This board is incapable of grasping anything with any level of subtlety...

This board is incapable of grasping anything with any level of subtlety. That's why there's so many "Reddit & Memey!" posts, because that's what it appears to be as on the very surface level to a casual viewer lacking in both attention and understanding.

Rick is supposedly the biggest nihilist and atheist in the universe, yet when he's about to die he prays to god, and he repeatedly puts himself in danger to protect his family that he claims to be indifferent towards. His hypocritical, dual nature is the point of his character. Rick is basically bipolar disorder personified. The viewer is intended to be impressed by his technical feats, sure, but nearly every other aspect of his character is something to be reviled, and sometimes pitied.

And in S3E2, all Sup Forums had to say about Summer was "YAAAS QUEEN! Girl power!", ignoring the fact that she wasn't supposed to be viewed as some feminist rolemodel in the episode. Her behavior was irrational and dangerous, and she was lashing out self destructively as a way to cope with her parent's divorce.
And the irony of the episode was that despite Summer rebelling against her parents, she ends up becoming them in the end, bringing home groceries while her boyfriend sits at home watching TV, an obvious parallel to Beth and Jerry.

Sup Forums just looks at the show like babby's first nihilistic crisis, but to me the show is about finding meaning in a chaotic universe. With fart jokes.

I think Dan Harmon said it best:


Hold on, I'll go drive to my lab; give my clearance and slap my samples on the table. Since nothing matters right?

Fuck yourself. There is no Rick that lives as a scientist for your own pathetic and personal reasons. You have to do it.

Rick and Morty aren't role models you idiot. There an example of what NOT to do. I'm happy that you're smart enough to read and reason, thanks.

so concise

Oh, and a siberian husky selects all your genetic samples by scent. No I am not kidding. They're right more than the computer. It's fucking insane.

>find the genetic sample


you're right but a surprisingly large amount of the fanbase doesn't understand this

>you simply don't understand

A misnomer delivered by people that don't understand anything. Care to deliver your own level of being a complete asshole?

but what if he were a pickle lmfao

I've not kept up with Rick and Morty but this is a real issue with this board.

A lot of posters are flat out too thick to have a proper discussion

Is this a new copy paste?


thats soo deep.

If you think about it, everyone and everything is made up of atoms! that means that we actually do share some of the genetic make up of PICKLES!!!

This show is so smart, it really hammers home the "anyone can be anything" message.

Not to mention the show is waking up the sheeple that follow dumb Christianity and showing them the pure genius that is science.

imagine maybe in season 5 or 6 or 12 or 30 we visit an alternate universe where everyone is a pickle, and the pickle version of rick turns himself into a human, and its the exact same episode but he's saying "I'm HUMAN RICK" that would be so funny. but scary too cause it means that the pickles would be putting humans in their burgers xD haha

Haha, nobody saw that one coming. Good job, user.

you got us good.


Post your pickle rick fan art! Here is mine! XD

>a heavy theme
>a few gags that either rely on the old cosmic entity trope or the Frankenstein's monster idea deep. This show is undoubtedly made for pseuds by pseuds.

I think R&M has the same problem as Filthy Frank, that its fanbase likes and identefies with a character that is meant to be horrible














I fucking want that.

Why did he spend the time turning himself into a pickle when he could just use the portal gun to go somewhere

This show is so smart, it really hammers home the "anyone can be anything" message.

>babby's first nihilistic crisis
You're a complete faggot homosexual

Pickle Rick ep was shit, first and second episodes were good

Rick should have a crisis about killing all his other identities in this season. I get it, show got too mainstream and people wanna laugh and shit. But i feel like Dan Harmon's into deep stuff.

At this point Rick is more than just an animation character

someone has unironically told me sincerely that the creators of this show are so genius they could be curing cancer but are too busy creating this masterpiece.

I actually enjoyed pickle rick way more than the mad max spoof

How about they fuck the dog forever. They've ran out of ideas. I mean, these guys were running one fumes from the first season. Now it's just a writer's room full of shitty ideas.


