An honest discussion on the Trump phenomenon and the threat it poses to the future of this board

As of this election cycle, Sup Forums has been completely watered down by redditors and "alt-right" degenerates with no interest in actual discussion and betterment of themselves. You are no different from the beta manchildren who fall head over heels for the first woman to give them any sort of positive attention. How the fuck do you guys genuinely support Trump to the degree that you do? It's ruined the last vestiges of critical thinking and productivity this board has had since the exodus to other boards/sites amidst the censoring of GG-related topics over 2 years ago.

ALL of you who have had the potential to learn about and uphold REAL principles such as the importance of hierarchy, meritocracy, and tradition have been successfully sidelined into the stagnant and utterly useless system of American politics, perpetuated by lazy and apathetic Democracy.

Real change will never be had through the avenues of Democracy. Only something greater can stir masses of men to action once again, and these are the principles of Fascism, National Socialism, and Traditionalism.

This doesn't mean we work against Trump, but don't put all your eggs in one basket. He is not the principled and dynamic candidate we need. He is no Savior of the West. Just a temporarily stop-gap to the growing insanity of Leftism. Even if he wins, nothing can reverse the current demographic trends facing the United States and Europe, at least working within the confines of Western democracies.

Do not lose sight of the greater goal at the end of the road. Don't let yourselves be absorbed into a system that actively prevents dramatic and necessary change.

Never stop improving yourselves. Read ceaselessly. Work out ceaselessly. Fight ceaselessly. Raise a family ceaselessly.

Other urls found in this thread:

This needs to be seen. Don't let this be slid.


Quality post, Trump is an essential step in the fight direction, but not the savior. Frankly Sup Forums needs to stop sucking his dick so hard. It attracts normie tier trumpfags from plebbit and other shitholes.



Thank you.


>implying you retards could do anything but complain on the internet.

Face it. You are all shit stains on the fabric of society. But you can live just as long as you stay here in this corner of the net.

Please help keep this near the top guys.

I agree. But give it 4 years. We may be able to change the tide of each of our respective nations. We have to evangelize to people, like the 12 Apostles. Tell them that they were being duped by the elites and tell the people that there is hope if we put our faith in our respective nations, our respective cultures and our collective goal of the restoration of Western society.

Sup Forums has proven itself time and time again that it is capably of spawning very powerful and fast-acting media movements that spread very quickly into more mainstream channels. This has been a bulwark of free speech and critical discussion for years.

There is no reason not to believe real world activism and action starts with this board right here.
You're a disinfo shill.


Looks like CTR is getting creative.



Also, don't redpill them too much at once (no Hitler/Nazi pics or mentioning the Jews until you're sure their ready). Do it slowly. Make sure they see whats going wrong in their countries and make sure they can see that we can fix it if we start the healing process for Western civilization.

To hell with you, disgusting coward.

>1 post by this ID

Thank you for proving my point.

>pic related

its you

I fully agree i support Donald but he has his flaws


>tfw mexico didn't side up with Germany.

Fuck, that was our chance right? and we missed it.

Nationalist art from the Romantic Era is very effective in instilling pride for their history/culture in many people. There's just something so vivid and emotional about it.

Being this delusional

nice bait bro

Alright, I see this 'facism' around all the fucking time on this board but I fucking doubt you guys are facists

Like let me ask a few questions to the 'facists'here

How do you define individualism and why do you think it is bad (if you do)?

What civil liberties are you in favor of?

Would you be in favor of violence against political opposition?

In a practical sense what the principle of hierarchy look like in policy?

Why are you guys against communists when both of you seem to be throughly collectivist?

Pfft if anything this election has proven we have far more influence than we knew. Hillary's doing a fucking speech on the "dangerous" alt-right movement most known for their nazi frogs.

Sup Forums is theoretically a bastion of free speech and as most of us believe in markets, the best ideas should rise to the top which here looks to be: Nationalist Capitalism with nods towards Traditionalism. Unsurprisingly, that seems to be the direction many places in the world is heading.

Name another fucking place on earth where you can name drop Oswald Spengler or make fun of AnCaps and everyone gets the references.

also, sage

We need to download as much nationalistic art and post it everywhere. In the streets, in our classrooms in our homes and in our workplaces. It can be a good icebreaker I guess. Also religious art is very good too.

Why can't I get a fanatical empiricism ideology somewhere? For the trumpite, every for is CTR. For the noble fascist, every foe is a disinformation shill.

How the great googly fuck are we supposed to have a discussion here?

>Do not lose sight of the greater goal at the end of the road

That's exactly why going going Fascist at this juncture especially is a terrible idea.
Do you have any self-awareness or awareness towards how humans work?

