I'm writing an essay on the Migrant Crisis within Germany...

I'm writing an essay on the Migrant Crisis within Germany. Part of my essay talks about the positive aspects of immigration into Germany, as well as the rest of Europe.
I'm curious to see whether any of you guys know any positive roles immigrants play within Western society. So far I've been researching the fact of young, migrants filling the roles of trainable workers within Germanys population, but that doesn't actually seem to be in effect yet.
Anyway, I just would like to see a discussion on whether or not they could actually play a positive role in Western society.

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Are you talking about immigrants or refugees?

Well, in the essay I'm talking about refugees and sneaky economic migrants. But pretty much I mean anyone from Africa, Asia or the Middle East.
You know, the ones that everybody loves to hate

Can you read German?

Time to drop the redpills

>the positive aspects of immigration

You better have a good sense of humor and wild imagination.

Only ones benefitting from immigration of uncivilized scum are ones getting business opportunities from it. Running services for immigrants paid with taxes.

I don't understand how putting more people into debt solves anything, especially as the problem is that people are in debt???

The only positive ascept is the rise of far right.
Do you write about "positive aspects" because you really believe that shit, or are you required to do so because academia is so retarded?

Someone photoshop that old dudes face into the background on that picture with the nigger saying "im the german now"

Well it boosts gouverment spending and artifically props up our GDP this way cause we have to feed 2.5 million parasistes who will never contribute to society or pay into the system.

If you're a deluded lefty faggot thats apparently a plus.

>I'm curious to see whether any of you guys know any positive roles immigrants play within Western society
The collapse of the EU desu

Kebabs are rather good

I have to, my English teacher is incredibly left-wing and is forcing me to research the positive aspects in an effort to change my opinion on the matter.

"Yummy foods!!!"
Literally just that.

while on the topic write a row or two about the migrants from Eastern Europe. And the huge uproar from the west when Bulgaria and Romania got into the EU in 2007. How the media went full length to exaggerate how negative they would be to the economy and to stability. how the UK closed its work market for 7 years to Eastern European. How a huge influx was expected of criminals , children-eaters, gypsies, unable to integrate, different culture and all that....
In the end what happened, where were the shootings , the rapes, the ghettos the mass migration.... why was this DOUBLE STANDARD
just compare it to what is happening now 2 years after millions of "people" invaded and tell me how good it is for the normal people.

The thing is it doesn't solve anything, it just staves off recession that bit longer.

Well tell him you researched extensively but found no positive aspects.

IE tell the truth

GDP calculation is affected by how many loans are given by banks. Few loans=stagnating economy, More loans=developing economy, which looks good on paper and attracts foreign capital. Which is why so many central banks are easing their interest rates (to encourage loans in order to kickstart the economy and stave off recession). It's not about workforce, saw some german government statistics according to which less than 6% of "refugees" actually have a stable job, the rest of them are on Hartz IV (welfare)

In reality EU economy is completely and utterly fucked, the little trick with immigrants is just something to delay the explosion of a political timebomb that no government wants for now. The rise of far right parties (and their eventual victory) will just happen in time for this bomb to blow off in their hands, so they will look bad. This in turn will make sure the lefts and their immigration policies will stay firmly in power until the next collapse.

Rinse and repeat until EU becomes 60% white like the USA and the major cities become like Detroit

That's sad, when did universities become akin to kindergartens?

There are no good reasons for letting these Muslim migrants in.

>Don't work/Don't want to work
>Shariafags causing high levels of racism and violence
>Crime skyrocketing
>Rapes and sexual assaults all over Germany

Whats worse is the media refuse to report all this.

I think this was probably funnier in theory

+ collapse of EU
+ less kids growing up to be complacent moo cows

Actually I'm still in High-School.
My one is incredibly liberal, we have a safe-space and people dressing up as cats and all that shit. As well as a lot of fucking ragheads who hog the computers to watch their shitty Iranian TV shows at full volume in the library.

>Reads two papers from some lefty cucks
>thinks he is now a wise abo
Sage and KYS

Dude I hate immigrants don't get me wrong. I just wanted to know if there WERE any possible positives, as I don't think there are personally.

Yeah I've pretty much listed all that in my essay, the teacher is going to fucking roast my ass tho.

can someone answer this one for me?

Thank you, I might include this to lull my teacher into a false sense of positivity, and then just begin an anti-governmental rant that's hopefully over over her head.

If he writes negative comments which can be disproven/debunked easily on your report, scan the whole thing and mail it to every newspaper in NZ.

Food, the only actual argument of a leftist.

I mean all I could find is that supposedly 'they take the jobs that we don't want'.
But fuck, I'd take any job right now I'm desperate.

what are you talking about

exactly, its a typical argument from lefties that can easily be debunked

They are causing a swing to the right wing.

That's pretty much it. They are a net loss in every fucking field and even our media admits it.

