"My asian dude I bet YOU can't eat the worst food wh*Te people has to offer"

>"My asian dude I bet YOU can't eat the worst food wh*Te people has to offer"
>gives me a can of Surströmming
>eat of all of it in minutes
tasted fairly good desu. smell added to the flavour 6.5/10. need more spices.

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Needs more balut and durian

Was it real surströmming straight out of Swädän though?

Fags I want to try a genuine surströmming. FWIW I live near Japan. What are my options?

Also you are posting a stock photo. I hardly believe you ate it.
Unless you are taiwanese and fond of stinky tofu. For those who unaware stinky tofu has strong smell of poo and these cunteyed fuckers boil it. the smell is so strong that every single white guy can't stand it. IT'S TERRIBLE

>stinky tofu is bad
wh*Tours señores y señoras

>What are my options?
Order it online, I'm sure it's possible.

I want those pork blood sticks they make.

This meme needs to die, when you get past the smell and add some onions, potatoes etc. It tastes great

yuropeans don't care much about blood cubes since most european countries have some blood based dish

wh*Toid filter
if you can not eat it, you are not wh*Te

NEED the pig blood

Buy blood, add flour, milk and egg. Fry.
Blood pancakes.

need weird rotten solutions from crazy asians though


Why is it so expensive?

Drink the blood raw

do you speak from experience? I like blood but I'd hate to die

Yes I got AIDS from it, should've known better than to trust Swedish blood

Do you want to eat this fishy goodness or not?


Looks good desu. Smalahove is way more disgusting.

Yeah, also ate it, didnt think it was that smelly. Tastes like regular salted herring though, nice with boiled potatoes. My housemate came in the evening though and nearly threw up, lmao, i guess i had a little cold, so didnt notice the smell

You shouldn't eat it on a plate though. And definitely not straight out of the can.

I already ate it, like a week ago.
>on a plate
Yes, i should have eaten it straight from a swedoid mouth

Did it say how old it is? A lot of the stuff sold outside the Scandinavia isn't nearly as fermented as it should be.

Personally, after it was decanned and properly prepared, I thought it was okay. It has an amazing distinctive flavour but really it was just not for me.

It was expiring next year, but yeah, its definetely not freshly made, which i dont think matters much for a canned fish

Learn to speak English lad

Surströmming ain't half bad tho. If you wan't bad try that rotten shark icelanders eat.

sounded fine to me

Fuck off, paki

>Order it online, I'm sure it's possible.
Where? IIRC it's not legal to import food like that.

I've eaten fermented shark before, could barely finish a dice-sized piece

How is surströmming compared to that?

Looks like a generic meal I had while I was in the uni.

What about poop wine? Do you drink it on a daily basis?

Understood it perfectly. Meanwhile you use colloquialisms

>I say it might have not been fermented enough
>he says it might not be freshly made

If you are too autistic to figure out what he said that's fine

Bloody wanker