Who will play these anti american liberals in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play these anti american liberals in the inevitable biopic?

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This wasn't funny the first forty times but it is now again.

>conservatives too dumb to realize that confederates were literally anti american

t. liberal nazi

you got me man

>topple down monument of men who waged war against America

>tearing down a confederate monument

a confederate monument really is the ultimate participation trophy, don't you think?

>tearing down statues of anti-american terrorists


confederates were more American than Lincoln.
>I'm going to save the country!
>by becoming the very thing we fought against 90 years ago!

Literally everybody inherently hates niggers and Jews but alt-right retards want to die on the >muh loser Confederate heritage hill

The confederacy was entirely justified in breaking off to form their own country you stupid uneducated fucks.

But let me guess, you learned all you know about the civil war from 9th grade and social media.

The Confederacy is literally as anti-American as you can get.

Go build a statue to Osama bin Laden if that's the kind of heroes you worship.

>country's identity is based on secession from an oppressive country
>doesn't let country secede and oppresses them

Just because one does not agree with a dark part of a country's history does not make that person "anti-that country".

incomprehensible post

>pulling down a statue honoring literal traitors
yeah sure but the liberals are anti america

>8ch is doxxing these people right now and sending their info to LE

>implying the south would have been better off without direct ties to the industrial powerhouse of the north
>implying anyone would want to trade with the confederacy for cotton, especially when the British could get all they needed and more from India
>implying the confederates could outproduce the tobacco plants of the caribbean
>implying the confederates could ever get all their states to agree on something with a totally castrated central government
>implying Lincoln didnt use extreme methods to save the south from itself
read up on some real history, Cletus

The colonies were being prevented from prospering by the British
The North didnt want to watch the South murder itself over such an easily solvable issue.
The South is far better off today than it would have been had they won the war.

>The Confederacy killed more Americans than any other army in history
>American government pays money for the upkeep of Confederate monuments

not everything is about material production, corporatist slave

>toppling confederate monument


The facts about slavery in North America:

>when they started kicking a fucking bronze statue right after
these people are mental


*American Heroes
they are literaly fighting Nazis like their grandfathers did im so fucking proud

without that production the South suffered immensley.
Just look at how horrible the struggle to modernize industry was even when they were economically linked with the North during reconstruction.
It would have been impossible if they were seperated. The South today, had they won the war, would economically speaking be much more like South Africa than the rest of the US


>this desperate to change the topic

Correction: Confederate, not American.

oh jesus here we go

>oh jesus here we go
thought police? yes, there (((you))) go

i'm not descended from osama bin laden


if the south were separated, they would not have had their manufacturing industries anihilated by northern producers eg Carnegie, rockefeller et al.
they would have been secure in their own internal production and trade
additionally, if they had been allowed to separate peacefully, they wouldn't have suffered from the terrible burdens of "reconstruction"
whataboutisms go both ways and don't really address the issues

>doesn't even address the argument
Marxist education, folks. Jump right to shaming white people.
The US didn't have very good economic prospects when it declared independence either, retard.
This is also assumes it's better to be rich than live under laws you believe just.

Might as well be.

I think they're pointing out that you're being an idiot and changing the topic



Yeah it's almost like all those states came together and swore allegiance to the US and they founded a federal government (albeit an extremely weak and decentralized one) that they all agreed to be a part of.

You can't just suddenly back out of that shit because you really like blacks picking your cotton. The federal government passed a proclamation and did so by rights and the states wanted to leave because they didn't get there way.

What sort of fucking country would the US be if every state could just freely secede from federal control because they want to? What happens when their coalition of states decides they don't want to work together as a confederacy and they break apart again?

>muh states rights

States have rights but they can't just bitch out because they don't get their way. The system only works because they can't. Every fucking time with the states rights bullshit. You can't just fucking leave because you didn't get your way.

>The North didnt want to watch the South murder itself over such an easily solvable issue.
And the British didn't want to see the colonies destroyed over the easily solved issue of gun control.

>he thinks the revolutionary war had anything to do with gun control

No doubt the south was better off with hundreds of thousands dead/injured, bankrupt, cities destroyed, and all their industries destroyed

Was just a humanitarian thing!
So courageous on the part of these "Americans" who started a civil war over non-americans
Then Government can just declare a new group of people(blacks/spics/asians/etc) to be American!

Only a Nazi might think that there is some higher authority or purpose than the government!

>republicunts actually think that LITERAL slavers were the "oppressed" party
The fucking mental gymnastics you people do

>You can't just suddenly back out of that shit

Of course you can, fucking clown, thats the whole point of having a union

>You can't just leave the British empire!
This is how you sound, fucking idiot.

very worthwhile comment. do you know what the plaque on that memorial read? "This is for the boys who wore the grey." effacing the memorials to their deaths breeds hatred

This is Sup Forums bro. Leave your prejudice at the door. This site was built on community and togetherness, as a place where people of all colors, creeds, genders, and sexualities could come and express themselves freely. What you stubborn right wingers don't realize is that Sup Forums does not encompass all of Sup Forums. You guys are like a bag of crisps with a nice turkey sub; enjoyable for some but not necessary for all.

It's almost like collapsing the only industry in a failing part of the country that was already going under due to automation was a bad idea

This is why nobody is taking you seriously, user. Last (you) on my part

No it isn't. Those states were part of a democratic system. They were under a monarchy in British rule. It's not the same thing Cletus.

Isn't the Ashkenazi population so small that they need to choose between mixing or being inbred?

You're right, it's much better to leave a dying, archaic system in place that was dragging the country down. The south would be an even bigger festering shithole than it is now.

Not Republicans. Southerners, mostly southern Republicans.


Yea it's not the same thing. They are not allowed to leave the Empire, but they are obviously allowed to leave a union that they voluntarily joined when it no longer serves their purpose.