The sentiment of your post is a damn good one, but like it or not the boomers have had free reign to cuck our shit in every way imaginable.

Trump IS in many ways the savior of western civilization, not because of him personally, but because of the ripples it will cause. Trump is the turning point, it's up to us to continue and finish the job.

>nothing can reverse the current demographic trends facing the United States and Europe, at least working within the confines of Western democracies.

Except there is. The destruction of Political Correctness and white guilt that is currently ongoing as we speak provides the means to it.

Deportations, border control, and Fascism will not solve flagging white birthrates, you're focusing on band-aid fixes that while helpful (and the majority of which are essential) don't fix the root of the problem. You need to be focused on the long term.

You're on the money when you said everyone here has an obligation to self-improvement in every way they can, that's the only way white birthrates will go up.

It's not fair, but white men need to take the reigns here. Become fit, well-spoken, and confident. White women will ditch feminism and diversity shilling real fucking quick once they realize it makes them undesirable as wives and mothers.

My point is, Trump is the pivot, dismissing him, or Democracy as the wrong path is autistically retarded. Any other approach short of nukes going off in multiple major cities destroys broad credibility.

Fascism itself is a band-aid fix, not a solution.

>How do you define individualism and why do you think it is bad (if you do)?

There is more than enough room for individualism in a Fascist society. Fascism is not le spooky totalitarian police state. Individualism in the form of hedonism and mindless-pleasure seeking is toxic and harmful to society as a whole though.

>What civil liberties are you in favor of?

Anything that makes the nation and its citizenry stronger. I would imagine freedom of press, speech, etc would be more than welcome in the vast majority of Fascist societies. Oswald Mosley wrote at length about this. I would direct you to "100 Questions Asked and Answered" by him.

>Would you be in favor of violence against political opposition.

If it poses a direct threat to the continued existence and prosperity of our nation than yes. Some retarded leftists meeting in a basement somewhere is not our concern though.

>In a practical sense what the principle of hierarchy look like in policy?

It is important the best and brightest of society are recognized and see respective pay out for their efforts. Fascism is not for the breakdown of class, it is for the cooperation of class.

>Why are you guys against communists when both of you seem to be throughly collectivist?

Leftists ignore and openly fight against the collectives that are the most important: the nation, the family, the parish, and all localized communities. Communism is egalitarianism, which is nothing short of war against the most able of a society. Collectivism is not inherently a bad principle by its nature.


It makes me giggle how you all think that this place has any influence on anything. I get it. You gotta feel important some how right?

To expand on individualism vs collectivism:

Individualism creates a social structure in which every man is for himself, the good of the one trumps the good of the whole, this is the structure most related to Liberalism and the Capitalist economic system. Then we have Collectivism, which is, however, largely misinterpreted nowadays as the good of the whole above the good of the individual - this is a wrong interpretation, because collectivism in its essence is just a mass of individuals with a common interest. In individualism the one seeks out all of his interests on his own, in Collectivism many people who seeks out a common interest group together in the pursuit of that interest.

Ultimately, however, both Individualism and Collectivism are no good for Fascism, as their fundamental premise is individual interest, regardless if it is pursued individually or collectively. Interests are always selfish and self-serving, going against any kind of Order in favor of one's own mere whims and wants, which are always material and inevitably lead to degeneracy.

In both instances Personhood is not valuable, atoms are just as replaceable as cogs and just as lacking in any real personality, only difference is the less rigid structure of Individualism, where you can maintain the illusion of being your own person, while walking in a sea of clones who can replace you at a moment's notice, because both Individualism and Collectivism work on the premise of equality and necessitate easy replaceability. In both instances personality can be sacrificed, either for a collective mentality or a fake, marketable "individual" identity.

>Says increasingly nervous man for the 238th time

"Free speech"

Except for people who don't belive in your ideology. Then they are "cucks or whatever you idiots call people now"

To further expand on Oswald Mosley's opinions on free speech

hear it from the man himself

You're free to say what you want here faggot. But don't get offended when people call you a shill when that's exactly what you're doing.

Thanks m8

Quads = gods

Just a reminder that nationalSOCIALISM isn't the answer.

Well, it's a republic, but okay idiot, let's listen to how supreme your ideas are because you're posting those pictures.

literally our equivalent of the leftists screaming "Check your privilege".

None of us can even agree on what objective facts are anymore. If we don't even live in the same reality is the other people were talking to her not going to be talking to them our way? More like talking at or past them.
This place used to be a bastion of free speech on the Internet. One of the last I think.

