How do we fix The Nutshack?

How do we fix The Nutshack?

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It doesn't need fixing.

It's completely irredeamable.

I don't know

A longer intro

Meanwhile the Youtube is recommending me "the nutshack theme but with every nutshack replaced with the entire game theory's sans is ness video"

WTF is even a Nutshack? This is a serious question.

It's the only filipino representation on TV

>this doesn't actually exist

Deeply disappointed.

And it's awful.

Best waifu

thank god i'm not the only one

Get rid of that fucking robot mouse. Just, jesus christ.

Just, just get rid of the completely unnecessarily disturbing "humor". I am not talking seeing Grannies wrinkly ass on the toilet, I am talking about people literally vomiting in someone's mouth and the other person swallowing loudly. This shit happens multiple times an episode (from the two I have seen) and just fucking never needs to.

Maybe have a coherent fucking plot. Just have a character say what they are doing every couple of minutes or so.

remove everyone except tito dick

Jesus Christ

>Nutshack intro but every noun is replaced with a marathon of the entire Nutshack series

>Nutshack intro but every noun is replaced with the Nutshack intro
>this goes on infinitely in a paradox
>video reaches youtube's maximum allotted video game
>just loading the page crashes your comp

Have an episode where Duerte purges them.

Rodrigo "El Muerte" Duerte

The only tv show in history to get a -2 nelsen rating

It took me a while to realize the characters were Filipino and not some crude Chicano stereotype

that guy is fucking insane
heard he tied one of his nephew in a helicopter and flew it around the city just because he did meth

That would just be IT'S THE repeated over and over again.

Yup. We need to think of more names for him. Like Ben Garrison and Dan Schynder.

This cartoon is so progressive

Nutshack theme with nouns replaced with Entire movie of End of Evangelion when?

No wonder she's da freak of da weeka

So did the guys that made it ever felt remorse or pain?

How do you fuck up his name when it's literally in the file name?

Imagine Family Guy if it was made by a Filipino, had animation 100x worse and bad voice acting.

Nutshack theme backwards, except for the word Nutshack and the characters' names.

15 Fucking Hours

jesus christ even with a shitty meme like this jojofags still find a way to make it more cancer they literally are the mlp of anime

>that guy in every thread who gets instantly triggered by jojo

Kill every person that asks "How do we fix The Nutshack?"

I was hoping it would just because that would be a pretty convenient way to watch the Godfather trilogy.

Is that Jeff Bridges?

A meme isn't officially cancer until either Shrek or Corey in the House is added to the mix.

So how did this become a epic meme on tumblr it's just one of these early 2000's edgy adult cartoon

It's Varg Vikernes. Metal musician, church burner, murderer, and cutest hasubando.

It's been a thing for a long time now. I'm not sure why it's gained so much attention recently.

two words; siivagunner


That's one word

Who is silvagunner? I see him mentioned in these threads all the time, but his youtube channel seems to be just a channel filled with video game music.

shut up it's still the answer to the question.

which episode?

>video game music
>not high quality rips
basically they post video game music with some weird twist or whatever. here's one with the nutshack theme in it, for example.

Fuck off Triple Q your jokes aren't funny anymore and the SG channel is a dead joke of a channel now with ran downed memes

And fuck you Pan for even bringing up this shit series
for all its faults, they do the switched bodies thing without switching the voices. so i guess they got that working out for them.

Some guy who stole the name of an actual video game music uploader and uploads mashups pretending they're real video game music. What I find weird about the whole phenomenon is that they all call him "SilvaGunner" like he's the actual person.

i think Silva Gunner just sealed the deal

They're worst than Steven posters


>mixing Parappa with this auditory swill
I hope the account gets blocked again.

>Sup Forums giving in to OP memeing nutshack

You are dead to me, Sup Forums

is it bad that I actually like how this sounds

Step 1: Make it "The Nunchuck"

for the love of god


Nutshack has popped up on Sup Forums for a while, before Silvagunner and his stolen name, not to mention Pan.

>implying this isn't 3-5 asshats doing the same thing everyday
