
If lefties care about overpopulation so much, why the FUCK are they assisting Africans to maintain a fertility rate of 6 (SIX) children per woman, or more?

Picture related

Because it's racist and problematic.

What's racist?

It's racist that black people are overrepresented in the number of people being born?

I agree, which is why we need diversity programmes to promote the birth of whites. Financial rewards, that sort of thing.

It's racist to putting the blacks down.

they care about white population
they want white population to be as small as possible while making negores and other brown subhumans as populous as possible

Or maybe Africa needs a "healthy" dose of feminism and LGBT rights movements.

But I thought racist meant that a racial minority is persecuted?

Whites a racial minority in the numbers of people being born. So surely we have to redress that injustice with diversity programmes? Right?

>they care about white population
>they want white population to be as small as possible while making negores and other brown subhumans as populous as possible

Those two statements seem contradictory to me, can you explain please?

Exactly, why don't they care about that either?

Kek at that image by the way

They care about the size of white population
your tax money is being sent to aftica to boom their overpopulated continent even more while your own people starve and your govt is working hard to decrease white births and make it as hard as possible to have a family
>just think of the children
>not your children btw

Well its a different reproductive strategy. They have more kids, but the kids are less healthy and die younger. I believe in Biology we were taught that fertility hits an S curve, essentially it eventually flattens out as a country develops. So its fine to have high fertility in Africa, just please don't start importing those people here.

>They care about the size of white population
You mean, they care about keeping it down?

>your tax money is being sent to aftica to boom their overpopulated continent even more while your own people starve and your govt is working hard to decrease white births and make it as hard as possible to have a family
This is very true and it's the most infuriating thing possible

A nigger life is more worth than whitey life. Deal with it marhemmellow

Then why are they making so many ?
Quality =/= quantity, as far as sociology go

I hate lefties as the other guy but they actually tried to push birth control and lbgtqwerty shit in Africa. This would lower fertility rates. However, the Catholic Church is very influential in some parts of Africa and prevents these efforts.


Lefties have no concept of consequences. They think "we must help people not starve otherwise they'll starve" and that's the end of their thinking.

It's stupid to compare fertility rates without looking up infant mortality rates.

Leftys don't think. Leftys FEEL. They think that makes them superior.

Nice meme.

Fuck off Algeria. Don't think you're not going against that wall when the day comes.

But the fault is Western medicine. Without it, they would all just naturally die off. The population boom started in the 80s and they were absolutely still having lots of children before then, they just mostly died


I'm just looking at population rates overall, like pic related

But that's exactly what they're doing.
Especially Europe.

I've brought this up before but they just double down

Exactly this.
>White population plummets
>Import foreign hordes to white Western countries
>Western civilization collapses due to population replacement
>Globalist elites now rule the world

>Well its a different reproductive strategy. They have more kids, but the kids are less healthy and die younger. I believe in Biology we were taught that fertility hits an S curve, essentially it eventually flattens out as a country develops. So its fine to have high fertility in Africa, just please don't start importing those people here.

No it's not fine because they keep having children despite the fact that they have modern healthcare now. See this graph of UN projections here: This is true, I am absolutely certain all the rich twats just want to rule the entire world and they don't care what happens to everybody beneath them

I would pose the question: if unchecked population growth is bad, and if we as responsible westerners are doing our part to enable a growth rate near or below the replacement rate, why do we need to import people who are less able to responsibly restrict their own reproduction rate?

Are we really that rich and generous?

Never realised overpopulation was a lefty thing. It just makes sense. Lots more people sharing the same limited resources is not good.

This is white man's logic, not nigger logic.