ITT: We thank the Soviet Union from saving Europe and the World from nazism

Thank you, Soviet Union.
Thank you, Stalin.
Thank you, Red Army.

Other urls found in this thread:

Thank you mister totalitarian dictatorship for saving us from an other totalitarian dictatorship!

Eh, I suppose that nazi occupation was generally more devastating and genocidal than a soviet one.

t. nazi in denial


fucк off pooftah

Why would you thank someone for creating a totalitarian state with a jewish oligarchy? Why would I be for institutional jewish supremacy?


I thought baltics were considered honorary aryan?


>the west: support israel
>USSR: support nations that tried to destroy israel


we had a lot of jews, and I mean a LOT of jews.
And if Generalplan Ost is accurate they wanted to cull up to 80% of Lithuanians.

None of them opposed Israel, the USSR was the first to aknowledge Israel as a state. The jews were given their own oblast in the USSR, it's the size of Arizona or sometjing like that. They didn't even have to build or cultivate the lands, Russian serfs were put to that task


>the USSR was the first to aknowledge Israel as a state
learn your history
that was only in the beginning of the USSR

>The jews were given their own oblast in the USSR
which was abandoned after the death of stalin

just because you dont know your history doesn't mean i dont

>None of them opposed Israel, the USSR
Which side used which tanks during Yom Kippur war?

>The jews were given their own oblast in the USSR
In fucking Siberia. What's next, are you gonna claim Nazis were ruled by Jews, because they wanted to give them their own island?

Those mid-soviet era poster arts were the second best.

>tfw still standing

looks gay

It's not their fault gays have adopted this hairdo.

>Which side used which tanks during Yom Kippur war?
Be carefull so you don't pull a muscle reaching that far. I know Syria and bunch of other ME nations had arms given to them ny the USSR, that was part of the cold war. This was their defence tactic, and were not going to destablize the countries close to them, that would be doing the USAs work for them

Thank you!


>I know Syria and bunch of other ME nations had arms given to them ny the USSR, that was part of the cold war.
>I know that USSR supplied and supported countries that wanted to drive Jews into the sea the most violent way possible, that they threatened Israel with war and were generally hostile to Jews and Zionism, but that doesn't count because it would contradict my ideology.

Thank you, Soviet Union.
Thank you, Stalin.
Thank you, Red Army.

Jewish Bolshevik subhumans destroyed Europe

thank you for bringing the world close to nuclear annihilation and setting a record for most people killed for a time.

Thank you, Soviet Union.
Thank you, Stalin.
Thank you, Red Army.

ah yes the soviet union that country that nuked 2 (two) times cities full of innocent civilians

You think Assad is an Islamist extremist? When do you think the Islamist came into power?

By your logic the US was and is anti-Israel. The US armed Iraq while Saddam was supporting several anti-Israel terrorist group. You need to let go of the state indoctrination

That is retarded, the regular bombing raids against civilians and the civil war in China was worse. The humanitarian efforst of the chinese communist don't look so great. The nukes were among the lesser evils commited

>cristo comunista
Thanks for kek Spain

But I'd actually prefer for Nazis to win, so I would not be born at all

>You think Assad is an Islamist extremist?
Where did that come from? And which one do you mean?

>By your logic the US was and is anti-Israel.
No, you are just going into absurdities.

>The US armed Iraq while Saddam was supporting several anti-Israel terrorist group.
Because threat to Israel was neglieble compared to the harm done to Iran, which was priority. Learn2realpolitik.

>You need to let go of the state indoctrination
You need to grab a history book, instead of getting your info from memes and infographics.

>so I would not be born at all
Then go kill yourself pathetic worm.

at least horthy's government was run by hungarians for hungarians, rather than vengeful jews like rakosi, gero, peter, farkas and revai

>Communist kids are awake.
Is the average age of this thread under 15?

>No, you are just going into absurdities.
As do you.

>Because threat to Israel was neglieble compared to the harm done to Iran, which was priority. Learn2realpolitik.
This apparently goes out the window when talking about the USSR-Israel relationship.

Why the fuck are you so heavily invested in the interests of Israel?

(Pablo Neruda)

Yo escribí sobre el tiempo y sobre el agua,
describí el luto y su metal morado,
yo escribí sobre el cielo y la manzana,
ahora escribo sobre Stalingrado.

Ya la novia guardó con su pañuelo
el rayo de mi amor enamorado,
ahora mi corazón está en el suelo,
en el humo y la luz de Stalingrado.

Yo toqué con mis manos la camisa
del crepúsculo azul y derrotado:
ahora toco el alba de la vida
naciendo con el sol de Stalingrado.

