Do people in your country know what Swastika is?

Do people in your country know what Swastika is?

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Of course. Our real founding father loved the nazis after all.

it's not the swastika though you retarded nip, it's backwords

of course nip schools would probablu gloss over WWII because they dindu nuffin

The mark in this picture is "Halken Kreuz".
Swastika = 卍(マンジ Manji)



ほんとに在日くそチョンは日本を四六時中貶めたくてしょうがないんだな。 日に日に日本人のお前らへの憎しみはつのって、結果過去をくりかえす原因を作ってることになることにも気づかないゴキブリが。

>Japanese education

How japanese guys forgot that flag? Aren't they axis with Germany and Italia?

How did the power of axis work better to Japan?

Did the Germans and Italians came to fight for us? I have not heard single German or Italian came to Asia fought for us at the world war 2.

there was several naval engagements between allies and Krauts in the pacific.

But the Pacific in general was a 1v1 between USA and Japs

>between USA
It was not only USA. We fought with all your allies , including china. Russia was there too.


wow, axis group was useless. They did not know how teamwork was important.

Yeah it was useless. So what should we care about the German stuff?

Yes but it is banned along with other symbols traditionally associated with nazism and nazi germany. And starting from 2014 public demonstration of such symbols abd even posession of the flags with them is forbidden, except for conducting some researches and if used in movie scenes.

The rapper of Mongolia who was using Swastika was beaten by Russian diplomat.

>They pretend that it's a slavic symbol (which is a lie)


I'd say 70% do, but they are pretty ignorant about all the history behind it.

It's a lucky mark so everyone used it.

It wasn't caused by swastika. Mongolian was drunk and started first.

missed pic

It's a lucky mark so everyone used it.

The cause of drunkard fights is always trivial.

why is it a lie, a quick look at wikipedia tells me its a slavic symbol for the sun

It's a fake invented in 1990s by Russian neo-nazis.

Allies literally won with the power of friendship.

They are ignorant.
Although learning how the Nazis was born.
The flags are only for reference.
In Japan, the temple symbol is learned at elementary school.

Let's use good meaning by using.

It's a symbol for the sun in
Aesir&Vanir Pantheon and in the
Ahura&Daeva Pantheon and in the
Devas&Asura Pantheon

Its also a symbol of luck in Budhistic influenced areas.

The Americans think Japan capitulated because of two cities beeing destroyed . While we all know that Japan capitulated when it lost the Manshuria.

>How did the power of axis work better to Japan?
>Did the Germans and Italians came to fight for us? I have not heard single German or Italian came to Asia fought for us at the world war 2.
Ehm, you didn't expected that. I hope.

As your are direct neighbours...
why aren't Iranians at Sup Forums?

they really don't teach anything about world war history in japan huh?

A good comment about Swastika


