Why do these three colors make a country so successful?

why do these three colors make a country so successful?

why does having green in your flag automatically turn your country into a favela jungle?


Bulgaria has green in its flag but it isn't a shithole

Why is the red part on our flag bigger
It triggers me

>France is a successful country

>it isn't a shithole

Australia's official flag is actually kinda long, so is ours, which is annoying

>Bulgaria isn't a shithole

This lmao
Frenchies btfo


They are inherently white culture colors. That's not to say over time some of that whiteness has gone to shit, but the point remains

I have white and a blue-like color in my flag, am I successful?

>why does having green in your flag automatically turn your country into a favela jungle?
>looks at cali flag
huh you might be onto something

It's because when the flag is waving in the wind on a post the slightly different ratio of blue/white/red makes them all look equivalent. If they were viewed from a distance while waving the stripes would not look equal sized.

Fr*nce is a failed state.

> Failed at WW2
> Failed at heterosexuality
> Failed at Waterloo
> Failed at colonization
> Failed at speaking a civilized language

the lawn where the bear takes a shit? that's not much green at all

The alternative French flag in the lower right-hand corner of OP's pic is stunning.

thats russia

right hand not left

What's with australians, australian's belgium and their hate for the French ?

Tryharding a bit there bud

Probably an Australian in New Zealand

>not a shithole

no wonder why this state is a shithole

The only Australians who hate the French are tryhard American wannabes.