestery

Holy fuck, did the Bible make you retarded? What part of my post suggested that I was talking about abrahamic religions?

3 out of your 5 "points"

- 6,000 years
- Adam and Eve
- Floods

Adam and eve was from the Bible you retard.

Rick also prayed to God and met the devil. The meme is nonsensical.

>i'm a real intellectual, not like those fake ones
>image misuses "god is dead"

always sunny is not a "smart" show

>What part of my post suggested that I was talking about abrahamic religions?
>atheist so buttmad he forgot his own post


>Still not disprove any of the points

Roiland is a weird goober who could never have been successful on his own but he's not an idiot and I think he looks down on Harmon because Harmon *is* successful but he *is also* an idiot. The pseudointellectual nihilism themes are all Harmon's and I think it's wearing thin on Roiland that he has a "smart" show, when all the "smart" fans think they're a lot smarter than they are.

Wouldn't it wear pretty thin if you made something that you thought was stupid and everyone in the country said it was the smartest thing ever?

>harmon is successful
literally Roiland has done more and done better than Harmon

>Reddit spacing

the more Io learn about science the more I become an agnostic theist, firstly because there was such a tiny chance that life would come about in a random, uncaring universe and secondly because of the way human consciousness can change reality on a quantum level.
Oh I mean the earth is 6000 years old, evolution is a scam, big bang never happened adam and eve not adam and steve.
The latter is what you retarded atheist fucks immediately think when you hear that someone believes in god, the former is what most theists actually are. We do not have to debunk your 'arguments' against god but I'm sure would like to hear about them.

You have to go back

>Being this delusional

kill yourself teenager

>he thinks belief in God constitutes belief in any sorta religion
turning 16 this year m8?