This confuses and enrages the russian, the jew and the asian

This confuses and enrages the russian, the jew and the asian.

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How come?

It confuses and enrages you too, assuming you're not an Izbeglić.

only white people can pronounce that letter

Anglos can't

>tfw too autistic to pronounce it correctly

he said only white people

*Anglos, Frenchmen, Germans, Norwegians and Dutchmen can't



i don't get this meme, how is R supposed to sound?

Germans don't roll or trill their R's. The German R is pretty much just a H.

you are confusing germans with p*rtugese

No it's not. And most of us can roll the rs, the bavarians use the rolled r daily

Nah in my dialect in german you thrill it, but yea standard german uses the guttural r

Why russian? Don't they thrill their Rs like in most languages?

Portuguese has both sounds, you ignorant prick.

i would agree on "th" but "r"? What's confusing about it?

when we want to say air, we say air, frog
when we want to say arr, we say arr

ooh arr, me luvverr, where be the cider?

this is how you pronounce r bakayaro anonu

Don't get this stupid meme too. Also, around Europe everybody pronounces it differently. Our "p" is close to Spanish (or Italian) "r", I suppose. Some Germans also pronounce "r" as trill (Rammstein in their namesake song, for example).