It's over if you don't welcome in real writers. Now they're just giving their wives (who are "writers") a chance. Fucking disgraceful.

Honestly, I'd parody the fourth episode of Rocky for the next episode. Total parody of it. Your writers are so, fucking stupid that you'll take a dick licking of it and like it.

BvS posters are the same, they take the most overt and heavy-handed symbolism and imagery and pretend they're intellectuals for managing to see it.
There are people right now on Sup Forums who think Lex Luthor's lines are cleverly written, or that the way he set about his plan was genius. And before you ask, I am not a "pajeet".

I want whatever the fuck you have.

Is it speed, acid? I seriously want it. I want whatever makes you think that. I seriously want it, is there a number I have to call?

What I don't like about Rick and Morty is that it clearly escaped the initial idea.

Good ideas always take a turn when you get married people and people with kids? They have fucking HORRIBLE ideas that reflect their parenthood. It's like they hit a wall.


It would be fucking terrible.


I wish your kid was dead, times a thousand, forever.

You have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

The reason there are so many Rick and Morty posts is because some below-average people feel like the show talks down to them and it makes them mad so they make sarcastic posts about it to make themselves feel better. But it never works because they know that they really are stupid so they just keep doing it.

You said absolutely nothing in that post.

I wish this was the Greek forum and we could just beat you with sticks until you went away like a common dog. Now, select all dresses you asshole.

newfags from reddit hiving their hivemind to come up with the same opinion. did you expect more?

same with the feminist thing, it wasn't even that bad in RnM, compared to fucking wonder woman and its female only veiwings.


I said you're stupid and now you're mad because it's true.

I'm still trying to figure out who went to see Wonderwoman. Nobody among my friends and family did. I have no, fucking idea who actually went to it.

I just buy a blu-ray when I go to the store.

Literally who.

For the shit he did already he could just use a real piuckle with a note "I turned my self in a pickle, sorry brb" and it would still be as believable.

everyone uses apps like netflix that arn't netflix user. no-ones going to pay to be told they can't bring their own popcorn for a movie they don't particularly want to see.

I still prefer physical storage. That's the real expression of support even now. I'll get the blu-ray if it doesn't suck a big dick.

yeah my mate had the same idea til he had 800 dvds.

whatever floats your boat, hope you have the space for it.

Without the cases they take about as much space as a football. Keep climbing towards a reason for me not to do it.

>storing dvds without cases

HAHA i was only pretending to be retarded, jokes on them


this show is shit and unfunny and even if it has any "deep" meaning then its portrayed terribly, if i want to do something about nihilism (literally ideology of the brainlets) i can read a book by actual philosphers on subject

>implying they're not in sleeves

Who are you, where are you from and why is it still a country?

The poo eating theme that comes up time and time again is a good symbolism for the cycles of life. This show have so much depth in every scene, it is so dense.

If you're not going to save the case then what's the fucking point of owning a dvd? just rip the dvd onto your hard drive then sell it. Now it takes up 0 space

If your mate had 800+ dvd's he probably doesn't have very discerning taste.

Can someone post the anti-rick and morty copypasta

Rick and Morty dubbed into Japanese is actually funny because
>no burping
>Japanese Ricc does good job
>swears are censored which is somehow funnier in japanese
>songs translated to Japanese
>if you aren't familiar with Japanese then the plot improves

I've been rewatching the Simpsons dubbed in Japanese (dvds are 150~ dollars for seasons 1 to 9) and it's like the series was reborn. Not really a hardcore weeaboo and I typically prefer anime dubbed to English but this is amazing


>watching japanese anime dubbed in english
>watching english cartoons dubbed in japanese

this is ass-backwards you son of a gun

>implying that I don't hate it because it portraits the thinking patterns of millenial faggots

Defeatist, insecure hypocrites that manage to find things to be smug about.

>hurr durr sky daddy, marriage lmao amirirteguys

You ae failed abortions in mind and spirit.

