Just found out granddad fucked the pussyjuice out this kike in school

Just found out granddad fucked the pussyjuice out this kike in school.

How should i feel?

We are pro Hillary now so feel good

>fucked the next president
Seems like a stellar feel to me, m8.


How can this girl with Bill Clinton have such an ugly daughter...


he dodged the bullet

Hundreds of abortions.
Chelsea is probably a failed abortion desu

She's not Jewish.

>implying Bills the father

Question, are girls this age even interested in sex? I was always teased myself in middle school

I guarantee you she has plenty of jew in her.

...Probably in her ancestry, too.


this is now a hillary fap thread




Fuck sake, women were camwhoring even in the 50s or whatever?

>thinking this will convince anyone here to side with a lying traitor shill

She's pretty unattractive to be honest. Not "ugly" but certainly nothing remarkable.

But now that it is out, do you think he will also dodge a barbell?

You'd bang her you fucking virgin.

i reckon she falls into that "interesting" category of attractiveness

a lot of male models, especially in high fashion, are chosen due to looking striking, rather than conventionally attractive