But I haven't seen a discussion of merit on this board in months.

>how do you do, fellow Sup Forumsacks

Agreed and we'll said. Married a good german woman and we speak german amongst eachother in our home in Texas to preserve a culture most will never know.

Wir sind das Volk.

There is nothing Marxist about National Socialism.

To equate National Socialism with Marxist Socialism is to demonstrate you know nothing at all about the foundations and function of either ideology.

You can oppose the globalist ambitions of unrestrained Capitalism and Oligarchy without being a commie faggot.

Under current conditions the NATION works for Capital interests. Under Fascism, capital will be put to work for national interests.

>pic related Hitler dissing marxist socialism.

The tide will pass. Once the election is over, and the traffic slows, it is likely that our numbers will grow much larger.

Trump is the first rumble that the common man has felt in a VERY long time, don't underestimate his importance.

No it's not. Checking someone's ID's and saying "you're a shill" isn't the same as "Check your privilege". When leftists say that, they want you to stop talking.Honestly, you can keep shilling if you want, I don't give two fucks. but at least own up to your own words. Don't say that you aren't shilling when you clearly are.


Hail Victory


This fucking hopefully.

I give Trump credit for taking the fight to the globalists, and exposing the shills in both major parties. I think Americans and our European allies are finally starting to wake up, and the Brexit was just the first victory in a long war to come. I don't expect Trump to name the enemy, but I think he is paving the way for the glorious fuhrer who may do so in the near future.

Almost certainly. That is one of the few benefits I do see to this movement. It's creating a lot of angry people who hopefully won't go away after this election cycle. It's almost certain even just a small portion of them will take the redpill.

>pic related

you've got a lot of 1s and 2s who will scale the ladder.

Normie trumpfag here. I came to this board only months ago. I don't even follow Milo news anymore and the realization that even Trump, who is a vital step in the right direction, is compromised. I've digested NatSoc ideas in my brief time here. Your message has an insane amount of leftist shit to cut through, but it's getting through. Be patient with us.

Good. just make sure to learn our language and no excuses. Learning a language is a decent pasttime and nowadays even easier f.e.:
>watching your favourite movies tv-shows with german synchro and german subtitles (not english subtitles)

I just learned fluent french due to my french wife and a new languag is always worth it

>pic related

The conformism which has dwelt within social democracy from the very beginning rests not merely on its political tactics, but also on its economic conceptions. It is a fundamental cause of the later collapse. There is nothing which has corrupted the German working-class so much as the opinion that they were swimming with the tide. Technical developments counted to them as the course of the stream, which they thought they were swimming in. From this, it was only a step to the illusion that the factory-labor set forth by the path of technological progress represented a political achievement. The old Protestant work ethic celebrated its resurrection among German workers in secularized form.


You should read this

> Wants people to stop with the Trump meme
> Continues with the NatSoc meme

We need to do something to actually remove the Trump-fluffer leddit normies.

>implying drawing more people to this board to be inevitably red pilled isn't a good thing

This is a great discussion.

But I caution against lookibg this gift horse in the mouth. Prior to Trump, we were not remotely as coalesced and organized as today.

He is the only patht we have to the destination we strive after. Indeed, ultimately our lives are what we make of them.

I'm spendihg much less time on the forum and more time on my fitness regimen and work. Let's all effect real change through steel will.


>One of the most plagued questions we get when talking about Fascism is economics, normally brought up by people still stuck in a liberal mentality and limited scope of perception, where everything is defined in term of social and economic policies, rather than principles derived from the notion of a singular Truth and Order that dominates the world. The variety of historic economic plans and practices maintained by various champions of our Struggle likewise distorts any comprehensive answer to the question. All in all we've simply answered people that economics are secondary, they don't matter in such a way as to be a fundamental and defining element of Fascism. The answer didn't change, however there is now a way in which we can describe this attitude to economics, and it's actually a word we've used repeatedly in reference to Fascism anyway: Socialism.



Thanks OP, I agree wholeheartedly and have known this

Too bad for you, i'm not white... hopefully your race gets back up on their feet

Absolutely and that's really what the last line is for. Real world action and example will ALWAYS outshine the value of online discussion.

Good luck on your fitness and career, friend.

Bookmarked to read. Thanks.

You're still brainwashed by jews I think

What the fuck is this psyop going on on the board???

CTR trying to bait us into being stupid or something.

Don't tell me what to do faggot. KYS sage.

Fuck Nazi manbabies

Here is your (OP)

Sup Forums has been undone by this. Those of us who were here for /new/ saw this once before. Gookmoot will surely cut us out before long, at this rate.


