What are some movies about a guy to antisocial to leave the house because he sees no reason for it unless its to get...

what are some movies about a guy to antisocial to leave the house because he sees no reason for it unless its to get groceries or pay the bills or even visit his friend he didint see in 6 years that even wants to arrange the meeting

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you don't have to leave the house to pay bills retard

or get groceries

>every country is like mine

jeff who lives at home

i'm running low on food...haven't been outside since i guess december. can get shop rite to deliver again but i had the same delivery woman multiple times and it's getting embarrassing

does your country not have online banking? i'm pretty sure any country but the shittiest of third world hell holes will either
a) have online banking
b) allow you to set up preauthorized debit

that low budget Canadian film where the universe disappears. It had Dr. McKay from SG Atlantis...

What are some movies about a dumbass retard TOO retarded to use the right to/too??

tell me 1 (one) country that you have to leave your house to pay a bill

here you go OP

- The Machinist
- Taxi Driver
- Memento
- Fight Club
- Mr . Robot

is the machinist good

I went to the store today to get milk and eggs and it was awful. Anyone else?

I had to go to the store during peak hours to buy some carrots and I hated it.

>during peak hours
dear god

it's never too late

Surprisingly no

what are some movies about a guy who constantly reaches out to people to hang out but nobody ever responds and if they do, they are "too busy" and he keeps trying even though he has no one around him and has no idea what keeps him going

I know a guy like this. He comes to my house at 1:00AM trying to get me to go places with him like to the bar and stuff but I just want to watch anime and be a useless piece of shit all day. But when we do go out it's pretty fun. It's so weird, no one else would be this devoted to an antisocial retard like I am but he just keep trying.

well I'm not so retarded as to show up at 1am. I try to plan cool shit but eh. I'm probably gonna become one of those fags that takes his anime doll to events and takes pictures with it...

what are some movies about a guy who got reminded of his dead childhood cat this afternoon and started crying alone for 20 minutes

My biopic

>fucking goddamn it


Ima Boku Wa

Just curious, what is your age OP?