What was the point of this character?

He gets a character arc in Ba Sing Se and also is kinda important in the airbending episode, but then he just kinda fades out. He's not even an entity in the next season. When he got introduced, I've thought he's gonna be a new addition to the team, the designated airbender, but he just... Wasn't.
Why did he need to exist, again? In fact, why did the Air Acolytes need to exist at all, except to give Zaheer powers?

He's there to fuck your waifu

Everything after season 1 was written in a hurry, and rushed out without much thought put into it.

He's there to turn me into a pedophile

Just kidding, what says

But my waifu is Azula.

is Azula even alive by the time this show takes place?

Zuko is so maybe, wasn't she freed from prison in the comics?

yeah but she lost her mind and ran off to live innawoods. Toph was built for that lifestyle, but I imagine Azula not lasting too long given her plush upbringing.

I'd rather have him fuck me

To mate with Jinora.

I want to dick Kai!

75% of the characters in Korra were redundant, and their screen time would have been better used developing the main cast instead.


Because Bryke cannot develop characters for shit, so they compensate by throwing more and more new characters into the fray, but these remain undeveloped one-note dolts as well.

That's also why we got Lin's family of rich assholes, and which nobody in- or out-of-universe had ever heard about. Even the Red Lotus, which Unalaq was retconned into having always pertained to and which disappeared into nothing as soon as Season 3 ended.

Nothing sticks in Korra, nothing exists with a reason in Korra.

yap every avatar character evet is shit then

>Scrapper detected

>Why did he need to exist, again?
So Tenzin and Korra's trip finding airbenders to join them around the Earth Kingdom wouldn't fail miserably.

I never understood why he couldn't be the street kid who helps Mako and Korra find Bolin in season 1.

I read a good fanfic on that. Until the character started getting his own OC group and completely separate story, still it was better than season 3.

Probably the thing that made me so mad was how they kind of ret-conned the whole "original benders" with lion turtles instead of the people learning how to bend from Dragons, Badger Moles, Air Bisons, and Whatever water benders animal is.

The people in Juan's time didn't have to learn how to bend, the lion turtles just gave them the abilities. Just makes it look like you don't have to train to become a bender. Which kind of makes the whole Avatar thing kind of pointless

Should have been Korra's new love interest.

Jinora really didn't matter enough to have her own.

>The people in Juan's time didn't have to learn how to bend, the lion turtles just gave them the abilities. Just makes it look like you don't have to train to become a bender. Which kind of makes the whole Avatar thing kind of pointless

Actually that makes sense, if you could learn water bending then Zokka would have done it.

I mean, Appa is retard animal, how can their species teach anything to a human?

>she lost her mind and ran off to live innawoods
according to Smoke and Shadow, she now leads a group of female fighters.

>only Kai pic on the Booru
>its gender bended Kai for the Avatar rule 63 Boob Chart project

Fuck you he's absolutely right.
Imagine if they'd actually spent some time developing Bolin instead of bloating the cast and cramming in shipping nonsense.

>dominant shota x muscle girl
Man, curse my fringe fetishes and their lack of content.

He looks like a brown shota Shiro with that haircut.

This includes the actual main characters. For the most part the main characters are just sort of there when shit happens. All of the plot is driven by outside forces.

>Whatever water benders animal is.
It was the moon.

Sup Forums would have loved THIS Kai.

>implying Bolin should not have been Korra's love interest.

>newguy spotted.
>The same way Badger Moles taught Toff how to Earth Bend
>watch the original series new guy

You don't have to train to become a bender though, that's the whole point. You are BORN a bender, whatever your bending powers.

The training is about learning control, that's literally the entire theme of the first series and a major one in the second. It's in the opening for heaven's sake. Aang has GREAT POWER but he has a LOT TO LEARN.

Born with the power
Train for control

>korra defense force is moeshitters
As expected