Does Machiavelli's piece "The Prince" still apply to this day? What does Sup Forums think of it?

Does Machiavelli's piece "The Prince" still apply to this day? What does Sup Forums think of it?

Why wouldn't it? Do you think militaries are functional because it considers everyone's opinions and feelings?

Human nature never changes

It's probably more relevant now than it's ever been. It's had more visible influence on modern political thought and conduct than any other single work.

Very relevant and always will be.

How bout I slap your shit?

Explains how the world is not how it ought to be and it applies today but shouldn't be applied.

Forever relevant. You can never make tough decisions if you cannot put the end result above the means. Sometimes that is the only way to justify something merciless.

stirner posters incoming

It's still very relevant, although the parts about securing an estate through martial prowess really only apply if you are a criminal or live in a third world shithole.

The major takeaway from The Prince is that a tyrant can only rule a population without the moral conviction to oppose him.

This book still offends feelings to this day kek

>third world shithole

You got that part right

It triggers liberals, ergo, it is relevant to my interests (destroying libtard assholes). Plus he was a legit misogynist so for many radfems even uttering his name can net you some delicious tears.

Idk what to feel, since I only get blank confused stares from my college mates when I mentioned his name once. They legitimately don't know about the Prince. Don't know if that's a step up or down from angry tears

Some of it is eerily relevant today. For instance, invoking the example of Coriolanus in Rome, he explains how equal justice under the law has practical merit for the rulers, as it placates the masses. Coriolanus only realized this after he almost had a rebellion on his hands. Reminds us of a certain scenario regarding a certain democratic candidate, mmmmmm?

It is a book by a psychopath lecturing psychopaths on the best methods of being a psychopath.

>retards not realizing most of the book is satire

Go and actually read it. Some of it's like "ok i can see this being true" but a lot of it is obvious bullshit. Like when he talks about how the government should live where his colonies are.

Yup. God its the most red pilled thing ever. Reading it after sun tzus art of wat totally perception changing, the two books changed my life but it's the prince that really blew my mind (while thinking about it applies to art of war)


The book is centered on a Monarchistic style of rule. Almost all relevant places in the world are democratic or at least 'aware' of liberty, so they fall into the book's category of currently/formerly free populations and hence can't be controlled through Machiavelli's methods.

And then it also states in the book that anyone who isn't the absolute top dog shouldn't follow the advice in the book, since you need the support of others to rise through the ranks which wont happen if you're a full bore 'I rule in the Kingdom of Italy' cunt. So it's immediately irrelevant for 99.9999% of the population anyway.

You read Marcus Aurelius' Meditations?
I've read it quite recently and its changed my perception vividly. I've definitely become more relaxed and focused.

Piece? Go back to worldstar.