>Imagine beeing such a low life that you have to spend your time with these kind of people


'Life is pointless, there's nothing to live for, fuck everything' has always been a part of the Sup Forums atmosphere, why is it suddenly considered reddit-core? Because of one show? You people have a bad memory or maybe you are the actual redditors trying to fit in here.

I hate the use of Reddit as an insult but that is a well made little info graphic.

Yeah sure.

I've come full circle


I know this isn't an argument, but I'm doing to dismiss this is pasta, so into the trash it goes.

Pleb detected, stick with XRA.


>Rick and Morty espouses the view that, since God is Dead, life is meaningless and all emotions are the result of strictly biological imperatives.
They're not wrong, though.

They are right except about the part about god because there never was a god in the first place. Religion is the teddy-bear keeping death under the bed for all the morons.

Atheism is for the mentally and emotionally retarded. You can't prove God doesn't exist. Read the book, it's a good philosophy and the greatest story ever told. Your piddly skepticism is holding you back, brainlet.

pickle your anus

Oh please. Keep deluding yourself if you want to, but don't preach. Go to church if you want to do that.

>Michael J Fox at realistic height

imagine being this much of a retard that everything becomes better behind a language barrier

>you cant prove god doesnt exist

AHAHAHA fucking brainlet retard who has never even began to study logic. No one should ever have to prove a negative, thats now how this works. I could literally say "prove to me that there ISN'T an invisible space walrus orbiting earth right now, yeah didnt think so"

do you not see how this leaves us at intellectual and philosophical bedrock? goddamn you people are fucking stupid, but please, feel free to cop out with le old timey hat meme

>He still hasn't passed the atheism phase

kek, it's okay user, you'll grow up soon

god doesn't real mortimer summer
>immediately prays to god when in a jam
bravo Harmon bravo Justin such pottery

t. actual 15 year old from reddit

b-b-but you just dont get it that's just rick exposing his character flaws xDDD teh writers are great!


Damn, I thought you guys were mature... guess not.

is there anything more childish and pathetic than atheists?

i went to watch it with some friends

everyone agreed it was kind of shitty but it was fun tho

Sup Forums is contrarian. Remeber when we supossedly hated republicans and stuff?

As I said, atheism is for the mentally retarded. You didn't prove God doesn't exist. And I don't mean Jeeeeezus, I mean the first principle. The prime mover. The unknowable that made your shitty dull life possible.

You're a brainlet if you don't get what makes Rick & Morty a masterpiece. Of course fedora-tipping redditors can't grasp multi-layered post-ironic satire when they see it. I just watched it and I was literally in shock by how one thing can be so kíno. It wasn't meant to be a comedy; it isn't meant to be a kids' show. It was supposed to be watched as an allegory for the modern world's blind acceptance of anything that's presented as being cool just for its own sake. The very act of watching the show was it telling you "See? You like quirky humor and ran0mness XD and so does everyone around you so you have to watch this because you're part of the grotesque machine that is modern pop culture". The screen was laughing at me and I enjoyed every moment of it. Of course Reddictor McAtheists won't ever understand that, their small "le epic upboat XD" brains could never allow them to pull their heads out of their asses and really appreciate the art that is Richard et Mortie. Fuck reddit, man. The show is great.

Sup Forums has been taken over by religious right-wing redditor idiots.

not an argument
not an argument
you never proved an invisible space walrus isnt orbiting earth. Once again, you dont have to disprove a negative. Its rich that you are calling anything retarded when you have exposed yourself as the biggest retard of all. You dont say "prove this doesnt exist" because then debate wouldnt exist. It would just be people asserting impossible to prove things and claiming victory when their opponent cant prove them. Fuck why am i even talking to someone who cant fucking understand what the burden of proof is holy fuck. And this isnt even a religion versis athiesm thing, this is a me vs a retard thing. Ive met intelligent religious people who understand these concepts and have the decency to retreat behind faith but you, you think you're actually in the right here. Tell ya what, your religion operates on free will, i wont even hide behind forcing you to prove a negative, ill ask you to prove a posotive. Prove to me free will exists faggot.


[/spoiler] you cant

The redditor never learns lmao