How can you possibly consider Trump as a serious candidate?

How can you possibly consider Trump as a serious candidate?

Before answering that, solve this "captcha"

x = 1 + (1 / x)

solve for x

Other urls found in this thread:


>run on immigration as an issue
>flip flop when losing

>against Trump
Color me surprised
The answer is 2.4


Is the answer 2?


X1 is 1 , x2 is 0

>Mexican intellectual
1...learned this shit in third grade.
Como no posiblemente consideras a Trump un candidato bueno? Que Diablos, pham?

no one realized that equation is the golden ratio yet?

>american education

Build the wall, already.

x= golden ratio or golden ratio +1

how can you be a "real trump supporter" if you don't even know what the "GOLDEN RATIO" is?

Mexicans 1
Christians 0
Trumplards -666

Shit, you're right.

oops I meant x = golden ratio or golden ratio - 1

φ and 1/φ
Watch his speeches instead of trusting in the MSM

no, x = golden ratio or -(golden ratio-1)
I'm retarded, sorry.


Captcha is "build wall".

how much do I need to pay you to admit the solution is x=0

every knee shall bow before the power of the money

Talk to us when one of your people breaks 5' 10". That would be a national holiday most likely.

I thought the Golden Ratio was 1.61... something

forgot the negative
φ and -1/φ

would have been more interesting if you had asked us to find the eigenvalues of the matrix whose successive columns are the fibonacci sequence, which gives the same thing


or just take out the 1 and put a 0


try it

answer is infinity

x^2 = x +1
inf = inf

i try to make it "7th grade basic math simple", just to prove something along this /edgy/ board

a simple general formula would had solved the equation

1/inf is zero, you imbecile

everybody has become dumber just by even consider your post as a legit possible answer

Never said it wasn't

Do you think 1 + 0 = infinity?

You can't solve every math problem with infinity, dude.


listen to this shit

this will make you change your mind on who to vote for

Jeb Bush

the most red pilled Sup Forumstard

his only sin is to be such an Autistic speecher and marrying a fugly gremling

other than that, that guy is good

actually in measure theory we definie all operations with infinity

Go to sleep, Yeb

Fine fine, i change my mind, the answer is 0.

x= 1 +1/x
-1 = -x+ 1/x
-1/x = -1 +1/(x^2)
(-1/x)^2 = (-1+ 1/(x^2) )^2
inf = inf

That doesn't appear to be in any way relevant.

Oh my god Sup Forums doesn't know math. You are all stupid faggots. Seriously.

You were saying operations on infinity weren't well defined, and i was telling you in rigorous mathematics they actually are.

Solve over what?

>he doesn't know he's talking about himself

>You were saying operations on infinity weren't well defined
In what fucking universe? Why don't you read what's in the post instead of imagining shit I didn't say?

Because he's going to send you and your family packing, Pedro.

x = 1 + (1 / x)


x - 1 = 1 / x


x^2-x = 1


almost there my Sup Forums tard

now use this

but where is the proof?

why would I go on internet and believe lies people tell me?


you were saying?
do -1 and then use the formel in my pic

x=a sideways +

Having solved that I'd like to point out that you're a retard OP and that Trumo WILL make america great again. He Will... He Will!



I guess Sup Forums knows math after all :^)

This is incorrect. You did not specify what ring to solve the equation over.

well shiieeeeet

how am I supposed to know what you're asking me for


fucking plebs can't even into proofs on their own you're not fucking smart

invalid expression, fuck off summer fag

Boy, he really proved his point here.

What a massive faggot.

He never even graded my hard work on this solution

How can you possibly consider Hillary as a serious candidate?

Before answering that, solve this "captcha"

x = 1 - (1 / x)

solve for x

Since I am now allowed to answer let me tell you this:
I only care about the foreign politics of the next US president. Hillary, the NATO and the US want Russia to be an archenemy again. They keep provoking Russia and want to destroy the balance of power. Hillary will be 100% establishment and evil politician. American foreign politics is the most dangerous thing to world peace.
Meanwhile trump wants to be best buds with russia and doesn't know what exactly happend in ukraine. He doesn't care about most shit country and I believe that he would destroy the modern rules of engagement, making it possible for modern armies to win against terrorists.
Thats why trump.

Can Sup Forums do my hw?

I tought the same

but don't feel like paying for a fucking wall

I am a great soft chosen thing. Smoothly rounded, with most nose, with pulsing white $$$ filled by sparkles where my eyes used to be. Wringing appendages that were once my hands; bulks rounding down into legless humps of soft slippery matter. I leave a shekel-lined background when I move. Droplets of diseased, evil gray come and go on my hair, as though light is being beamed from within. Outwardly: dumbly, I shamble about, a thing that could never have been known as human, a thing whose shape is so alien a travesty that humanity becomes more obscene for the vague resemblance. HUE DA FUCK AH EOU!

>but don't feel like paying for a fucking wall
amigo, you are not going to pay for the wall with your state budget, he means that the welfare that goes back to mexico is going to pay the wall, the wall is going to be payed by cutting the gib me thats.

Even funnier since the original was written by one of the most lawsuit-happy kikes of the past few decades.