
Ashley is clearly enjoying Duane's new disability.

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So what you are saying is, the fire rises?

Y'all are gonna make fun of me but this page was amazing to read while high. Comics are truly the kino of artistic mediums.

What's with all the feels?

Unrelated to the current page, but what if the crescians from this page casualvillain.com/Unsounded/comic/ch11/ch11_12.html had made it into ulestry? Would they have burned that city down too?

What's with all the potheads?

I dunno, the crew here seems to be directly involved in Bell's coup. I doubt soldiers who weren't in the know would ever agree to this shit.

I can't figure out "Quarsh lasht night'sh bishion!" Something about last night's mission?

>telling everyone about how totally high you are right now

"... What?"

A legitimate response to most of the pompous shit that Duane spouts.

To be fair, this is pretty much the worst case scenario of Cresce. Their economic and political system has failed so utterly that an entire town was delivered into the hands of criminals and now the army is liquidating the townsfolk to cover up one of their corrupt deals.

"Quash last night's mission!"

Last night's vision

I like Duane because I, myself, am a bit of a self-righteous zealot. Anyone else know this feel?

I like Duane for pretty much the opposite reason: I'm a moderate atheist who likes to hear other people's ideologies and philosophies.

But I have a soft spot for the truly, righteously religious. The thing about Duane is all that Alderode and Ssaelism shit makes him a better person, not worse. It's certainly at the root of his less attractive qualities, but it can't be disentangled from the good he does either. And for all his zealous bluster and chauvinism, when Duane's ideology is seriously confronted, he defaults to kindness and generosity over mindless hatred. He once fell in love, and was generally quite kind to them before that, not only with someone from a different caste, a big no no in Alderode no matter your religion, but someone who he thought was a man and who still turned out to be someone you're emphatically not supposed to get involved with. He was going to teach his daughter pymary because of her obvious talent and interest over the social mores he'd grown up with (one might wonder if this is related to that first point). He even argued against unleashing a plague on the Gefendur Aldishmen with quite some passion.

Duane's not a perfect man, but he's a pretty great one.

Does Alderode's caste system and restrictions on women predate Ssaelism?

Yup. I don't know the exact timeline, but Alderode was already a thing before Ssaelism came around. It seems very tied to Ssaelism because that's the only image we've gotten of Alderode life so far, through Duane's eyes, and because it's the only place Ssaelism is practiced openly.

It may have morphed over time, I don't recall how old Ssaelism is supposed to be, but I don't think Ssaelism is meant to be responsible for Alderode's culture as a whole. The caste system is also specifically because of the weird, fucked up Khert in the area.

did he died

All I can hear is the sound of high-precision targeted killings. It's not the military's fault that everybody needs to die.

Holy shit this is gold

The soldiers are wiping out a town to cover up a coup attempt! That is definitely the military's fault!

The military always dindu nuff, user. That's how it works.

The castes are a result of the Dammakhert, nothing to do with Ssaelism. In fact Ssaelism arose from the one demographic in Alderode that isn't part of their caste system and isn't connected to the Dammakhert: the Tainish. It could have been simple to just have the weird Khert be the source of all Alderode's oddness but instead it has two really weird things about it.

Well technically the Tainish are part of the caste system, called the Gold, but they only have a caste in the sense that they have no caste given to them by the Khert.

But what does it mean? Maybe I'm forgetting something.

Remember the bit where Duane ran into the Titty Bird god last arc?

I think I've lost track of the passage of time in the comic. Given the "rest time" between the silver incident and the current panic, I imagined that this is a new day. But then, is this still the same day, and Duane had that vision before all of this happened? Last night feels like a long time ago in that case.

So after thinking about it a little I remembered that he saw a vision of an unknown town burning, and I guess "curse" makes more sense than "quash" in that case.

Yeah, all this violence is surprising since I was expecting a bit more time to unwind after the Silver Monster massacred that whore house.


Duane isn't zealous enough for my tastes. He's still on the sane side of it, and self-righteous zealot is best when turned up to 11

Yeah, I think people got confused by Cope saying this would be a breather chapter. And it mostly was. It just kicked it up a notch in the last section.

It was pretty chill until the army showed up to murder everyone and the nice old magic guy kidnapped Matty.

> It just kicked it up a notch in the last section
You mean halfway through
Cope is a filthy liar

Starting halfway through and continuing on to the end still makes it the last section of the chapter.