Yo sé que el viejo joven transitorio
de pluma, como un cisne encuadernado,
desencuaderna su dolor notorio
por mi grito de amor a Stalingrado.

Yo pongo el alma mía donde quiero.
Y no me nutro de papel cansado,
adobado de tinta y de tintero.
Nací para cantar a Stalingrado.

Mi voz estuvo con tus grandes muertos
contra tus propios muros machacados,
mí voz sonó como campana y viento
mirándote morir, Stalingrado.

Ahora americanos combatientes
blancos y oscuros como los granados,
matan en el desierto a la serpiente.
Ya no estás sola, Stalingrado.

Francia vuelve a las viejas barricadas
con pabellón de furia enarbolado
sobre las lágrimas recién secadas.
Ya no estás sola, Stalingrado.

Y los grandes leones de Inglaterra
volando sobre el mar huracanado
clavan las garras en la parda tierra.
Ya no estás sola, Stalingrado.

Hoy bajo tus montañas de escarmiento
no sólo están los tuyos enterrados:
temblando está la carne de los muertos
que tocaron tu frente, Stalingrado.

Deshechas van las invasoras manos,
triturados los ojos del soldado,
están llenos de sangre los zapatos
que pisaron tu puerta, Stalingrado.

Tu acero azul de orgullo construido,
tu pelo de planetas coronados,
tu baluarte de panes divididos,
tu frontera sombría, Stalingrado.

Tu Patria de martillos y laureles,
la sangre sobre tu esplendor nevado,
la mirada de Stalin a la nieve
tejida con tu sangre, Stalingrado.

Las condecoraciones que tus muertos
han puesto sobre el pecho traspasado
de la tierra, y el estremecimiento
de la muerte y la vida, Stalingrado.

La sal profunda que de nuevo traes
al corazón del hombre acongojado
con la rama de rojos capitanes
salidos de tu sangre, Stalingrado.

La esperanza que rompe en los jardines
como la flor del árbol esperado,
la página grabada de fusiles,
las letras de la luz, Stalingrado.

La torre que concibes en la altura,
los altares de piedra ensangrentados,
los defensores de tu edad madura,
los hijos de tu piel, Stalingrado.

Las águilas ardientes de tus piedras,
los metales por tu alma amamantados,
los adioses de lágrimas inmensas
y las olas de amor, Stalingrado.

Los huesos de asesinos malheridos,
los invasores párpados cerrados,
y los conquistadores fugitivos
detrás de tu centella, Stalingrado.

Los que humillaron la curva del Arco
y las aguas del Sena han taladrado
con el consentimiento del esclavo,
se detuvieron en Stalingrado.

Los que Praga la Bella sobre lágrimas,
sobre lo enmudecido y traicionado,
pasaron pisoteando sus heridas,
murieron en Stalingrado.

Los que en la gruta griega han escupido,
la estalactita de cristal truncado
y su clásico azul enrarecido,
ahora dónde están, Stalingrado?

Los que España quemaron y rompieron
dejando el corazón encadenado
de esa madre de encinos y guerreros,
se pudren a tus pies, Stalingrado.

Los que en Holanda, tulipanes y agua
salpicaron de lodo ensangrentado
y esparcieron el látigo y la espada,
ahora duermen en Stalingrado.

Los que en la noche blanca de Noruega
con un aullido de chacal soltado
quemaron esa helada primavera,
enmudecieron en Stalingrado.

Honor a ti por lo que el aire trae,
lo que se ha de cantar y lo cantado,
honor para tus madres y tus hijos
y tus nietos, Stalingrado.

Honor al combatiente de la bruma,
honor al comisario y al soldado,
honor al cielo detrás de tu luna,
honor al sol de Stalingrado.

Guárdame un trozo de violenta espuma,
guárdame un rifle, guárdame un arado,
y que lo pongan en mi sepultura
con una espiga roja de tu estado,
para que sepan, si hay alguna duda,
que he muerto amándote y que me has amado,
y si no he combatido en tu cintura
dejo en tu honor esta granada oscura,
este canto de amor a Stalingrado.

>>As do you.
>USSR was hostile to Israel
>USA was hostile to Israel
Yes, norboi, these two are equally absurd. Everyone percieves in the middle east percieves Russians as traditional friends of the Jews. The arab-Israeli conflict definitly was totally orthogonal to the Cold War.

>Why the fuck are you so heavily invested in the interests of Israel?
Same reason you are, I guess.

Here is some education for you. Word of warning, it's much longer and much less entertaining than infographics from Sup Forums.

Hitler literally did nothing wrong

>12% of people think Britain did anything other than hide on their island while getting btfo by japan in the east and germany in the west

>Hitler literally did nothing wrong

>>Communist kids are awake.
>Is the average age of this thread under 15?

Glory to the USSR