Mental Illness in Cartoons and Comics

I always hear people say cape comics poorly represent the mentally ill. How about a thread about characters for who have some level of mental illness?

Elsa is canonically depressed and has anxiety disorders fyi.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Elsa is canonically depressed and has anxiety disorders
pfft not really.

Asami suffers from violent PTSD, chronic depression, and violent uncontrollable bloodlust

Can you not?

Confirmed by the writers on Twitter. It's also blatantly obvious to anyone with depression or anxiety troubles.

Transformers is FULL of mentally ill characters.


Mental illness IS bad, though.

Just because someone has a worse time, it doesn't negate people who have a less worse but still bad time. Mental illness is not a competition.

its true tho

Good job missing the point entirely.


It's never mentioned in-series but Minx from Jem has to have something wrong with her. Her band ditches her and Rio pushes her away so the first thing she does is try to jump off a building. Some sort of mental illness could also explain her promiscuous nature/need for attention.

X-23 is pretty much the only comic character I know of that cuts herself. I'm surprised this doesn't appear more often.

You mean Korra right?

>Mental illness is not a competition.
It kinda is though when you have to meet certain criteria to have a diagnosis.

That's not what a competition is.

>That's not what a competition is.
Symantics. That's not the point. There's genuine mental illness and then there's feeling uncomfortable sometimes and going, "waaaah muh anxiety".

Hank Pym is canon bipolar
Daredevil just mentally broke down once or twice

Not that user but social anxiety is not some competition of who has it worse. I was diagnosed around age 10 with SAD and back then it was pretty mild. I'd freak out and wanna huddle in my bed sobbing but it didn't cause me pain. Fast forward ten years and any degree of social anxiety makes me physically ill. I don't vomit but I get IBS symptoms, headaches, body pains, etc. My current situation doesn't make my previous one any less real. It doesn't make people who just have panic attacks or feel crappy any less legit.

Transformers is a lot more hardcore and serious then it was in the 80s, eh?

> Has literal magic powers
> Literally told to live a life of fear
That's not anxiety. That's just growing up as an unburned witch.


Korra has diversity privilege

man that "Aren't you worried about changing who you are" one is killing me. Like, yes I would very much like to change these horrible problems to not exist or be manageable

Eh, 80s Transformers was pretty hardcore
Feeling like you've been hit by a vengeful train after simply meeting new people is ABSOLUTELY an indication of social anxiety. Just because someone else throws up at the sign of another person doesn't mean the first person's condition is negated.

Being sad and worried is not the same thing as clinical depression and anxiety disorders.

The first 12 issues of Gotham Academy are essentially about about Olive dealing with family history stuff and wondering whether she'll end up like the rest of them. Not really sure if Second Semester will continue exploring that or do something else though.

I didn't like the movie, but I kind of agree with the Elsa thing.

Her parents were really bad at helping her. The dad just used the glove to calm her, so when the gloves were gone she became very anxious and chaotic.

>Feeling like you've been hit by a vengeful train after simply meeting new people is ABSOLUTELY an indication of social anxiety. Just because someone else throws up at the sign of another person doesn't mean the first person's condition is negated.
Again, missing the point. You understand that comic was satirical, yes?

People seriously look at Frozen and think Elsa is perfectly fine? That she doesn't have severe mental health issues brought on by her self-hatred and being closeted about her powers?

>severe mental health issues
No not really. In fact she seemed far too well adjusted all things considered.

So Chalky, Raven let you use another one of his laptops I take it?

I live in a third world shithole so you can imagine how non-existent mental illness and its diagnosis are in here. So I haven't really been diagnosed and I havent thrown up, and I like to think I'm okay. But one time, I didn't go out for weeks (literally didn't leave the house), but decided one early afternoon that at least I should go out and watch a movie. It felt like everyone was super judgemental and whispering and laughing at me, and I just felt so anxious and strange that my heart started to palpitate, and I couldn't breathe. It was the first time I felt something like that, and that fucked me up. I can't imagine how that is for others.

Idk, comics have a tendency to portray villains with various disorders which seems to be what people mostly talk about, but how would you even portray something like psychopathy/antisocial personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder in a good light...


Waoh there! I'm not here to proofread your autobiography.

Just wanted to get it off my chest. It's okay, you don't have to read it, user.

I liked how the movie handled Elsa's parents, it would have been nice for them to explore that relationship further than conveniently writing them out. I think they genuinely meant well, they were just grossly unequipped to handle a situation like that because it had little or no precedent. It shows even people coming from a place of concern and good intentions can do more harm that good (which hit a little close to home.)

Yeah even though I think they went the wrong route at helping her, I still like how they fucked up. It showed that they were eager to help her, but they just helped the wrong way. Yeah it is bad they were just written out that easily.

But it is kind of lazy for the father. He just let Elsa think the gloves were magic and the only things that can stop her powers until she grew up

You don't. You don't portray the illness is a good light. You can portray the person WITH the illness in a good light separate from their illness.

Moon Knight is pretty goddamn fucked up. He's had something like 6 different personalities, aside from Marc Spector, and he is also schizophrenic.

Eh? But Asami's the one who's mixed-race.

Come to think of it, basically all of Korra's gang are mixed-race.

we don't have the nuance to depict something negative as negative without acting like it's something we want to eradicate from existence, so generally they just act blindly positive.. about something demonstrably negative.


Asami is a proud Aryan Woman who eats copious amounts of Wonder White Bread Slathered in Mayo, Bathes in Milk, Fluent in German, Goes to Klan meetings, and owns SS Weaponry and attire

It would be nice if the musical expands the parents and Elsa's relationship. Like maybe when she's panicking alone after shooting Anna, she starts singing with their "ghosts", blaming them for making her this way.