Don't worry man. There are a lot of non-whites like me that want to see the white race prosper. To be quite honest, historically, when the whites prosper, we all prosper.

wow hillary mentioned the word owl once over tens of thousands of emails and another place that she mentioned also had an owl statue


>10 seconds apart.

>TFW I used to laugh at this graph when I was pure libertarian
>TFW Skipped straight to traditionalism

bring back the mandatory military service already

Wewe ni fagot mkubwa nami kutomba binti yako na kumi na mbili inch yangu uume
Trump 16'

Great suggestion. Going back to Deutschland next month to see some sights and practice the language some more. I just have no one to speak it with here except my wife and she isn't as advanced as me so it's impossible to grow. Suggestions?

>being this unoriginal

Hitler using a true Scotsman fallacy lol. Was this guy ever truthful or honest. Any use of logic ever?

Um no I just have been seeing too much white only nationalism or gtfo posts

I get what you mean, however

Well written post.

With that stated, have you ever considered that some of us aren't national socialists? I'm a constitutionalist/libertarian, I disagree with many aspects of national socialism. There are many of us on this board, along with plenty of left-socialists/commies, green fags, and straight up anarchists.

I've been riding along the Trump train with you fascist faggots for one reason, and one reason alone - I want our current system to crumble. With Clinton, things will largely remain the same. Our personal privacy and liberties will continue to be slowly taken away, the puppet masters who control the media will continue to shove their narrative down our throats, and our western standard of living will begin to equalize with the third world.

I understand some of the importance of nationalism, but as it pertains to tradition, I don't give a flying fuck. As long as someone does not infringe upon my rights, whatever floats their boat is of no concern to me - I am just sick of the controlled media brainwashing the public to push their filth in the minds of the next generation.

Trump, the lying loud-mouthed faggot that he is, is hated by this media, hated by this system. This means that he is the right choice. Almost every conglomerate I despise is working overtime to make Trump unelectable, so I must support him.

Sorry to break it to you unemployed virgins, but nobody really gives a fuck about the national socialist movement. I liked this board a lot more when different types of non-standard ideologies argued/bantered back and forth. It was interesting, engaging. Once this disgusting election ends (I've publicly stated that I hope the lighting system falls onto the stage during the first debate, killing both candidates instantly), hopefully we can get back to that.

Have a bump, OP. I couldn't agree with you more

I know, it's not like you've been bumping your retarded thread the entire time.

>using a fallacy discounts your entire argument

this shit should be a fallacy by itself at this point

t. Ben Shapiro

That last panel is amazing.

I hope that one day I will be to think of my country with pure honest pride, like a child would. We are pulled apart, turned on each other, shamed and guilted until the point of apathy and little morals. Indoctrinated from the crib to be all about ourselves, and to throw our countrymen under the bus for a dollar. And lied to all the while by the press and those we elect.

How do you get rid of greed (for money and power), Sup Forums?

I disagree with aspects of National Socialism myself. I am still reading and expanding my knowledge and altering my ideology and principles to suit incoming information.

With that being said, it is the only system shown to be capable of coherently and concretely combating the subversion of cultural marxism and internationalism.

My ideal nation would eventually see much of what I want to be self-perpetuating and a voluntary, organic choice by the people themselves, something I think most libertarians will agree with, as seen in pic related by Julius Evola.

I came to this board because I had heard about it on /k/ often and after dipping into politics for the first time when this election came up (first election past 18 for me) I decided to check you guys out.
I think your statement is factually correct; that people who adore trump are putting their eggs in one basket and most of them can't have valid discussion because they're in a prepubescent political spectrum.
Never before had I realized how much politics really effects everything around us, after being exposed to the red pill and being made aware of the global presence of higher-up's and jews, it made me realize and election can't fix it.
Trump is a stepping stone, a gateway drug to politics, he's bringing more people into it who wouldn't care otherwise, but they are entry level.
Now many stay in their containment general spouting memes and defending trump no matter what, but we need to expose them to the harsh reality. With so many slide threads it's hard to realize just what this board is about, and I have half the reason to believe the responsible party are the redditors that come here and reply to any negative bait about Trump.
We must bait them to see the error of their ways, they don't realize they're being baited.
Good post and bump.

From the Americans and Brits who moved here i usually here that watching anything you really like in german with german subtitles.
Because even if you don't know many words used at first, you see what happens, facial expressions, tone etc. which helps you learn meaning of words and sentences unconciously and therefore get on faster.

That's also how i mostly learned french at first and most younger people in Germany learn english that way.

