Why y'all so racist desu? Don't you know there aint no race but the humans race?

Why y'all so racist desu? Don't you know there aint no race but the humans race?

So because a few can play chess, there's no issue in their community?

>the media do no

at least we know this is an authentic nigger creation

This is art. Like dogs playing poker.

false, there are also grey men who live underground (some are also tan)
I'm With Herâ„¢ so she will show us the secret documents and reveal truth to all

I always get the most audible NEGRO PLEASE whenever a nigger believes that the media is against them

It's nice to know they are playing a game in which whites always move first.

>can play chess
just look at these boards...


You think they are not? Quit watchin FOX really...

White people trained their pet monkeys to play chess? Wow, never knew we were so brilliant.

the truth is, everyone, black, white, liberal, conservative, whatever, would love to promote civilized black behavior.

the only ones against that image are the same ghetto blacks who say that studying for school is "acting white".

why the fuck is it that black people shoot themselves in the foot all the fucking time, wanting to cry RACISM when there is none.

Oh yeah. that's their job. being a perpetual victim, unlike everyone in that image.

>black kids playing chess
>all the kids playing white are winning
Thinking hard here.


there are twp species of humans.
>this is why interracial breeding is naturally appalling to whites

>>all the kids playing white are winning

that isn't really true until you get to a pretty advanced level.

they aren't playing tic-tac-toe.

Does the black side get 4 free turns in nigger chess?


There has been 1 (one) black grandmaster in the history of chess and he was never even close to top 100 level. For reference 33 women have qualified as grandmaster, the best woman in history was ranked 8th in the world at her peak, and there is currently one woman in the top 100.

Oh and that one lone black grandmaster? He's pretty much the face of North American chess broadcasting. Sure is nice to have the West's most popular board game represented by a group of people that are categorically shit at it!

No it gets disadvantaged at birth

>those states
lmao. only two niggers can make a chess board look like that.

I don't even see pawn chains. This is the best fucking thread. ahahahaha

ayo das raiciss
also every piece is a kang

>I don't even see pawn chains. This is the best fucking thread. ahahahaha

black people trying to be civilized.

and you want to talk shit.

you are a white nigger, and proud to be a white nigger. You are a large part of why america sucks.

>gifs of black people the media do not want you to see

That picture looks staged as fuck.

maybe they should start by planting a garden and tending to it before they try and fake intellectual pursuits.

>t. adult man shit talking 5 year olds

Lol they play chess so they can loiter in public spaces for 12 hours a day

I'm surprised we don't follow ((black)) pleople around and give them a medal every time they shit.

>images of black people NASA does not want you to see

Still white.

Holy shit. Is there a full video? Link?

superpower by 2020

>images of black babies your local grocer does not want you to see

That's a very old image, which occurred before they found out they don't get to keep the pieces.

here's another one. typical civilised black family gathering

what will happen if every piece is a king?

>maybe they should start by planting a garden and tending to it before they try and fake intellectual pursuits.

good point.

blacks in america. is it a hopeless cause? I want to believe that they can adapt, because many of them have, but the ones at the bottom. white trash sucks, and white people deal with them. but black trash seems to have support amongst regular black people.

that's what I hoped Obama would deal with, and he didn't. will trump?


you already know what
a chimpout

>images of black people the media do NO want you to see

this nondesukurosai

The stripper and all the people involved could get labeled as a sex offender for that if the authorities found out.

that would literally lead to checkmate and game over before the white player can move with queen's knight. Really makes you think re:affirmative action.


>images of black people the media do not* want you to see

>that's what I hoped Obama would deal with, and he didn't. will trump?
Doubt it. But it does look to me like Trump is redpilling the nation with his campaign, and I have seen black people turn on Democrats. So their salvation may indeed come from the loss of benefits and creation of jobs, but ultimately they will have to save themselves.

White people can't do it for them. White people have trouble with our own race, and we're desperately trying to wield leverage against the Jews.

Ideally, black people would wake up and realize "Evil whitey" is literally not white people, but the Jews and Cryptokikes White people are fighting.

Give offerings to KEK so that he may answer our will.

wtf that's racist dude...