Zombie outbreak movie

>zombie outbreak movie
>breaking news about an unknown illness or unexplained violence
>characters ignore it or turn it off TV and carry on with their daily routine

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>characters have family arguing in the kitchen and ignore the tv

They need to get with 2017 and have them do the "emergency flood warning" bullshit on everyone's phones at the same time about a zombie outbreak so everyone can swipe it away and go about their business

Who the fuck would listen now that fake news is a meme

>All the characters act like they have never heard of a zombie before

'Is that what you call them? We just call them biters'

we dont say the zed word

I hate that bitch

>>characters ignore it or turn it off TV and carry on with their daily routine

Like how Sup Forums ignores the race war going on in the West.

>Dem biters be bitin' erryone deez days

>knew Puerto Rican girl in high school who acted just like her
>constantly acting annoyed with me even though I never talked to her and saying snarky and lolrandom shit
>finally confront her when she's alone and ask what her problem is
>she apologizes and offers a hug
>end up making out
>lost my virginity by the end of the week
God I would give anything to feel that rush again. Almost tried to reconnect with her after watching that movie.

>race war
>the majority is spics killing spics, whites killing whites, nigs killing nigs and hajjis killing hajjis

>whites killing whites


Breivik > tweet stats

Do you have a life? I bet you stop to watch GEICO and mesothelioma commercials as well.

>total 200%

>Space ship that has been lost for decades appears in front of yours
>No communications
>Decide to explore instead of calling for back up or the army or whatever
>As soon you enter you see bodies with mutations lying around and a thick foggy stuff in the athmosphere
>captain removing the helmet* "Ok guys, lets split out and see what happened here"

k well I still hate her

it's the percentage of whites killed by different groups and the percentage of blacks killed by different groups smashed togaether and arraged in a retarded format

You're joking, right? please tell me you're joking, or at the very least don't say you're American, you give us bad rep

You're a wee bit retarded, aren't you?

Blacks killed is 100% which is Blacks killed by whites, blacks killed by blacks and blacks killed by the rest.

Whites killed is 100% which is whites killed by whites, whites killed by blacks and whites killed by the rest.

It adds up.

fake news

Maybe you missed the boat.

>montage with A Little Less Conversation playing

>using fake stats

is op describing an actual zombie film? if yes, what's the title? tried searching "zen zombie film" and got plants vs zombies and zen studios a video game company.

>characters ignore it or turn it off TV and carry on with their daily routine

Pic related was my favorite example of this retardation...

>firsthand sighting of three legged robot monstrosities disintegrating people en masse
>flee with family for life, witnessing more death and carnage on the way
>reach ex-wife's home
>no one thinks to turn on the TV to see wtf is going on
>makes pb&j sandwiches instead
>we only get exposition on the big picture the next day, when a TV van happens to stop by the neighborhood

This is how I'd react to be fair, what are you supposed to do?

Not op but I would probably pay attention. I don't know anyone who would hear the words "unknown epidemic" or "erratic violent behavior" or "authorities have declared a state of emergency" in a breaking news report and not at least take five more minutes to see what's up.

The worst one I've heard is probably "geeks"

You mean zekes. But English probably isn't your first language.

so what? i also rarely care and switch channel on the #15648th mass masshooting in burgerland

No I swear in the walking dead they meet some rag tag group that calls walkers geeks. English is my first and ONLY language because I'm proud to be an American where at least i know I'm free and I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.

>white offenders in 42,9%
wait i got a reply to that

I had to put the sunglasses, those guys are so white I was dazzled


>A term that was used in the beginning of the show but not recently. In season two, Darryl says, “Look at him. Hanging up there like a big piñata. The other geeks came and ate all the flesh off his legs.”

>A geek is a circus performer who, like zombies, will eat anything. American Horror Story’s Meep the Geek prefers live chickens, while in The X-Files’ “Humbug,” Conundrum the Geek’s diet consisted of live fish, cockroaches, and evil parasitic twins.

didnt the aliums have EMP to disable everything

>zombie outbreak movie
>the survivors were zombies all along

WHO is this semen demon

>zombie movie
>the zombies were the good guys all along