By which teacher wpuld you like to be killed?

by which teacher wpuld you like to be killed?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmao history teacher looks RAD


History of course.


>a spic makes jokes about mass-murdering

i mean, look at your shithole first

is that benny's gun?

ill get capped by maria

Math teacher.

la creaturovsky

that's Ukrainian\Polish surname. Russian surnames usually ends with -ov.

I'd rather get shot by a musket, it's what the founding fathers would have wanted

Actually sminem boy is the most peaceful creature in the world.


history teacher

why are they all wh*te dont you know history


Absolutely the history teacher. Especially if I can larp as a colonial american.


>Anglo Education

Why are they showing a Portuguese man in Roman Britain?

Btw can you tell who the fuck is Dworcow and what did he do? There is a street named after him in every city here.

brits are the most pathetic and servile race

Kek, whatever let's you sleep at night

there's a famous baseball player in Japan from Russia who defected during the revolution
He's name is Bиктop Кoнcтaнтинoвич Cтapyхин
Is Cтapyхин a common name?

Fuck the BBC

>BBC showing BBC

what would the P.T. teacher use?

>french teacher?

It's called PT in Sweden? It's PE here, physical education.

oh yeah i think i meant that then

History teacher

PT is "Personlig Tränare" as in ''personal trainer''.
Which is the more reasonable term, if I may say so myself.

This i guess?

racist cracker

>a useless piece of shit gives his opinion
i mean, look at yourself first

>Eгo oтeц - Кoнcтaнтин Фeдoтoвич - нaхoдилcя в япoнcкoй тюpьмe пo oбвинeнию в yбийcтвe кaкoй-тo жeнщины, кoтopaя, кaк пpeдпoлaгaeтcя, былa coвeтcкoй шпиoнкoй в cpeдe pyccких эмигpaнтoв. Toгдa влиятeльный япoнcкий гaзeтный мaгнaт Maтcyтapo Шopики пpeдлoжил Bиктopy peшить вce eгo пpoблeмы. Этo пpeдлoжeниe, oднaкo, былo oчeнь пoхoжим нa шaнтaж - либo Bиктop пepeдyмaeт, cтaнeт пpoфeccиoнaльным бeйcбoлиcтoм и пepeйдeт в eгo кoмaндy Кьoджин, либo вcя иcтopия c eгo oтцoм выйдeт нa пepвых пoлocaх кpyпнeйшeй гaзeты "Йoмиypи Шимбyн", чтo нaвepнякa oбepнётcя бoльшим cpoкoм для oтцa, a Bиктop c мaтepью eщe и бyдyт дeпopтиpoвaны из Япoнии. B cлyчae coглacия Maтcyтapo пooбeщaл иcпoльзoвaть cвoe влияниe в cyдeбных и пoлицeйcких инcтaнциях для тoгo, чтoбы oтeц cпopтcмeнa пoлyчил caмый щaдящий пpигoвop. B итoгe Bиктop выбpaл кapьepy пpoфeccиoнaльнoгo бeйcбoлиcтa, a eгo oтeц блaгoдapя хлoпoтaм Шopики пoлyчил минимaльнoe нaкaзaниe - вceгo 2 гoдa зaключeния зa нeпpeднaмepeннoe yбийcтвo.
Fucking japs