The upper classes of syrian refugees among the migrants will be able to adapt really well

Oh wait there's also the argument for the whole ageing population thing.
Apparently 20+ years from now, the majority of Germans are going to be too old to do anything, therefore all of these young, fit immigrants are going to take there place.

why do both signs look like they are written by the same person?

The bring new dishes to their new countries. We would've never had pizza in Holland if we hadn't imported a few thousand Italians.

The upper-class aren't going to want to leave their middle-eastern shithole and turn into the middle-class, they're only rich in poor countries.

Only good reason you can insert.
Take the perspective off a neo-lib shit and argue it would bring cheaper labour do to higher competition on the labour market. Or take the perspective of a progressive gloablist and argue that it is part of the ideology, believing in no borders and thinking the world may run with a global centralist regulatory system.

Debunk those perspectives afterwards

>they take the jobs that we don't want

What they really end up doing is underpricing the locals for jobs, so it's not jobs no one wants to do but jobs that no one wants to do because it pays shit.

and they genuinly expect immigrants to replace germans in all possible fields? including high-skill ones?

i have no idea how that would work, it seems like they're actively trying to replace their own population

why does the government not focus on boosting native birth rates, who will have the same culture and values as the country's government, instead of important millions of non-native people?

right, and im sure there is absolutely no way to order a pizza in Japan nowadays, because the spanish never went there.

>welp, better import another 1mil so we can get more halal dishes

The post is the typical "the Jeeeews!" shit.
But it's partly right, the reason our governments are shitting themselves so badly at the idea of a shrinking population (and thus most likely a shrinking GDP) is that it would make the debt we already accrued unsustainable. Every year with further population and GDP shrinkage means a year where our existing debt makes up a larger percentage of our GDP.

The problem is that none of them are thinking long term. Instead of either trying to lessen the debt, encourage the native population to have children or try to optimize our industry to make us more productive they o for the most braindead solution of just importing the lower class of other countries.
Only that these imported people will never be a net contribution to the country. They will always consume more than they produce, thus being a net loss and making the whole situation even worse.

underage B&

What is irony? The food argument is all you hear leftists come up with when confronted with facts disproving their other "arguments".

Oh, nevermind, I thought that screencap was a different one I remembered because they both start in a similar way.

He could be 18.

unless he's doing your Equivalent of VCE or some shit then maybe. but then again the chance of him being 18 by that is pretty high.
eh, i'll let it slide.

He doesn't even have to go that far back to show the hypocrisy. The refugee crisis started with 300k Eastern Europeans asking for asylum (i.e. leeching gibs) and the media was calling them parasites on a daily basis, pointing out that they are only doing it because their allowance in Germany is higher than a legit wage in their own country, that 99% of them get rejected, that they try all kinds of legal tricks to prolong the process and leech a bit more money. All of which were reasonable complaints because that was just what was happening.

Then the first Arabs and Africans arrived and they did a 180°

OP tell your professor to go eat a bag of brown dicks and choke on semen.

grow a pair and do your essay on the negatives of refugees and how they by far outweigh any 'positives' they might bring with them.

Do it with a very neutral tone and unbiased point of view. Simply state facts as they are.

do your required readings, look up a few more papers by the same authors, do you fucking schoolwork you lazy piece of shit

All positive roles are filled by EU immigrants, arabs contribute shit. They never mention that though.

positive aspects exist only in theory and are possible in low frequency migration as in economic benefit for home country but even these positive effects are only there because of demographic failure of modern society caused by demoralization of nation and lack of traditional values and sense of duty and unity

in larger scale migration is nothing but invasion

Our final year in Highschool is 17-18 years old.

>'they take the jobs that we don't want'.
This one is even sadder than the "but muh exotic food" bullshit. Because we have (white) people digging through trash cans to find some cast away bottles and collect the deposits in every fucking city.
There are hardly jobs that are more degrading than that.

some of them can cook some tasty food.
nothing else.

I am 18, I just missed the cutoff for starting school in the year that I turned 5 or whatever, so I was 17 turning 18 this year while the majority in my year were 16 turning 17.
If that makes sense.
Don't ban me pls I'm legal

NZ teachers are lefty cunts mate.

Should've seen the autistic fit mine threw when I did a pro capital punishment speech back in Highschool.

>I mean anyone from Africa, Asia or the Middle East.
Asia means Pakis and the likes, not Vietnamese, Japs and Chinks.
Non of them are of any value for western societies cause they will remain a net loss for life, so called "integration" costs hundreds of thousands of euros.

more kebab shops, lowering the overall price.
other than that, i doubt there is any positive aspects.

not true.
doner prices are going up where i live.

It's already mentioned up further in the thread, the only "good" reason to ever do this is to artificially inflate your GDP and thus delay the inevitable collapse due to decades of mismanagement and retarded spending.

