A chink punished her 10yo daughter by beating her first and then tying her to a motorbike

>A chink punished her 10yo daughter by beating her first and then tying her to a motorbike.

>the man drove off the bike dragging the little girl behind.


Why chinks are so cruel? Why they just don't for human lives?

Other urls found in this thread:


Chinks aren't human

Not human, simple

Punished for what?

There are more than a billion Chinese people, so there are bound to be many stories like this.
Cruel people are found equally in all ethnic groups.

Dont pretend like peope in other countries dont do this too

This video and article is very one sided and bias, doesn't even say what she did to get punished for

>*flushes emotional support hamster down the toilet*

Highly neurotic traits due to evolution.

Evolution isn't real

I have never seen such disrespect for human live in other places like in China.

People literally die or get killed in the middle of the city and nobody gives a shit... Once I saw how a little girl got truck'd and they literally did nothing for HOURS,

t. gore addict


the japanese were right

It’s a poor country with over a billion of people. It would be surprising if there weren’t a ton of videos like this.
I remember seeing a video of a homeless man bleed out on a NYC sidewalk. Or how a few days ago that girl died after being turned away from the doctor for being a few minutes late.

>uhh we r eehh not eehh monsters... video biased ehh, we love ehhh little gils


What about this?

Chinks do same to doggos.
It is their normal discipline. It seems there is no boarder between animal and human, in a sense they are not racist than you.


It's the same video I've seen you guys post for years

But it sparked an online manhunt a d youre telling me its normal?

if you help them you can be legally liable and end up getting scammed. it doesn't happen much, which is why you're posting 10 year old videos released BY the government to make light of the issue.

>Mass shootings and rapes everyday

Fuck off

Fuck with that... They're just pitiless people.

Notice how they enjoy torturing the animals they're going to eat, instead of killing them instantly, they proceed to burning them alive, to skinning them alive, to boil them alive, etc, etc


getting it to release adernaline before dying makes it taste better

Girls have to learn to behave

Wow Just Cause 4 is looking good





Look it is sarcasm, the westerners ( white Americans in particular) think unironically school shooters are mentally ill person.
When a crazy chink do to his daughter in a czarist thing, the westerners think all chinks are savages.


I want to believe that a more developed China will make their society a little more compassionate or at least empathetic

This is the correct answer.



I suggest everyone reads this. The Chinese haven't changed one bit. In fact, they've gotten worse.

>China hasn't changed since the 1930

>ywn raid china with your buddies again

Honestly, this. I'm not saying chinks are great people, but there's almost 1,4 billion of them. You're bound to have a sizable number of nutcases with that population, and China actually has cameras, CCTV and common internet access, unlike other high pop shitholes that never get their crazy footage out.

This cant be real right?

Shut up, Alex. Stop pretending to be Japanese.