Hmm this really makes you think

Hmm this really makes you think.

At least I changed my opinion on Islam. We are too harsh towards Islam guys.

Most of them are just like us. Human beans looking for safety and love.

>that gun
>that trigger discipline
I wasn't provoked to thought.

There is a point to be had in this but not as much as the artist intended seeing as one is a specific religion/ideology and the other is the status of owning a weapon.


Guns don't come with an owners manual on subjecting non gun owners to the will of gun owners.


>It's this thread again

"Gun owner" is not a codified ideology that strictly adheres to the political stance of a "holy" dogma from a book that claims to be the unaltered unalterable word of God

If I could own a gun for self defence I'd have one. The more goat fuckers come west, the more I'd buy.

Notice how Europe isn't open to gun ownership either?

To be consistent we should regulate Islam like we regulate our guns.

No, that's what the NRA is for.

Will libtard a still be claiming #notallmuslims as the knife saws into their neck and their daughters are raped in the background.

Will the cling to this psycopathic equivocating to the very end?





Will you still cry 2nd amendment when a white christian guns down your entire family?

American right and American left are equally suicidal.

That never happens.

There is no organized violent political movement based off of the Christian ideology like Islam

And even if their was... Yes ! I would want access to self defense if Christians were gunning people down in the streets

You fucking retard

Gun owners in America are at peak numbers and gun crime has pretty limited growth potential from where it is now. Muslims, on the other hand, make up a tiny percentage of the national population and have immense potential for growth. Furthermore, there is evidence that Muslim aggression increases along with population density, meaning that Muslim terror attacks could increase ten or twentyfold in a fairly short amount of time if the policies of the current government continue.

Flush yourself, toothpaste.

>That never happens.

In America it happens way more often than Muslim terrorist attacks.

>There is no organized violent political movement based off of the Christian ideology like Islam
And if there was I'd be participating.

Well if a white guy kills me and my family, I don't blame it on every white person.

Why should I act differently when it comes to muslims?

>muslims don't support terror groups that support islam

I love this meme.

No it doesn't

Blm does,

But once again that's because their isn't a unified political Movement based off catholic teachings.

There is equivalent to Jihad and Sharia in Christianity

The non-violent majority of muslims are the friends and family of the violent muslims and pretty much never inform authorities about terrorism, despite terrorists having networks that couldn't possibly be held secret with only "minority extremists" ever knowing about it.

White people that own guns and go nuts are lone wolfs.

Is no**

Is no equivalent

They don't consider hamas or hezbollah as terrorist groups so they think that doesn't count

These liberals know that the former argument is actually a response tot he argument that Muslims aren't responsible for all muslim crimes.


Also what is this rebutting? It's basically agreeing but also saying that gun owners are rude.

No. Islam is a disease and needs to be purged.

>come on goy only 25% of muslims are radicals

no ones calling for American Muslims to get out lol. this is such a stupid comparison

>2nd Am. thread by ignorant europoor

Every day, day after day it's the same fucking kike slide thread bullshit. No one is ever made to think anything other than OP is a complete cock goblin, and those that support OP eat giant bags of dicks.

Really causes one to ponder

>tfw third world refugees dress better than you

Alleppo,Damascus, Latakia, Homs

These wete fairly nice places befor the war actually


Thread should have ended here.

Artist did a terrible job. The Government isn't looking to take away Islam from people but would gladly take the gun.

Liberals sure love their strawmen and false analogies.

First of all, false analogy. The author is comparing gun owners with Muslims. Gun ownership is not a doctrine, not a religion, not a system of beliefs. The two are incomparable.

Second, straw man. Multiple in fact. The author attempts to misdirect the argument by attacking a much weaker argument for gun ownership (the vast majority of gun owners....) when there are many way more stronger arguments, such as the fact that it's written into the fucking Constitution for instance. The author also attempts to misrepresent conservatives' attitudes toward Muslims by implying that they want all law abiding Muslim Americans to "get out."

Bonus: Unrepresentative sample. These Muslim Americans are law abiding, so they must all be law abiding! Wrong. These law abiding Muslims do not represent Islam as a whole, especially first a generation refugees who are the real issue, as evidenced by the crisis in Europe.

Terrible comic. I hate using the word comic because it's not even remotely funny.

This analogy is stupid. Owning a gun isn't a doctrine, being muslim is. And unlike gun owners mudslimes endorse the majority of killings across the world. Same for niggers.

Whoa, nice touch with that muslim woman being unable to form a coherent English sentence! I love your attention to detail!

If you recognize gun owners or mass shooters as a problem then what's the logic behind adding more people to this supposedly violent group? It's like saying "we already have a problem with mass shooters so we may as well include more mass shooters into our country." I just can't wrap my head around leftist thought sometimes.