Why is Spain such a dangerous drug infestec shithole...

Why is Spain such a dangerous drug infestec shithole? Why do they complain about latin america when they are the same tier?

Spain is literally one of the safest placest in Europe, and therefore, the world. What we classify as "a drug problem" would be considered Utopia in the United States. Now shut the fuck up before I open your mother's mouth and fill it with shit again, pablo.

Keep an eye on Michigan.

Most of the gangs must be of Latin American subhumans that were allowed in Europe thanks to the Jewish people.

Don’t know mate I walked into my new apartment and there are alarms on windows, the post boxes at the entrance are all smashed up.


Nice damage control manolo
Read the news. Narcos rule your country. They storm hospitals to release their buddies.

We unironically are one the most safest countriest in the world.

You are just in deniel. Read the news. It is a fucking drug war.

Cadiz is basically africa

If you are not as retarded as you look, check the statistics then shut up and cry

Cadiz is basically where all narcos in Spain are.

>Amerimutt calling other countries unsafe

Sure thing buddy. Literally one of the lowest murder rates in Europe. It's just funny coming from you, the world's biggest drug consumer and the most dangerous """""first world""""" country

This is seville. Sad. It is used to be a tourist attraction.

Stupid spics

Cute monkey speaks!!!

> DeShayquon believes that what Spanish police understand as "a drug problem" is comparable to L.A. gangfights

This is NYC. Sad. It used to be a tourist attraction.

>Spain drug problem
So a Spaniard smoked una vela?

It's all true
Don't come here
Send thoughts and prayers

Yeah una vela. Armed gangs basically overtook the southern spain. The army is deployed in cadiz. Narcos attack hospitals to release their fellow gang bangers. This doesnt happen anywhere in the first world

>Yeah una vela. Armed gangs basically overtook the southern spain. The army is deployed in cadiz. Narcos attack hospitals to release their fellow gang bangers. This doesnt happen anywhere in the first world
Now you are exaggeranting the joke.

>The army is deployed in Cadiz

me eating drugs

la creatura...

Riley just shut the fuck up.

Yeah a joke. It is real

junkyard central

>police arrest a drug dealer they have tracked down

they are actually moroccans and romanians you fucking jungle monkey trash

Because we have a corrupted government filled with traitors and cowards.

>Spain is literally one of the safest placest in Europe
Yeah, and Europe (as Spain) is a dangerous shithole invaded with africans and middle easterners.

damn spain calm down.....