>4th panel
My coworkers honestly tried to argue that medicating your diabetes is a bad idea because of this, just in case anybody had any faith in humanity.


>air nomad
>eating bacon

I'm pretty sure Ren was a sociopath

Do your coworkers also think vaccines cause autism, Earth is flat, and Pluto is a planet?

Harmonic Convergence is the gay

please stop sharing your autistic deviant art

>I'm pretty sure
There was no doubt.

Okay, this is the third thread on the topic of mental health I've seen in the past week or so. Is there something you want to tell us, OP?

inb4 Sentry





I mean he did show some genuine guilt and remorse throughout the series, but I guess you could just chalk that up to cartoon "lesson of the day" and shit.

I have yet to read tbis thread but im betting by post 15 its entirely Sup Forums bait about homos and trans.

This is my first one in months.

Surprisingly no

Transsexually is a mental disorder though, it's right there in the DSM-5

It beginulates.

>implying pluto is not a planet

>don't forget to hide murrlogic posts

Also shilling your own shit on this site is against the rules, along with being spam. You could be banned for it if people denounced you murrlogic.

That's true, in real life she would barely function at all. Elsa does however display enough traits of Borderline Personality Disorder to warrant a diagnosis, according to psychotherapist Dr. Jill Squyres.

>Pluto isn't a planet

Yeah, a dwarf planet

Other than things like depression comix and PSA-type tumblr shit i doubt there are any halfway decent comics or cartoons that tackle mental illness without breaking into fan diagnoses.

Still a planet, though.

Last I heard they still debate about it.

>tfw family kept pressuring me not to be shy as a kid
>i get diagnosed in my 20s for this

It feels awful everytime I have to talk to someone. I didn't order food on my own until I was 15.

canon bipolar

Wasn't this written by the guy who burned all the books people pre-ordered with Kickstarter because he had an insane meltdown where he felt the capitalist system was devaluing his worth as a human being.

I'm sure he's an authority on mental health and we should all listen to his opinions.

Tiny hands

Post more Transformers being cool.
I really need to find a good batch and get into it someday.

How do robots have mental illness?

I'm 20 and I can't imagine going up to a counter and trying to buy something. I always make others do it for me. Even ordering food on the phone is impossible.

I know some characters are suicidal but most comics gloss over the issue. DC and Marvel are too scared of rough topics.

>physical illnesses
>just like mental illnesses

How retarded.

Wanna bet to see if this was drawn by a twat tumblr virgin with self-diagnosed PTSD, autism and Post-pardum depression ?

Why can't they?


Because they are computers. Programmable, if something traumatized the AI, just rewrite the memory code or something and watching their squadmate go offline after taking a missile to the chest point blank goes from traumatic to "it was a Tuesday."

I'm pretty sure that Matt is bipolar too. He goes through really obvious manic and depressive episodes.


And? In this case it's not just "remove the memories" but "alter how you see them"

He'd still remember, he'd just not see it as traumatic. "My best friend died in my arms during a Decepticon attack? Eh."


>Elsa is canonically depressed and has anxiety disorders

It's not a disorder if you genuinely have something to be depressed and anxious over like she did.

Can't we just leave mental illnesses to the audience?

You must enjoy being so edgy and being behind on the last few decades of medical thought

That's called Shadowplay in-universe and there's a long history of it being abused.

What we consider to be "mental illness" is a continually changing thing. It's not "real" in the same way that something like pneumonia is real, it just describes a collection of traits that tend to come together and benefit from a particular treatment or therapy.

It's only a mental illness if it causes harm, and as we become more accepting, a lot less things do. Not long ago, homosexuality was a mental illness. Aspergers also got removed recently, and is now just considered a type of personality.

No. Aspergers is considered on the Autism Spectrum now. Autism has never been a mental illness. It's a neurological disorder. It cannot be prevented or cured without killing the person. It's related to how your brain is structured.

Thanks to neuroscience a lot of mental illness can now be traced to brain abnormalities so a lot of these behaviors can be traced to physical aspects.
Like any science psychology is still at the whims of politics and philosophy, arguably moreso.
Homosexuality might not be listed as a legitimate mental illness but that doesnt mean most people arent going to treat it as abnormal.

Delusional, schizophrenic or what?


Gender disphoria is a mental disorder, not being trans.

Easy fix, alter how Skids veiws the memories. They aren't traumatic if you program him not to see them as traumatic.

Yes but Tumblr thinks your dad saying your sexual identity of "transracial splinteromantic demigurll" is a bunch of bullshit nonsense words and leaving it at that is akin to your dad beating you with a shillelagh since you were 5 every time you two made eye contact.

Virgin was literal, there most likely ARE virgins on tumblr who think they have post-partum depression despite not being able to have it until they actually have a baby.

MTMTE goes deep into some of the bots with mental disorders, doesn't it? If I remember right, one of them had actually been diagnosed with something like severe depression by Rung, and I think I remember something about Chromedome being suicidal. It's been so long since I've read the comics I could be wrong.

What mental problems does Batman have?

Because they fought in the robot-war and have robot-PTSD, duh.

>Daredevil just mentally broke down once or twice

Dude once spent months pretending to be his own twin. I don't know if that makes him genuinely mentally ill, but that boy ain't right.


He dug up his father's corpse just to be sure he hadn't already dug it up and stashed it in his own desk.

>Elsa does however display enough traits of Borderline Personality Disorder
HAHAHAHA Holy shit are you seriously retarded?