Capes at times try to introduce horror elements, yet capeshit villains always fail to be scary

Capes at times try to introduce horror elements, yet capeshit villains always fail to be scary.
Why is that?
>inb4 that villain is powerful, so he's scary
If you're 15 year old with no grasp on horror, maybe.

>Why is that?
Because most writers cannot into subtlety.

Horror comics are rarely scary either.

Because comics are not a good medium for horror.

Not even the classic ec stuff was that scary.

When it comes to horror
>Sup Forums>/soc/>/lit/>>Sup Forums=Sup Forumstoons>>.

>not Sup Forums>Sup Forums>/lit/>/soc/=Sup Forums>Sup Forums>/x/

>Sup Forums
Oh, fuck off. Horror videogames are hot garbage.

Slasher was never supposed to be scary. It was more about gore and shock. Snyder's Batman takes inspiration from Candyman and Texas chainsaw massacre, both of which are slashers. Snyder's ideas were good, but his execution was thrash.
Lapham's Tec and Milligan's Batman run did proper horror with Batman. Atleast it was shocking and more of psychological journey into a unknown.

>Not listing Sup Forums or /trash/
You and I have very different thoughts about what counts as 'horror'.

>Texas chainsaw massacre
It was pretty scary, though. At least for a slasher flick.
The fact that it looks like a snuff film/documentary and most gore is implied (too fucking bad remake creators didn't get the memo that viewer's imagination is scarier than dripping blood and guts on the viewer) made it pretty disturbing for a slasher movie.

I will admit i may be overestimating how good the medium is for it because of just how fucking fantastic amnesia the dark descent was.

>amnesia the dark descent
Okay, let's disagree then. I hated it.

Personally, I believe videogame horror is creatively bankrupt with its constantly rehashing Silent Hill 1 and 2 over and over.

> Candyman and Texas chainsaw massacre, both of which are slashers

And both of which are still scary. The original Texas Chainsaw is a nightmare of a film, its one of the most unsympathetic and uncompromising American horror films ever made.

Also go back and watch Candyman, its reputation has been sullied by the shit sequels but the original is really way more of a psychological horror film then a slasher.

>with its constantly rehashing Silent Hill 1 and 2 over and over.

I mean you can not like Amnesia, that's up to you, but its nothing like the Silent Hill games at all.

The good ones are excellent, the bad ones are awful.

Alien isolation and Amnesia are top tier.

Dead space and resident evil are bottom.

Alien Isolation was pure trash and a huge waste of money. At least I didn't waste money on Amnesia but it was pretty bad too.

They're all similar in a way that they follow the same beats Silent Hill games do.
>claustrophobic corridors or empty streets
>constant darkness
>shitty monsters
>""creepy"" music
You played one of them, you played them all.

Name some comics that you find genuinely scary for comparison.


read Moore's Swamp Thing and From Hell.

stop being a pleb

why has Sup Forums gotten so shitty

Does Bendis' writing count if it makes me reel back in horror?

As a Sup Forumsro. I most goto Sup Forums and Sup Forums at work to avoid NSFW shit.

I've seen some dark shit on Sup Forums. But it's almost never "horror". Mostly these days it's traps.

>Buddy adam: bro I've been bored lately so I started going on Sup Forums.
>me: Sup Forums is the tremail fucked up board.
>adam: oh hey there's this hot naked chick
>me: probably a dude.
>adam: oh she's got a weiner.
>both of us laugh for like 5 mins

Swamp thing is scary?

Also, never read crossed. Seems like it'd be "horror" but mostly shock gore and such.

>calls someone else a pleb
>recommends the most plebeian choices of comics possible
You're an idiot.
From Hell is a terrible Jack the Ripper conspiracy fanfiction and Swamp Thing is overrated piece of shit, by the way. Moore has never had good grasp on horror.

Black Hole and Rat God come to mind.

I don't think it's fair to count Bendis as comics. It's more like weaponized anthrax in novel form.

What's Rat God about? Always heard about it, but never read it.

Are any of the Silent Hill comics any good?

>silent hill 2 is 15 years old this year

To be fair I think most super hero stories would be horror if you remove the hero and have the villains face normal people.

You can't really be "scared" by a comic because you control the pacing. Horror comics aim for creepy and unnerving and the goal is for the mood to stick with you after you put it down.

You can't be scared by any kind of fiction.
"Creepy and unnerving" is the best horror can manage.

>You can't be scared by any kind of fiction.

Keep pretending, tough guy.

I don't need to pretend, kid.
If you get scared by fiction after the age of 10, you have problems.

