How good is public education in your cunt?

How good is public education in your cunt?

Good for now, not sure about near future though

Fucking tedious. We are revisiting the same shit we learned 2 years ago for some reason. If we just progressed linearly without hopping back to shit we already did years ago, we'd already at like 2nd year of uni. I imagine this is how it is in europe.

Like 1 or 2 good schools per city, then two hundred and fifty thousand shit holes

Where an ability of own thinking exterminated. I wish I could kill teachers who brainwashed me.

Good enough, so private education is virtually non-existent or seen as special-ed for rich retards here. Seriously, if you tell a German you went to a private school their first assumption will be that you have some learning disability that made daddy pay for your high school degree.

Some teachers were good about encouraging critical thinking and problem solving, but others were incredibly apathetic and just focused on rote memorization.
t. amerigan dourist

Our comprehensive education system is absolute trash. Probably the worst in Western Europe. On the other hand, our Grammer and Private schools remain world-class.

somewhat exploitable

not bad. Most teachers are cool people


native Germans score better on PISA tests than native Finns

if you exclude German migrants and Finnish migrants, Germany has the better score

Eastern Germany is even better, rivaling East Asia without even trying remotely as hard as they do

that's cheating if we exclude african americans and blacks and include Semites,Asians and white americans we would be much better too

Good at teaching hard science shit at everything else.

Wait, the racist areas have the best education?

>5 or 6
why did I laugh that hard?

Not bad but I'm worried about the fact that the government wants the curriculum to include more applied math

Our education is shit, and this country seems to hate you when you really want to study.

I never heard of the Holy Roman Empire in history class
Honestly did not know most countries existed (I didn't know what Sweden was until Sup Forums)

>I need school to teach me incredibly basic information about the world in the age of the internet
All you have to do to know Sweden exists in America is hear it be referenced in a TV show like the Muppets or Simpsons, or buy something from IKEA. And that is if you're from some intellectually uncurious family which doesn't have a single book in the household.
I think you're probably just a really, really dumb piece of shit.

We learn about American history but not in history but in English class. I remember the class doing presentations on people that embodied the American Dream and I chose Al Capone. I got an A.

Top kek. Good choice.

Never watched TV
Never bought anything from IKEA
Also, I started browsing Sup Forums in 2008 when I was 12

Also I still have never gone to IKEA

Heh. Clearly I didn't go to one.