Next President of Spain

This man is leading the polls and will most likely become the new President in 2019. What do you think?

He's the leader of the radical centrist and liberal party "Citizens", which is also in favour of an European Federation.

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are radical centrists just glorified hallway monitors?

A Macron copy-pasta maybe?

Basically, yes.

>radical centrism
Seems like that meme is taking over yurop

But Rivera was first.

what does radical centrist even mean

>radical centrist

neoliberal economics, and support forEuropean integrationand theEuropean single market.

so, a euro version of Bill Clinton?

As his party says, they're post-nationalists. They want to leave behind these old concepts, including left and right, and walk forward towards a global future under science and technology. And facts have proven that liberalism (european one, not dumb american meaning for liberal) is the existing economical system closer to being "good", so they will go for it. Freedom for the individual, and freedom for the economy, both things associated in the old-system as the two opposing wings, but united.

weed and abortions to everyone
labor rights for no one

good job goyim

well, it's good that candidates are at least willing to step on that platform. you'd assume that position would be absolute cancer after the last couple of years. I'm assuming radical centrists want to crack down on immigration?

Immigration is a taboo and is never spoken of, but they're less cool with abussive immigration than the left.

Wow, you seem like a fucking shill

Why aren't you against the United States of Europe, user?

>freedom for the individual
>freedom for the economy
the fuck, that's our thing. why you bitin'

Nah, your libertarians hate gays, and are basically nazi shills dressed as cool guys

My fariña president :3

That is not the same freedom at all.
Your companies are allowed to do whatever they want, you end up with monopolies everywhere, and your antitrust law never jad the power to change that.
We, on the other hand, actually enforce the free market.

this is false and doesn't even begin to explain what radical centrism is
t. run the radical centrist memes page on facebook

american meaning of freedom ain't freedom, sweetie

this is better but still behind t he scope of radical centrism

but unironically

sorry but usa is a whole different world from european politics

Chatting with catalan friends its amazing how much they hate Ciudadanos, even the non-independentist ones
I personally think they have very decent proposals and hopefully can fix the economy of this country.
>2009 global market crysis hits
>Estonia and other countries lower taxes, easily recover from the crysis and have lots of jobs
>Spain makes taxes higher, over 20% unemployment and increase in garbage hostelry jobs

If they remove some ultraliberal bullshit I maybe vote for him, other than I'm ok with them

Soyboy, Ciudadanos won the elections in Cataluña...

>Immigration is a taboo
why is that? they can't use the nazi card on you

Spanish Empire, Reconquista, Spanish Inquisition, Black Legend, and The Dictatorship are all strong cards to be used against.

>Soy chico
¿Qué quiso decir con eso?
Los catalanes con los que hable le tienen odio o asco a Rivera, no se mucho de la situacion alla.

>radical centrist
I think he should be lined up against a wall and shot alongside the ethnocists, (id)poltards, amd populists

I wonder who'll be the next American president once the radical centrist wave hits them.

But they can. Remember that Spain was fascist dictatorship not many time ago.

Fuck that shit. I read Franco was crypto. You probably have a lot of Maranos still.

Let's face it Romanic language are pretty fucked up, apart from Italian. The long term plan should be to replace both Spanish and Catalan with Italian. A good start is to prefer the Catalan ortography and the Spanish pronunciation.

Also the Latin alphabet is not so bad, how hard is to learn what "J" or "G" mean. Both Spanish and Catalan get it wrong.

And fuck that "centrism", it's all bullshit coming from the big banks / Rothschilds, just blood sucking vampires.