It's incredibly hard to pull off horror well in a comic. Comics lack pretty much everything that makes horror work in every other medium. Think of Junji Ito stuff, how much of it can you say is really scary instead of just generally unsettling? He does as much as he can with panel cuts to create suspense. Lead up to an off-putting scene and then show it. But that's literally what he does in every manga. Almost none of his stories are structurally any different in the way they pull off their 'horror'

How do you portray an eerie creek? Write it out as an onomatopoeia? That's not scary at all. In comics you have all the time in the world to understand what is in front of you. Horror is all about pushing you into situations where you don't have all the knowledge; you don't know what you are looking at or hearing.

Nah, you need to pretend, kid. Clearly.

>he gets scared by fiction and is now projecting so hard, it's blinding

Not at all. The whole point of fiction is to get into it, view/read/play/participate. Literally the only way to claim engaging fiction can't scare you (or make you feel any number of emotions) is to childishly claim you're better than it.

Like, say, to claim you're at least 11 years old and that makes you above fear. Or something else childish.

Oh and don't pretend embarrassment either, if you'd like to see some real life projection, that is it.

>I'm not projecting
>Here's some more idiotic projection I pulled out of my ass
You know what? Kill yourself. It's obvious you're a goddamn idiot who doesn't even know what he's saying.
Want to know what real fear is? Go work in asbestos mines, make enemies in the police station or walk through the woods during rainy day with lightning and thunder.
That's what fucking scary, not fucking scribbles/pictures that can elicit unease but never fucking fear.
Shut the fuck up already and stop trying to act smarter than you are.

>>Here's some more idiotic projection I pulled out of my ass

>If you get scared by fiction after the age of 10, you have problems.

Also woah, hold on with those projections in the rest of your post, bucko.

>Kill yourself.

C'mon now you were edgy enough already.


>starts it with
>gets butthurt when other people use his own tactics on him

You can stop samefagging now.

LOL you're talking to multiple people, retard.

>I have nothing worthwhile to say
Quality post.

Sure, faggot.

Sure, faggot.

>you know it's fake so it doesn't work

Why doesn't this same logic apply to porn?

Your waifu isn't real?

>you know the porn is fake, so you're just jerking off not having real sex
>fictional horror is fake, so you feel somewhat uncomfortable and disturbed, but not genuine fear
Better now?

DESU if you even get uncomfortable you're probably a dickless wuss.

>now he's driving my argument to absurd to try to discredit it
Nice false-flag, faggot.

The thing with horror comics is that the only way to really, really sell the horror is with the art.
Either that or just very implicational horror that is conceptually just horrible.

But anyway, you just have to make the actual art scary. I find a good way to do that is just to up the surrealism and make the art difficult to read at a glance so that when you see it, it really fucking gets you.

It's dumb to say horror comics can't be scary. Pictures can be scary, so no shit, comics can be scary since they're just a contextualized series of images. And of course it's not going to be scary if the pictures themselves aren't scary or worrysome. Thing is, a lot of comic artists get so caught up on the minutiae of drawing the image that they forget what makes it scary isnt the detail of the HYPER REALISTIC TOOTHY GRIN AND EYES AND BLUUUUUD, but the intensity of the image, and how universally any viewer could find what's going on frightening on a base animal instinct.

Zdzislaw beksinski is a good example of an artist who makes illustrations of horror that aren't even inherently about horrible things, but simply through surreal intensity.

Also, as with any horror story, pacing is everything, if you play your cards wrong you ruin the buildup and illusion of danger. Comic artists have a bad habit of compressing stories that need a mixture of decompression. It's almost never the scare thst makes something scary, it's the anticipation to it, so you need to pace the comic almost like a storyboard at times.

Overall, I think comics can be genuinely fucking scary, I've seen indie stuff with pacing that made me anticipate shit that left me haunted, and some of the hellraiser comics have imagery that is genuinely nightmarish. Just thst, as with any medium that attempts horror, it's very easy to fuck up.


This seems like the best way to put it.

What are some absurdist horror comics?

who /emilycaroll/ here?

Scary comics?

No one who has any taste, go shill your shit comic somewhere else, Emily.

Not scary, but unsettling might be a better word. The opening rot world saga of snyders swamp thing was legitimately disturbing.

okay, what are some other good horror webcomics then?

No idea. Far as I'm concerned they're all shit.
Through the Woods was abysmal and I hate you guys because you made me fall for the "it's really good" lie.

I found Tunnel rats from weird war tales scary and disturbing as a kid.

honestly i also bought it because i thought it was going to be on par with some of those on her website. i only liked previously pic related and his face all red but the others were very lackluster even for a shill like me

Are there any horror comics out there thst have art that is even close to the level of pic related?


