Why are the Gems so delusional and just plain dumb sometimes...

Why are the Gems so delusional and just plain dumb sometimes? They flat out refuse to accept things that don't fit their agenda.

Why do they need a fucking kid to make them see reason?

What agenda do they have?

Rocks for brains.

Because they're just stupid aliens trying to follow the wishes of their leader who was the only one of them that actually gave a shit about humans

I just mean that they never want to accept that bad things are happpening. Or that their initial judgements were wrong.

Basically pic related.

Their single-mindedness is also staggering at times. They miss the forest for the trees when trying to solve a mystery or what have you too.

Maybe that's just a more realistic portrayal of a super hero group though, constantly having to save humanity can sort of give you tunnel vision.

eyyyyyyyeeeee lmao

They weren't made for thinking.

Hm. Interesting that this show is popular with certain people who flat out refuse to accept things that don't fit their agenda.

Gems are for ______

Because Rebecca Sugar has no clue how an alien race would actually behave psychologically.


They actually believe fairly rationally most of the time, SU just happens to be a show about believing in the power of friendship and pacifism until it works. Same reason Rosseau got shafted in TTGL

OP does bring up a good point these over thousand year old aliens need consoling from a human child its utterly laughable.

Because obviously we know how many-thousand year old alien thought processes work, right, mate, eh? :^)

>Hey we gave up our home and fought a bloody war because our leader liked this species so much.

>How about we hide away and never interact with any members of this species unless we absolutely have to.

It's dumb, but it's actual good characterization. None of the gems actually shared Rose's vision, they all had their own reasons for protecting Earth. Pearl just wanted to do whatever Rose was into, Garnet wanted to be free from fusion laws, and Amethyst didn't even get a choice.

Rose cared about all the life on earth not just the walking apes, which explains why the Gems dont give a shit about humans they just see them as "life on earth" not anything significant really. Also I dont think Rose really cared about saving humanity she cared more about preserving the biosphere.

I think Rose did have some heightened appeal for humans moreso than the rest of life, based on her monologue in Lion 3. And Story for Steven implies that Greg isn't the first human she's taken romantic interest in.

Rose sees humans as pets, she sees male humans the same way a female beastophile sees a horse cock.

I think it works well. Think about it these are immortal beings. If they learned from their mistakes, they'd eventually end up infinitely perfect and wise. Gems don't age, so I guess they don't develop as people either. It works as the 'what humans have that this op demigod race is lacking' like the "robots can never understand emotions" trope. Otherwise gems would be super op. I think it works nicely, with each gem having their own character and flaws, that will never be perfect.

>Rose sees humans as pets, she sees male humans the same way a female beastophile sees a horse cock.
she wouldnt suicide to create steven if that were the case

>Gems don't age, so I guess they don't develop as people either
1. Peridot.
2. Garnet (going from Ruby and Saphire into rebels once they experience what fusion is like)

>tfw you will never sacrifice your life to give birth to a human/horse hybrid

You have any idea how many fembeastos would kill themselves to get pregnant by an animal.

Well we can already tell Homeworld is not a very emotional society, so you have to realize that most of the feelings that Gems actually have to deal with only really became prioritized when Steven was born, so they all only have about emotional maturity as Steven. It's not that they can't develop as people, it's that they just spend thousands of years isolating themselves into positions where they don't have to, because it's not natural for them, there needs to be an external force that makes them start to deal with it.

Hmm, fair enough.

>that feel when you'll never be half rock

And he was thenceforth known as....Rock Man....

She only did that after Greg snapped at her and told her humans are more than mere side shows.

Before that she saw humans no different than Lions.

>just plain dumb
>flat out refuse to accept things that don't fit their agenda
It's because they're women

They're aliens who lived in a totalitarian society

What fresh hell is this butchery of the English language?

Replace "Gems" with "SJW's" and say the sentence back to yourself.

Aliens, they literally can't understand some things.

But the "agenda" is different in this context, since their main agenda is just to protect the planet

A lot of people in real life are like this.

Basically, none of them really "grew up" as much as they should have. They have childish mindsets about the world and people. Steven, as a very compassionate and intelligent child, is able to make them question these preconceived notions on things.

women are dumb
same for those lesbian space stones