Maltese buddies, reveal yourself!

Maltese buddies, reveal yourself!

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I wonder how much there are of us with the Maltese flag, then you have to subtract those who are actually foreigners.

Do Marsa and Bugibba even count as Maltese anymore?

No. Same could be said about Hamrun, Bugibba, Imsida, and Gzira. Are you the Swede, Estonian, or an actual Malti?

Malti habib, born and raised.
Kont nghidlek li pur wkoll imma ghandi membri tal familja barranin

Minn fejn huma, jekk ma jimpurtax insaqsi. Jien m'għandi lil ħadd barrani fil-familja li seta jaffetwani.
Kieku nkun naf li tirnexxi u li hawn aktar Maltin, kieku xi "general" tal-maltin tkun tajba. Kien ikun
hemm waħda fuq pol u kienet tkun tajba.

mil Finlandja habib,
tkun sabiha kieku jista jkollna post fejn nidghu lejn xulxin u nfaqqawlu ghal Mintoff

do maltese people understand arabic

E mela bjond :P
Dak hu li nixtieq, u l-memes ovjament. Pero naħseb ħafna jew qiegħdin pol jew lurking.

Not without training in the language. We can pick up a word or two but not enough to understand what they're saying. We're more likely to understand the Tunisian dialect since Maltese is close to it.

Sort of, if its spoken slower than usual we can understand like 20% of what is said

Bdejt insib iktar maltin fuq int min qabel ricentament, kwazi kollha ixerrdu l kultura tal ostja taghna, kif ghandu jkun.

Kellimthom? Ghax jien dan l-aħħar ħlief nikteb fuq hawn mhux nagħmel. Ma jmurx dawk kollha li kont qed tara kont jien.

jista jkun li kollha int, mux kemm nikkunvincu iktar nies awtistici bix jipostjaw ghawn flok joqodu jghidu kontra s suwed fuq pol

Jistgħu jiġu jgħidu kontra s-suwed hawn. il-mods mhux se jifhmu lol. U fuq pol normalment "lurking" ikunu.
Ħlief xi wieħed li ġieli jippostja ġol-"general" tas-Sirja. Hu li kien joħloq il-general għalina l-Maltin. Dak in-nhar
li qatlu lil DCG kien hemm waħda u onestament kienet l-aqwa "thread", jew ħajta lol li qatt kont fiha.

ahh nixt bjond mn finland? nani hhhhhhhhh chad
chnowa ahseb belhak pol kolhom jew

What the fuck are you saying?


>Dak hu li nixtieq
>E mela bjond :P
>Pero naħseb ħafna jew qiegħdin pol jew lurking.

dak hu :that's him
e mela bjond: so it's a blond
>nahseb think there are jewish in pol and they are lurking
i tried to understand

hahahahaah no mate, let me translate.
>Dak hu li nixtieq
>E mela bjond :P
>Pero naħseb ħafna jew qiegħdin pol jew lurking.

>That's what I want
>Oh so you're blond :P
>But I think that many are either in pol or lurking

I'm sorry for being agressive. I can't help it sometimes.

nixtieq is "want" not "fucked"

weird you use the exact some words but in different meanings

I think he mistook it with naħxi. they do look kinda similar.

If you take "dak hu" out of the sentence, it is "that's him", for example but in my sentence's context, it becomes "that is". have you been to /mena/? We might've talked there.

Bump, forsi xi ħadd ieħor jaraha.

nahki means speak
niktek means 'i fucked you'

tkellem = speak
ħxejtek = I fucked you

I did notice that we use the same words for different meanings. I just remembered that there was once a Tunisia+Malta+Sicily thread. Such a specific thread.

that was this summer or the summer before i remember it desu
ah yes
tetkalem we use it tu
how you pronounec this letter ħ?

I think like your 7, or 5. which one do you use to write qahba? I think I've seen qahba with the q and h replaced with a number.

What do people do on Malta, just tourism, do you have any other career options?

Construction, IT, Finance, igaming now...I don't know banking I guess, accounting..

ha or 7a or the andalusian h

The 7. the ħ should sounds like the 7. It's like the h in hot basically. I don't know why I did not say this from the beginning. I'm stupid.

post malti qts, I have a folder to fill


hahahahahahahah what in god's name hahahahahahahahahah

malti qts are my fetish

jk tho I don't have a folder of them, I just like to collect pics of beautiful qts I see on Sup Forums

You can create it if you want. I might give you some, hold on. I keep forgetting her name.

Maltese threads are truly fascinating

I always wanted to visit malta. Looks a bit similar to my town actually

Jessika, it's Jessika. She's a singer/actor.
Something related, but unrelated.

Too bad there ain't enough of us. We'd have the best general on here.

And I wish to visit Greece. This is coming from someone who is not interested in travelling.

what happens in those places?

Overrun by foreigners.

forgot photo for greek boi

bery cute

I don't want to spam, that why I ain't showering the thread with images.

I appreciate the pics man

here's a local in return

Cute. I don't think that we look that much different desu.

Malta is a comfy but boring. I dunno if I'd want to live there. Definitely the safest country

Well, I'd rather be safe and bored. And don't come, we're full.

Literally sicilian mixed with tunisian derja

t. tunisian in Lomabrdy

Relax, I'm not coming back, I saw everything in 5 days. I didn't mean to be so back handed. You do have a really pretty island

Tell me something I don't know.

Not him, but how may of you can understand standard italian? You basically have all sicilian surnames variations (Camilleri, Falzone, Spiteri, Borgia, etc.)

No, do come back damn it! We need tourists! But thanks.

Most do. Mainly due to Italian TV and the fact that for some time it was a compulsory subject in school I believe.
Italian TV is unfortunately it is being replaced with shit from America but Italian as a chosen language in secondary
school remains the most popular.

Have ye added anything since 2007? I did like all the religious festivals every town has every day. Those were fun

I really don't like those festivals....
Well we are now doing a separate Carnival in summer. Damn it I blank every time...
Some towns organise festivals related to food, like chocolate, wine, fish.... Not sure
if those happened back then.

>I really don't like those festivals....
Why? I can't stand parties unless I'm drunk but I had good clean fun at those

Streets too packed with people. You can barely walk around. I really hate that.

Thake that, then

oh man.....