Niggers in america literally make more money than poles

>niggers in america literally make more money than poles

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>wal mart sharters make 4x money than the average pole

Might have to do with them getting welfare, +Possibly having a job.

Why do you think the Jews suddenly disappeared from there

>OP's mom got fucked by a polish plumber

Don't bully Poland!

So? You can keep the money and the niggers.

Polan stronk!

Actually, you can't get welfare if you make a certain amount. That's why niggers often just live off welfare instead of working.


rather be 60% than 0% like polan

>Poland's GDP for the last full year (2015) is lower than Nigeria

Where would this shithole be sans all the gibs from the EU?



At least they don't shit their pants and hop borders Jose.

niggers > poles

GDP per capita matters. GDP doesn't.
Switzerland has a lower GDP than India, but I don't think you would want to live in India

>at least they don't hop borders


>Make immigration legal and very easy to nationals of way poorer countries.
>complain about legal white christian immigrants

Poland smells like shit and the Polish ""people"" hop the borders all of the time you dumb potato nigger

only 1/3 nigs is on the dole

Hop the border to where? Russia, Belarus? These are the only countries Poland has functional borders with


>hop the borders
>Schengen Zone


Love it how the poleaboos are just responding with memes when the op provided facts. Poles are below niggers. Hitler was right about Slavs.


I see not facts in this b8 thread. You don't expect me to respond to your bait with real arguments, do you?

see here

Where the hell did you even get this statistic lmao


i make this in a month, and probably half of this is from eu handouts.

and in america indians make more money than whites, what's your point?


>a smaller country has a smaller GDP
Really makes you think

So? The costs of living here are lower. I can live comfortably in here in a city for 390 USD a month.

Nvm didn't notice it was per capita
Wtf Poland get your act together
Mods pls delet my previous post

Actually every black on average costs you 4k$ yearly


is this bait?
i guess they are all dirt poor since they have low population. wait a second...

Poland is not even 10% white. It's filled with poles.

How slow is your internet?

Yeah but it also means the standard of living and quality of that life is lower.

It's alright m8. I did not even realize poland was shit until today. I always thought it was based until i did some research on it.

>be yuropoor
>never be able to afford this

>26,455 according to International Monetary Fund (2015)
>26,135 according to World Bank (2011–2015)
>26,400 according to Central Intelligence Agency (1993–2015)

Stay jelly Ahmed

Yeah it's poor, but living in it is heaven when compared to multicultural wealthy shitholes

You are right. I wish I could live on eu hand outs like a pole. I hate having food on my table. O hate being in a 90% white country.

You're probably looking at PPP

No it does not. How do you define "quality of life"?
I live in a white country with no terrorists. I can walk down the street in the middle of the night and feel safe. I believe my standard of living is higher than that of Germans of French.

Everybody makes more money than poles

Its not handouts its investments
They don't do it for free moron.

Polish economy is sky rocketing everywhere

And? Shit costs less in Poland...

what's with the anti-Pole shilling? are you faggots that bored? Poles are based

It's per capita dumbass.

why are you even saying shit like that? do you think we get bombed by terrorists at night or what? i'm pole btw. why are you guys even taking dumb bait by a fucking american who sharts in a goddamn walmart? atleast sage

It's a wood-framed McMansion with a cheap brick front. You could literally knock it down with a pound hammer and a bit of willpower.

It took you 8 minutes to post that? Holy shit, and I thought Australlian internet was shit

>im pole btw

So can I

Oregon reporting in, come at me bro

>we get bombed by terrorists at night
I hope so, traitor

Why would I have to worry about my house being damaged?

Yeah, the difference is that I live in a large city and I don't have to hide in rural areas from the "youths".

Get the fuck out please

Because hurricanes and other shit often happen and people die
Your house should at least have a proper basement.

>mfw all those mad sharts and gercuck trying to turn on polacks because they lost their fight against blacks/rapefugees already.

>Someone point out the fact that poles are poorer than shart in the Mart niggers. (Which it is true) poles throw an autistic fit and spam memes

because i know you will give me a (you) for that


This is just regular meme warfare

a nigger earning more than a Pole is still a nigger, now that's some fucked up shit xD
oh, and

I'm a GERMAN in GERMANY. You are a POLE, but not in POLand. You have to go back you Slavic nigger.

Portland is pretty safe though when walking around outside of gang areas in the outskirts that I'd have no reason to visit anyway. Also I feel sorry for you living in a city you nu male faggot

>yuropoors are literally taught that every state is in entire natural disaster zones.

lol. No better than north koreans validating their shithole country.

>D&C shilling this hard

sandnigger, calm down a bit

It's ok, don't get so mad. I never said that.
I just think that stronger houses would mean less casualties, because from what I've seen, even the houses in states where hurricanes do happen are made out of paper.
And I don't live in a city because I want to.

This is nothing to be proud of. Most American homes are made from meme materials and blow away or topple with a singular weather anomaly.

Well, Poland is a former communist country.
I've read how most Blacks in America wouldn't even be employed without affirmative action laws.

>he still considers being German as prestigious

average in warsaw is 2 times higher than polish average and costs of living are significantly lower than in usa.
and apart from that i like living in poland and have parties like that above. as ai specialist graduated from mathematics i can emigrate to usa easily, but i see no point. money is not so important.

You are right. Money is not everything. I hope you are happy with your life. All i said was that poles make less money than niggers in america and i got a ton of replies.

>tfw Pole
>can't leech of welfare
>no NEET lifestyle
why even live?

Why did this fucking guy pick Poland? You could have also picked Romanians or Bulgarians

I know romania is bad, but arent they more turk than european? Is bulgaria bad?

We are being dragged down by all kinds of scum and still we're doing "well".

>i make more money from welfare than amerisharts make working full time minimum wage jobs

poland is not mentioned once in the video :^)

t. German EUmpire