None of them has the balls to admit that we are in deep shit and need to rethink some of our economical concepts, instead they try to stave it off till the point where they are not in charge anymore and can fuck off to a country that won't be hit as hard as us.

it would be good for the purpose of dehumanization.

But more demand as well.

ikr it's fucking ridiculous.
I'm kind of trying really hard this year to act like a normal person, but English is kind of where I fall down as we're allowed to write essays on pretty much whatever the fuck we're interested in, and mine tend to be controversial topics.
They offer Gender Studies at my school, so I might take that next year instead of English for shits-n-gigs, apparently they just fall to pieces when female students argue against feminism, so it should be fun.


MORE than 60 per cent of refugees to Australia have failed to get a job after five years, according to a damning Federal Government report into the humanitarian settlement program.

And 83 per cent of those households now rely on welfare payments for income.

The greatest unemployment rate was recorded among new arrivals from Iraq and Afghanistan, with less than one in 10 finding full-time work and 93.7 per cent of households receiving Centrelink payments.

The statistics are contained in a Department of Immigration and Citizenship report

you do realise you will be harrased by angry feminists in and outside the school?

I really enjoyed English at level 3, but had a great teacher. Not sure if the amusing anti feminist chicks will stay so you should consider that.

As for your subject/hiding your powerlevel you might be able to pick a new subject. Or do the GDP argument (expect backlash if you do).

Not if I'm female too ;)


I don't understand why the government isn't stopping this, I mean any government.
Are they that desperate to look like they're still in the right?

not going to help really.

honestly, do you think boosting the birth rate now is a good idea? look at all the libtards and their future degenarate kids. Millenials are awfull at parenting due to low moral values and mind gymnastics political correctness. we should weed out this generation first and THEN boost birth rates.

Asia includes all the countries you listed.

tits or gtfo

Internalized misogyny.

You'll hear this a lot.

Whatever you do, do NOT forget to mention Putnam's diversity study:

>IT HAS BECOME increasingly popular to speak of racial and ethnic diversity as a civic strength. From multicultural festivals to pronouncements from political leaders, the message is the same: our differences make us stronger.

>But a massive new study, based on detailed interviews of nearly 30,000 people across America, has concluded just the opposite. Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam -- famous for "Bowling Alone," his 2000 book on declining civic engagement -- has found that the greater the diversity in a community, the fewer people vote and the less they volunteer, the less they give to charity and work on community projects. In the most diverse communities, neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogenous settings. The study, the largest ever on civic engagement in America, found that virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings.

Would you guys agree that one of the reasons the government in Germany is looking the other way in terms of the migrant crisis is bc it basically disproves leftist values.
I'm thinking of including that in my essay, but I don't know if I can fully back it, or even if it is a true statement.

>positive aspects of immigration into Germany

Job security for counter terrorism units and rape counselors.

>negative aspects

The rest.

If doing something controversial never include something you can't back.

i ain't no fuckin' mod, i don't care. we're all underage anyway
digits confirm this

if you're going to talk about refugees, don't call them immigrants. The left is pulling double speak again and you shouldn't feed that bullshit any further

This is actually really, really useful, thank you.
I was going to include a segment of how the sheer number of migrants entering into Germany has increased racist attitudes within the German National population, to sort of try and swing things back in a direction she would like more, basically just go out and say 'it makes white people more racist'.

They sell me kebab and hashish. This is literally the only "positive" thing they do

Pour on the facts and citations bro. No survivors.

I'm so glad I don't have to deal with any of this shit in school.

In theory--

Immigrants can augment their culture to the host country to make a more harmonious society. This is not necessarily multiculturalism as the elements of the culture need to be compatible with that of a Western secularized nation.

be brave, user, be brave

Think about it, OP. Imagine all of the human potential, one of them might even invent the cure for cancer.

More population which means more consumers and more producers. Or that would be if these people produced something.

>one of them might even invent the cure for cancer.

This lady seems to think so at any rate, I'm sure it has nothing to do with some fucked up death wish and interracial rape fantasies.

And one of them could be the cause of your death or your families'. It's more likely than any of that.

Good effects of immigration?

... Well Turkish food is pretty good. That's about it.

there is value in mercy, even if it's not quantifiable

but mercy must be tempered with caution, considering ISIS has infiltrated refugees

then of course there are skilled workers who are economically valuable, etc.

Also, think of all the cheap electrical engineers they'll get.

Sure, it may drive the wages down for a few natives at first but that's good for business and government.

They make western society less degenerate and more islamic

Tell me more.

dont mind me just burning my fingers off

About the shit fit?

A positive effect of immigration is that they go to Germany and don't stay here.

Yes please, it warms the cockles of my heart thinking about lefty teachers loosing their minds because their students dont conform.

You get to see Middle Eastern Islamic culture up close and personal. When they blow up a hundred people at a time in the Middle East, well that just happens. When they blow up a hundred people in France or Germany, then you get to see their finest and brightest at work, on a first-hand basis.