It is. It's called the fallacy-fallacy.

nah, it'll go away once trump gets elected/ if he doesnt

if he gets elected, we will either hate him, or love him, but talk about other politics more

Yes, basically classic Liberalism. Unfortunately the word liberal has been dirtied by two-party propaganda, "progressives", and the feminist/lgbt/muhmovements.

My ideal nation would be very similar. Libertarians, Constitutionalists, and "classic liberals" are all very similar in many aspects. In essence, it is what you have from a young and rising nation based on a relatively open economy, founded upon personal freedom (constitution, magna carta, etc).

Sadly we've moved well beyond that now. Our government is enormous, hungry, and corrupt at every single level.

honestly OP, you're a massive faggot.

i've been on this board for three US presidential elections, and it ALWAYS causes a massive uptick in board traffic that NECESSARILY dilutes board culture

but every single time that has happened, the board culture has sprung back stronger than ever.

stop being such a little faggot.

and honestly, it's probably time to stop looking to the past for solutions to the present.

technology is going to make the future even more different than we can imagine, and it's going to take a new order to adapt to it.

i'm not saying the three principles you've mentioned aren't important, but the value within them must be recodified for the future.

>How the fuck do you guys genuinely support Trump to the degree that you do?

the problem with that political is that it suffers from one huge omission. One it shares with economics, who it shares a lot of its principles and conclusions with.

It fails to take into account *other* governments. Foreign relations is the highest level of politics. It's no good having a "pure" free market internally if china is going to price war the fuck out of you and subsidize lossmaking entreprises until your company goes bankrupt and then corner the market completely.

they tried to do this to our electronics industry in the 2007-8s when people got salty about capitalism and proclaiming the inevitable rise of china. They did it with the rare earth minerals we need to build iphones and shit. Arguably the most important sector of the economy right now

You know how we kept Apple and the tech companies going? We destabilized the SHIT out of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and got warlord/megacorp pacts to ensure the supply kept flowing

in other words, we got fucking lucky that we have the biggest military in the world, and that the only other country with Coltan was a third world shithole we could just bomb into submission

NAP my fuckin ass

I believe Sup Forums is changing normies that visit

Not the other way around


That's funny, that brain must have the density of a neutron star with just neurons.

>technology is going to make the future even more different than we can imagine, and it's going to take a new order to adapt to it.

The point is not just organizing a society under a system that can accommodate technological advancement, but to ensure that our cultures, our families, and our histories even make it to that point.

Look at those glorious motherfuckers

I wonder why people stopped wearing those fluffy collars

Bump. I'm digging this thread.

Personally I'm just sick of all the muzzies. America already opened Pandora's Box when it came to the Middle East, and Obama decided to stick his face in it. And yeah, whites need to start having more kids. Get off your lazy butts and get laid btw, Sup Forums. Starting to see more muzzies in my neighborhoods.

And yeah, I agree with this. Many Trump supporters have been mostly right in believing that the media is completely out to get him, so it makes them want to defend him on all aspects because every flaw ground is given to Clinton. Got to realize though, that he's literally a wild card. We can reasonably predict what Clinton will do from what she has done.

>Kicked off the watergate investigation for lying
>more lies, lies, lies over the course of her career

We do not need to cover all of his flanks. And it builds more support when the supporters know that he's flawed, but will support him because they believe that he's the best for America in this election. Culture, economics, terrorism. I frankly just don't know what he stands for. He's not a conservative, certainly not religious (probably agnostic, or just doesn't give two flying fucks), lies plenty, but his administration might just be the most transparent in decades.

I believe he does care about this country, and I do think that he ultimately will to put a temporary halt on the crumbling of western civilization, though this news week hasn't been good on my stress levels.

I think he's in this for real, though. When Bernie sold out after rallying the communists and marxists, I was worried that Trump was another shill for Clinton and was just for rallying the nationalists and "forgotten citizens". But he's been talking about running for decades; and his name is too big. Even though the media won't report on it, there are a lot of people in Trump's circles cheering him on. And over the course of this election, his businesses have taken a hit in profits. He's in it.

It gets hot as shit at times and sometimes and it can be uncomfortable in general

I agree, there is no denying that. That is why I believe in some nationalist/isolationist values. I believe regulations should be in place to promote growth domestically, keeping the wealth in our nation.

This is obviously a very fine line, and would have to be tread upon delicately. Offer massive tax cuts to Americans, and American owned businesses/corporations who grow domestically. Regulate to the extent that foreign-owned businesses and citizens simply cannot compete with us.

I realize that pulls away heavily from a libertarian standpoint, but as you stated, something would have to be done so that we weren't infiltrated and ultimately ran by foreign owned businesses.