Really makes u think

Really makes u think

Why do you guys repost shit from.that site if you don't like it? Do you also shit on your kitchen floor and complain when you step in it?

are you guys excited for the rick and morty crossover with big bang theory? wubbazinga dub dub BURP

Confirmed that Rick and Morty spam is rooted in stupid people being butthurt about being called stupid



>for dumb OP
>about dumb poster


>R&M still there
You didn't fix shit


You're not very smart, are you?

Smart people don't indulge in mindless and formulaic entertainment.

You rebbitors should commit sudoku desu

I don't know, are you?

>*buuurp* you're sounding like a dudebro pissbaby, Morty.

You're not very smart if you can't tell how smart you are compared to most people.

>reddit belongs in all fields

definitive ftfy

t. Rocket scientist
You've yet to prove how Rick and Morty is considered smart when it's baby's first nihilism show.

Someone has the original and not this bait?

The one that had Arrested Development, Big Bang Theory and another two.

>You've yet to prove how Rick and Morty is considered smart
Burden of proof is on you. You opened the debate by questioning the presence of R&M in the image, but you didn't justify your statement.
You're not making a good case for being smart right now, maybe you should watch more Rick and Morty.

Fixed it for you

Bottom right is 13 reasons why and the boxes are patrician taste.


You have never been in /got/

Already explained to you in the same post you quoted why it's nothing special. For a guy who claims to be smart you don't seem to read posts clearly.

I want a white/black people one

I don't have an opinion on the show, but the image stated that the show is made for smart people first. The burden of proof is on people who make such claim.

>fanbase quality = show quality

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

got is by no means brain food. its just that 13 reasons why literally targets tumblr teen girls and has its main character off herself through the most retarded reasoning.

She was raped and bullied and had no friends, is that not a good enough reason to kill yourself?
A lot of people here have attempted it for merely not being able to get laid, for example.


Where would you rank this? I love it, but it's hard to recommend. The humor is definitely an acquired taste wouldn't you say? It always felt normie-proof. You know next season is gonna be full reddit though. Hopefully it isn't I want to see more Ass-Man Larry David

Rich/Rich = Sex and the City
Rich/Poor = The Wire
Poor/Rich = Fresh Prince
Poor/Poor = Big Brother

>Comes out of chemo
>Has male pattern baldness

That's not how it works

Only accurate one

if you are watching tv shows, you are dumb people.

I'm not sayi g game of thrones is a bad show, i'm saying it has an arguably dumber audience than 14 reasons why


I wish I was smart enough to understand the comic genius of Fraiser and Always Sunny :(

i wish i was enough to be understood

>always sunny about dumb people
6/10 bait


I'm watching Frasier over again. It's just too good.

If you don't think that Maryland would have been shut down under martial law and the drinking water tested for the sheer amount serial killers being produced then you're not all that smart

How? Who the fuck is smart in Futurama? The Professor? Cubert? It's not really a show "about smart people."

Futurama isn't about smart people though, even the smart people in Futurama make dumb decisions the vast majority of the time

literally a post made on reddit 9 days ago

that's the joke, Ricky and Morty fans are psuedo-intellectuals

>fags are smart
fuck of with your false bias

>reddit shitposts on Sup Forums

>negativeIQ plots/jokes/people
>implying smart people enjoy it /bear it more than a couple episodes

>for dump people is on the right half
really makes you think


You win. Every single thing about this image triggers me.



In my experience 95% of people think they are more intelligent than the average person. You can see this by people using "IQ under a 100" as an insult.

t. retard

I don't see why Every Frame A Painting isn't about a smart person for dumb people. He's a great editor.

trailer park boys is ULTIMATE kino


not really. seinfeld on the other hand

I wouldn't say xavier is smart. he's just kind hearted
which usually leads to him being dumb

existentialism and nihilism aren't the same though.

I get the whole 'smart people' horseshit on Rick and Morty even though it's just that but how the fuck is always sunny for smart people

They aren't exclusive to each other. Being an existentialist implies you believe in nihilism also


>not putting Game of Thrones in the center

Trailer Park Boys jumped the shark at season 7

I'm getting the real Reddit experience and I don't even have to go on the site!

the latest seasons have been watered down but the first six or so seasons were magnificent high tier comedy.
Also Sunny has no laugh track which is the biggest indicator of a dumb comedy.

Rick and morty is actually the bait of the post because the humor is so family guy esque but "sciencey" in nature, not really smart or well written humor, just nerdy.

If you don't see how smart Sunny is then you are probably one of the dumb ones.

>had no friends
She was a roaster that wanted to get fugged by the jock
Her coworker had a crush on her


The only people who call Hannibal a smart show are 14-year-old suburban white girls masturbating to slashfics

>Why do you guys repost shit from.that site if you don't like it

What site..?

Every one of those shows is reddit garbage.

What if I like all of those shows? Am I smart or dumb? xD

>tfw to intelligent not to enjoy Rick and Morty

nah, that can't be right.

Rick and Marty is not a smart show. You arent smart by watching futurama 2.0

They cancel each other out. You're normal.

>nobody changes IASIP to for dumb people
the state of this board

>True detective anywhere but the left side

no shit, he's the most retarded character ever.

>Rick and Morty
>for smart people by smart people

Ahahahaha, I will be laughing so hard when you annoying retards will have to swallow an RaM episode about 78 genders while the next version of 'Oh my sex junk' song plays in the background.

>Implying that Seinfeld isn't a cosmopolitan existentialist meisterwerk on the same level as one of Thackery's intricately built satirical novels
Come one now

Switch Twin Peaks and True Detective

>first six or so seasons
Gotta bump that up to seven to include the Fat Mac season