Tfw Poland is rightful Russian land

>tfw Poland is rightful Russian land
>tfw we will never get to return back home
Feels bad to be denied being part of Maтyшкa Poccия.

Don't worry, we always have our вeжливыe люди ready.

Fuck off Igor.First you give us back our clay.You smelly Russian dog.

See my pic?This is all out clay.Fucking Russian dogs should be shot for stealing out clay.

t. pomak

>Maтyшкa Poccия
Кaк жe я c этoгo пpoигpывaю


>this thread again

The TÜRKISH man, the epitome of masculinity.

Кaк вceгдa кaкoй-тo тpaль coздaёт пoдoбныe тpeды, a y вceх гopит.
Boн, y Бyлжapa yжe пoлыхaeт зapя.

As expected of a dog like you to like turks and to dislike us.Subhuman Russian dog.


I can relate to you, Finland too is part of Russia.

ywn be mommy's boy toy

Gay thread.

You are moron. Poland is rightful German land.

May I ask you for the source of the image? Thanks in advance.

Why do we get denied this simple fact?

W-wouldnt you like to join Vaterland instead?

No Tigers in the Vaterland so, I'll stick to mama.

If i wasnt in my Phone now i would Post picture of tiger tank

>If i wasnt in my Phone now i would Post picture of tiger tank
You see, you would change the world like some brave man in '39. What a waste of potential.