How do we take down the Rothschilds?

How do we take down the Rothschilds?

How does anyone take them down?

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An I.O.U does not mean you own the money, it just mean people owe you some, he's basically buying countries's debts off banks. The reason why these banks sell those I.O.U is that the debt is unpayable, its literally just too huge for any government to even pay the interest on it. The only thing this guy own is nothing but what the government will pay each year until this system just collapse and that Rothschild guy is left with countless of wortheless IOU

sorry for bad englando xDxD

I've been thinking about this too. There's apparently over 300 of them, but not all are decrepit evil edgelords.

They created, built, and rule Israel and the Federal Reserve so nuke all that shit and call it day I say.

great post


haha, Evelyn is a girl's name


Third temple moni

Degenerate slaves

It's too late goyim. The war was over before it even started

Any evidence for anything in this post?


prove you exist

lol this who's the cuck now

Anyone notice how there's only 6 countries listed?

Betting against the collapse of capitalism is a safe investment, if the system ends up failing his money would get him no further than he already is.

Find a hold of their iteneraries and kill them.
Pretty much no other way.

Can't, it's illegal mate, we call it racism you anti semite!

yuki dot la/pol/70842505#p70847219

A single family should not own the worlds banking system.....

They won't collapse, because he is controlling their debt, you leaf. It's not about money, it's about power. Money is just a tool for him to control the weak, meak and coruptable. And he has power to influence even uncoruptable because of the "legally aquired" debt. He doesn't even need to kill them all.

7 countries but you only listed six. Wtf OP?

I don't feel like anyone could be threaten by him, politicians usually make even more debt to buy flashy stuff so the population keep voting for them, they don't care that much about the country's debt because its not theirs. Elite wont pay for the collapse of capitalism.

Libya is missing.

If any country would "rebel" he could make it selectively collapse by influencing other "loyal" or "law-abiding" countries. Only way to escape his grasp would be if all the countries at once would rebel, which is ludicrous, or for the whole world-wide system to collapse, which won't happen because he won't let it. If on paper it would look like the system is going to crash completly they would just move couple zeroes on paper and the world will still be running just with more debt. It's because our modern curency works on belief and superstition.

Why would any country be loyal to a guy that bought their debt pennies on the $. That guy never gave money to any government, the banks did. There is literally zero benefit to a country to be loyal to him and even less to stop trading with countries because a rich dude asked them to, They have the choice between a way to forgive their debt completely, or to worsen their situation by cutting in their benefit by stopping exchanging goods with "non-loyal nations"