South Park BTFO


based reddit

What did the replies look like? South Park shifts between gross out humor and occasionally insightful satire. It's the condensed opinions of two guys whose primary aim is to entertain. I don't get that poster's beef.

Conservatives are fucking idiots and Trey Parker and Matt Stone exemplify this.

If only people wouldn't stand in the way of me shaping the world to my own vision.

>two guys whose primary aim is to entertain
Not recently thats for sure

SOuth Park shits on anyone who overobsesses about anything, it's not about being passionate about politics, it's about making EVERYTHING in your life about politics

>those who draw a distinction between is and ought are all smug bullies, outlandish freaks, and/or closed-minded zealots.
what did he mean by this?
it's precisely by telling apart is and ought that politiSPOOKS are detected and flushed out of your system.

Liberals are humorless cowards.

Why don't you go back to where you found that screenshot. While you're at it, swing over to r/RickandMorty. I'm sure you'll find better company.

We didn't listen!

Why does spacing trigger me so badly?

In this case south park was proven right. Algores predictions on so called man made climate change were so far off and so outlandish I'm surprised that idiot bothered to make another propaganda movie. Fortunately it's bombed.

Because you're a fucking idiot. There's nothing wrong with correctly formatted posts.


That is absolutely hilarious that you think that. Considering how equally assblasted conservatives are along with liberals over every issue.

>I'll stick with informed comedy writers like McFarlane and Colbert, thank you very much

Because it makes that garbage post easier to read. Also because you're a massive faggot

Says the person challenging the status quo on on

>430 upboats

Jesus christ

Personal investment in topics ruined Sup Forums. It is not always a bad thing to be called a faggot for taking something seriously

>dude the age of the tranny pedophile is now XD

Well which one is it?

This. People give you shit nowadays for getting a coffee at Starbucks. Fucking no-life-having twats.

Spacing is literally correct, did you go to school at all?

pretty funny because that's all south park is now

Hey, shouldn't you be somewhere castrating little boys so that you can pretend they are girls for Facebook likes?

No fucking shit Einstein, I'm talking about the rhetorical styles of Sumerian Cunieform Tablet forums.

People give you shit for getting coffee at Starbucks because then you go and shill for communism and waffle about oppressed classes.

Shut your whore mouth, I don't do any of that.

south park does have an ideology behind it, liberterianism

they shilled for corporations in several episodes

Liberals harras and abuse people that offend them. The nonsense at Google was a perfect example of this. The left is dangerous.

They sure liked that hope and change so much not once shat on Obama.

They had like 2-3 consecutive episodes making fun of the Obamas moron

That would be racist.