Why is it okay to say "people of color" while saying "colored people" makes you a genocidal racist?

Why is it okay to say "people of color" while saying "colored people" makes you a genocidal racist?

I thought the exact same thing when I saw this story. It makes litrrally no sense at all.

If you find anything remotely resembling rhyme or reason from the liberal PC crowd, make sure to get back to us.

Because SJWs are fucking insane and are spouting nonsense 24/7.

In France "noir" is becoming racist, you have to call them "black" or "renoi"... it's all mean the exact same shit but whatever.

Same with "arabe", SJWs use "beur" (which is the verlan of rebeu, which is the verlan of arabe...)

Political correctness is fueled by hypocrisy and ignorance.

Because the genitive case matters, desu

white is a color

>be me
>around 10 years ago. was ~15 years of age
>studied on a private school here in brazil where 90% of the class was white
>half brown girl starts bragging about loving her skin color
>'muh black skin. powerful culture. mixture of all colors...'
>look at her ugly teeth, curly hair, disgusted
>i went full CTR: 'user, dont u remember what the teacher said some days ago? black is the total lack of color (talking about light)'
>brown tears flushed down

They change it every other year so they can fire "racists" (read: whites).

NAACP name change when?

>Same with "arabe", SJWs use "beur" (which is the verlan of rebeu, which is the verlan of arabe...)
I'm so glad I gave up on learning French, it's clearly a dying language

Because the Left are assholes.

who is this erection connection?

Colored people implies you were incomplete and imperfect. A person, that had to be colored in.

Person of color implies you are better then a person, someone of vibrancy and light.

In reality, it's probably because colored person was a term used in the day that meant black people. Person of color means anyone not white, so it makes sense really, even if it's splitting hairs.

"person of color" puts the "person" first. They are people, first and foremost. "Colored person" implies you see only their color first, and their personhood second.

this is so god damn stupid that it almost makes sense

There are people out there that really believe this, and it makes me want to shoot myself.

Surprisingly, that argument goes back quite a ways.

You know the niggers are just fucking with you, don't you.

fun fact
if you ever wanna call someone a nigger
just call them the "n word"

Watch it with the n-bombs.

Not cool....

White is a color.

shut up nigger

And black is the lack of color

Really makes you think...

I just say blacks as long as your not a fag they don't really care.

i noe rite. the pc term is nigwur

White light is only colorful when dispersed in a prism, bad example.

Just make sure you say "Black People" and not "The Blacks"

People of color emphasizes their humanity. Colored people doesn't do that.

Because "colored people" has historically been used during the Jim Crow era.

Don't get me wrong, both terms should be fine to say. I'm just telling you the argument I've heard from leftists.

Most blacks I've known actually just prefer to be called black. They hate the fact that everyone feels like they have to watch what they say around them. For the majority of blacks, as long as you don't call them niggers, they don't care what you say.

But of course, liberals think they know better than blacks, and have to protect their feels from words they may or may not be offended by.

because as an abbreviation poc is more search engine friendly than cp

>waaah waaah we need to be reminded we're human

haha great comic

White people
Black people
Arab people
Asian people

Guess these are all racist terms now. When I see an Asian person I see their asianness first and their personhood second. If they were called "people of the Asian variety" I would certainly respect them much more.

Liberals are fucking insane and this shit is actually taught in college, I saw it firsthand.

Well I think it's tough when you're branded by another group's term for you. Remember that people on Sup Forums don't like the fact that Jews call whites goyim.

tbqhwyf, language and the way semantics/syntax work are an integral part of why we think the way we do.

Because liberalism is a mental illness.

People of color, or colored people, is actually a misnomer.

White is the presence of all color/light in the visible spectrum, while black is the absence of all color/light in the visible spectrum.

When you see a black person they are darker because their skin has stolen more color in the visible spectrum, and conversely when you see someone who is white they are reflecting more color in the visible spectrum.

Because of this, people with lighter skin are in-fact more colorful. And after all... shouldn't such a designation such as "People of Color" be a description of what we can actually see with our own eyes?

Remember that 'people of colour' just means ANYTHING BUT WHITE

It is designed to alienate us

Maybe, but this is just fucking moronic. In English, we put adjectives before nouns. There's no magic deep hidden implications behind that.

Exactly, which is why we need to scrap the English language and create a beautiful diverse new language full of equality and free of the heteronormative, patriarchal, and racist fueled history of the English language. There will be no word for "Asian" or "black" in this new language, people will only be able to be described as humans.

no one likes being called anything, you don't see a majority of white people being pissed off about being called "whiteys, crackers, goyims" etcetc

I understand you but this is very idealistic

Holy shit, dude. Sounds like someone passed the high school physics class.

I attended a majority Latino school and I did not like being called cracker one bit.

I don't say fat people
I now say

People of fat

See how fucking dumb America has become ?

did you start an organization against white rascism because your fee fees were hurt?

No but I got in a lot of fights. What's your point?

Apply enough cognitive dissonance and the rational mind, with it's critical thinking faculties, gives up and at that point you just accept the programming.

That you won't ever see articles or news stories or organizations about racsism against whites because no one cares, despite other races being just as racist to us as we are to them

its like grandpappy used to describe to us as modern bullshit

sort of like how you can find people who baby their dogs and take them everywhere, but they leave their children with the nanny

About the same time as the United Negro College Fund.

Oh for sure. I'm just glad black children are aborted at a 1:2 rate.

We're all humans.

I never understood those terms, isn't white a color?


Coloured Person.
Hungarian Person.
Blue pen.
Scratched table.
Old veteran.
Systemic, institutional racist oppression.

The keywords here are person, person, pen, table, veteran and oppression.
You do NOT 'see' or 'emphasize' any of the adjectives first; you in fact kind of breeze through them as characterizations until you reach the entity they are describing, and they stop being an a abstract to become a more elaborate description of the thing/person's features.

If that is how adjectives work, that is the normal, respectful way to speak about someone.

Calling them 'person of color', i.e. purposely bending grammar in awkward ways to avoid addressing them as a normal person only sounds more racist, be it in a 'walking on eggshells' kind of way or in a dehumanizing way.

Saying 'sex worker' is a neutral way to say prostitute; saying 'a worker of the sexual variety' is almost mockingly patronizing.

Dumb shits actually insist on being called PoCs.
It's so stupid even they avoid writing it, they use shorthand.

They say 'we are not labels' and then willingly adopt being referred to by a fucking acronym.

The 'PoCs'.
Sounds like a fucking venereal disease.


you're retarded, we see what is reflected, white things reflect light, dark things absorb light. that's why black things are hotter in the sun.

ps, nigger detected