Which one you'd want to be and why?

Which one you'd want to be and why?

I'd prob. wanted to be Todd. He doesn't have any agenda, he's most sincere of them all.

Other urls found in this thread:


Cool rich husband
no real obligations
everyone tolerates her shit

Yeah, but she also fucks dogs.

Which is "normal" in their world

Like how it'd be normal to fuck a pony in Equestria.

Princess Carolyn so I could get me a piece of that stud Vincent Adultman.

tough to say.. but aside from the working-hard thing, i'm more of a princess carolyn. just fixing everything for everyone, having no time to have any real relationships or family..
i guess the one i'd WANT to be... is.. i mean mr peanutbutter seems to do fine. sort of. but he's divorced and shit. also no puppies. so I guess the best one is deer lady. anyone in her family. they're a nice family plus they casually talk about boners at the dinner table.

Obviously Mr. Peanutbutter

Being happy all the time, even if the world is falling apart around you

She's Vietnamese, though. I thought only white girls fucked dogs.

jesus I wish I hadn't gotten so invested in this show for 3 and a half seasons before my ability to enjoy it came to a screeching fucking halt.
"oh it gets sad" they say. sad i can handle
psychopathic LACK of sadness by characters unapologetically committing murder, written by writers who "Wanted to teach women it was okay not to feel bad about it", not so much

I fail to see the problem.


>Boohoo, this comedy didn't adhere to my fringe political beliefs, now I hate it

>implying this wasn't the funniest episode

1) It's only on its third season
2) it was a fucking joke they explained it in the episode word for word, prolifers are so easily triggered it's unbelievable


it wasn't a joke though. the creators actually said they wanted to send women the message they shouldn't feel bad about killing their babies

I wanted Diane to have puppies.

None, Christ.

Why would you wish that voodoo on me?

I wanna be the fountain. He's so chill and just goes with the flow, right? Always springing forth refreshing concepts that really drop you into deep thought.

Also wherever they go people can't help but get thirsty or wet, I mean seriously who wouldn't want to be that sexy fucking fountain?

The only correct answer.

I'm already Bojack.

So? She's a moralizing hypocrite who will throw everyone else under the bus to get out of a moment of pain. I love how she shit all over Sextina Aquafina, who then actually kept her child.

They're all bad people. Even Todd.

When's the next season of Arrested Development coming out? They're not going to do that shit job of editing the episodes together again, are they?

Show us your human-horse dick

How can anyone not choose Mr. Peanutbutter?

I wouldn't want to be any of them

I'm already me

>They're not going to do that shit job of editing the episodes together again, are they?

The thing they've literally always done and you only noticed when it came back because they couldn't re-use the older footage because they'd been off-air so long everybody but Michael has changed?

Good thing knotting is a fetish of mine.

Mr. Peanutbutter, so I can know what it's like to not be a miserable cunt

First season? Bojack. 90% of his problems, at that point, could have been solved with a change of perspective and attitude, and while I'm a mopey cunt, I'm nowhere near as bad as he is.

Second season and onward? Probably Diane.

>it wasn't a joke though
>the creators actually said they wanted to send women [that] message
these things arent mutually exclusive
Not only did they make a joke of the whole issue surrounding abortion, and the situations the specific characters got themselves into; they also made an overarching message of acceptance of body autonomy. It can be BOTH.

>committing murder
oh you're one of those

Each episode was focused around a character instead of a story - there's no B, C, or D-plots to intertwine with and play off each other. Instead of laughing at the characters hit the same note, we get delayed jokes several episodes later.

It'd be like watching Buster and GOB build Tiny Town in it's own episode, then Michael deal with the Japanese investors, then Tobias in the mole outfit, the George Michael getting the jetpack. The climax is the same, but it doesn't have that added layer of humor until five episodes in.

But don't take my word for it: Hurwitz admitted his mistake right off the bat and has just finished a recut of S4 into 22 22-minute episodes to bait Netflix into greenlighting another season.


Mr Peanutbutter

I wish I could be laid back and happy go lucky

The way Mr. Peanutbutter says "crack that egg..." is so fucking soothing, best husbando, fuck Diane she doesn't understand how lucky she is.

Will Diane finally fuck Bojack next season?

The last season's ending heavily implied she wants him in someway.

It's probably what's gonna cause the divorce that we all know is going to happen