Nicely put




Dumping some beksinski.
God, this isn't even scsry as much as it is... distressing? Like there's just something in your head that goes "this ought not to be looked at for too long" instead of just regular old creepy pictures being creepy. Like there's just something so inherently and violently repulsive about these very serene yet intense images that carry throughout all of beksinski's work


I hear there's some innate phobia people have of predators that happen to be crippled. Something about the helplessness of naturally empathising and wanting to help something, yet knowing you are unable to do anything but harm it as it is already trying to harm you.



I also want to post the work of Charlie white. Technically, not really Sup Forums outside of some puppets, but I feel like this is my favorite kind of horror that I'd like to see more comics have.

It's this very absurd, impossible situation kind of art that's almost comedic, but it gives you this weied, uncomfortable "something bad is going to happen, someone is going to be murdered" vibe.

It's great because I feel like it is the absolute core of horror, having just enough to grasp a context but not enough to know what's about to happen, and the more far out there it is, the less believable, the more impossible... the more anxious it makes you.

Might be me, I dunno, but I dig it.

Charlie white also did the music video for interpol's evil, which features a pretty creepy puppet


This picture gives me the same kind of vibe you get from those "five seconds before someone dies in a horrible accident" photos.

And this last one

No words


Horror is only done well when someone is presented with an unfamiliar situation, setting, or being. And all of these have to be exploited to their fullest, or else it breaks the illusion and the audience stops caring.

Even Kraina Grzybów gets me a little riled up just because they show me things I'd have never thought of.

>that videogame taste
Jesus man what the fuck.

>those youtube videos of creepy sex dolls talking in Microsoft sam voices in some shack in the middle of nowhere, with lots of shots of them in fields out in nowhere
>those youtube videos of people dressing up like phantom of the Opera motherfuckers and crawling on all four with distorted video and audio
>those youtube videos of bad creepy cgi glitching out and then saying creepy ominous shit in Microsoft sam voices

I'm such a puss but every time, every fucking time, those types of videos scare the shit out of me more than any well made horror comic ever did.

Comics aren't scary because they lack dynamism.
Pictures can be unsettling, but if something isn't moving it generally doesn't register as a threat.
In addition while fear of the unknown is all well and good, it's really just a supplementary fear. You're afraid of the dark not just because you can't see but because there might be wolves in there too.
So while comics can set up they can't pay off satisfactorily.

>resident evil

sure i've you've never played 1-cvx

You don't mention silent hill but your bring up outlast in space

>1 (you)== 1 ree

In my country there is a difference that differenciate horror and terror, slasher movies are terror, lovecraft is horror.

Terror is all about being scared BEFORE the occurence and horror is being filled with disgust, fear or anything AFTER being exposed.

Its hard to make terror comics, but its easy to make horror. Let me show it with this pages.

the MC is in the barracks, and see the hands coming near.

now THIS IS THE HORROR, the head is not from the normal humans position, its from another inhuman position, THIS IS HORRIFYING.

the element is not the hands, its the head.

and now they start to amplificate the feeling when adding more elements to the situation.

I wish all of Junji Ito works were burned in real life and deleted from Internet so no one could ever see him embarrassing himself with his stupid art and thinking he's some master of horror.

/r9k/>/soc/>Sup Forums>Sup Forums>Sup Forums>Sup Forums>Sup Forums

But not for the reasons you might think.

and they continue do intensify the feeling. For people who suffers from Claustrophobia this must be really unsettling

Comics are terrible for horror.

You can control the pacing unlike horror movies or shows, so there goes most of the panel work.
It's 90% on the artist to draw something creepy with what instructions the writer gave them, if any, unlike horror movies where camera work, music or lack thereof, actors, and more all contribute to something scary.
What dialogue the writer gives can not help with atmosphere just like a movie/show, but there are no voices which can help make something unnerving.

Even if the artist does draw something creepy, it'll be less AHHHHHH and more ooooh, because we'll probably just think it looks neat.

They can use all the scary concepts they want, but the good guy always wins.

>resident evil
Resident evil is more fantastic with jump scares here and there than really horror. Silent hill is horror.

>Dead space
Did this game even tried to frighten its players? It was just a bit gory.

I was pretty spooked by Ultra Comics.

Saying shit like this makes it clear you've never read a book like The Shining

jamie delano´s animal man before the whole better red than dead arc did horror great , and it barely had any "antagonists"

Was Delanos the one where Buddy died the first time trying to get to Cliff before he got raped? I'm trying to remember the order of writers after Milligan left.

>walk through the woods during rainy day with lightning and thunder.
Pussy ass bitch. Do some real trail work and get back to me.

>Stephen King

>below anything

yep that´s the exact beginning of his run, when he gets hit by a truck and then reincarnates through the red