But hey, hundreds of thousands dead is nothing compared to the power of virtue signalling

>civil war monuments!
>the right sucks!
>the south sucks!
"well, actually, in regards to the south and the civil war..."

>also "they're"
never change

awww, poor wittle fella

must be tough, being you

every political kerfuffle of the last ten years has been built around two manufactured sides where one side is wrong for the right reasons and the other is right for the wrong reasons, effectively meaning nothing meaningful can happen as a result of said kerfuffle

>sovereign states cannot back out of a compact formed with other sovereign states
Go read about what the country was like pre-Civil War. It was closer to the EU than the modern US.
There's a reason the administrative units below the federal level are states and not provinces. State implies sovereignty.
Those states did choose to give up some of their sovereignty to work with other states that chose to do the same, but they didn't cease to be states.

But they weren't. That's why the Union took it back.


Confederates were a bunch of mega rich plantation owners wanting to be American royalty.



the difference is that democracy is founded in the name of demos, the people. monarchy is founded in the name of god, in the form of a human ruler ie the regent. breaking from a monarchy is much more serious than breaking from a democracy, which purports to be subject to the will of the people anyways

I hate it when facts interfere with our history discussions.

daily stormer shills are really going all out tonight

>first 2 battles were to stop British soldiers from confiscating cannons and gunpowder
>"nothing to do with gun control"

and if C-ville is anything to go by they suck at it.

the memorial was to the soldiers

Is there anything sadder than holding on to the confederacy? You fags lost over 150 years ago and your states have been worthless since.

>protesting to keep a statue of lee up

muh virginia muthafucka

Wow, mods really have given up.

They're only worthless becuase the union destroyed the economy. We're totally different from those filthy niggers complaining about slavery that ended 150 years ago.

Then what did the A in CSA stand for?

that's like saying a cop who shoots a man when he draws a gun was enforcing gun control. could be construed as true in a sense, i suppose, but not the most accurate description


sherman spent all his effort burning down farms, salting fields, and looting houses, and then left it to the north to bear the burden of rebuilding what he destroyed in reconstruction. pottery

There had been 10 years of anger directed towards the British, and even a massacre on American soil, yet no revolution.
The tensions weren't created due to gun control, but gun control was the issue that shifted the atmosphere from "we want representation" to "fuck you we're out"

>Last (you) on my part
>Gives another (((you)))
You people just can't help yourselves, can you?

Truly, if any man from the Civil War deserves a statue, it's Uncle Billy. Cump was loved by everyone of his men, and he even did us the favor of exterminating the Indians before he turned and burnt down everything in the shithole south. We need a new Sherman, to cleanse the trailer parks of today.

So Lincoln was the good guy? Wasn't he (proto) republican? Didn't he want to ship all blacks back to Africa? lol Americans and their pathetic little good/evil world view.

Fuck you, Sherman is the primary reason the South is filled with so many dipshit hicks now, if he hadn't destroyed the entire South's infrastructure they wouldn't be the primitive inbreds they are today.

Lincoln didn't care about blacks one way or the other.

Sherman absolutely hated them, which was really funny in hindsight since as he burnt the south down an entire army of them numbering in the thousands followed him everywhere and some of them even ascribed religious significance to him and practically worshipped him.

Leftists go on and on about slavery and oppression etc., yet they e.g. overwhelmingly support muslims who enslave and oppresses every non-muslim they encounter. So what is their problem, are they that stupid and (((brainwashed)))?

They've had 150 years to sort their shit out.

That was Jefferson, but I commend you for trying to learn more about the United States, I certainly could care less about the leaders of your own totally irrelevant country.

wasted first post

"He burnt the south down."

Kind of a myth. The Southerners did most of the burning themselves and blamed Sherman for propaganda purposes. If a town surrendered peacefully to Sherman without fighting he left it intact. All the better to return it to the Union.

>Ascribed religious signficance to him

No doubt. An apathetic northerner is better than any white southerner.

What are you doing? You're confirming for him that either you're trolling or you're immature as fuck

I agree with all except

>>implying anyone would want to trade with the confederacy for cotton, especially when the British could get all they needed and more from India

At the time Britain was still getting most of it's cotton from the South, though the winds were certainly changing, but regardless it was not willing to let the South go as a resource. That's why it and the rest of Europe (Except based Russia) supported the Confederacy.

>People literally baited into identifying as Nazis
>People defending people that identify as Nazis
I'm not usually that much of a conspiracyfag but something is fucked here. Like that someone is pulling the strings so that both the radical left and radical right work themselves into a frenzy.

>so Lincoln was the good guy?


>Wasn't he Republican?

Yes, but this was long before the Republicans changed party platforms. Back in the 19th century the Republicans were the good guys.

>Didn't he want to ship blacks back to Africa

He foresaw the next 150 years of white terrorism against black people. He thought that was potentially a peaceful solution to the problem. On a voluntary basis, of course.

Sherman was literally the worlds first troll. He was such a master at it, he even killed a man from beyond the grave.

The General he fought over and over again as he marched south was a pallbearer at his funeral. The guy was old and refused to put on a hat because he believed Sherman wouldn't do it for him. A week later that guy died of pneumonia. Some of the shit he said was beyond insane. He genuinely wanted to kill every reporter he ever met and absolutely despised them in his camp.

You people just can't help yourselves, can you?

>most of it' cotton from the South

Egypt actually. British support for Southern cotton was on its way out. That's why the slave owning oligarchs were so desperate to expand to the West. They wanted some new industry where they could exploit their slaves.

>Topple down monument of someone who fought AGAISNT USA, a literal traitor

Johnston, sure. One of Confederacy's least respected generals turned out to be the most honorable. Go figure.