He's just a metal bender

He's just a metal bender

No he's a Fassbender

Please don't use homophobic words.

He's just a metal Bender


Metal benders can't fly


>You can move the earth itself

oh 60s Magneto

you were so bullshit

keked irl

Nope, he doesn't actually controls metal, he... talks to it. Metal is his only friend.

No he has telepathy and shit too.

did someones say metals?

If he was a metal bender he would be Metallo, but instead he controls magnetic fields so he is Magneto

he controls the magnetic spectrum

Ads far as I could tell, Early Marvel Magneto's power actually allowed him to exert control over all things related to the word "magnet" in the dictionary and thesaurus.

What if Magneto's name was just "Magnet"

That's like saying Aquaman is a fish bender

remember when he could astral project, shoot electricity, and control peoples minds?

Non-stop meme machine

"just" a metal bender
when toph was the only metal bender she was pretty much one of the strongest 5 characters in the show, including the protagonist and antagonist

What do you mean "just" those are pretty rare

>shoot electricity

Shouldn't that actually be theoretically possible with his powerset?

Depends on if writers include the entire Electro-magnetic spectrum.


Like all things, magnetism is just a degenerate form of bending.

Admit it OP, you made this thread solely to get this reply.

He's got invulnerable plot armor, but couldn't a sniper fire a metal bullet at him from medium-far range and kill him? He shouldn't be able to react in time to sense and then stop it.

Well that's a load of carp.

He should be able to control matter and energy on the subatomic level.

Comic Magneto has FTL reflexes.


Silver Age Magneto was so weird that it's funny to me how he's portrayed as this tragic powerful character.

>had trouble with physics in school

>being this autistic
His power is also weak force manipulation in his stronger incarnations.

He made the reply himself. The OP isnt shown in the unique poster counter.

I came here to post this