Am I the only one who sees how stupid this asshole is?

Am I the only one who sees how stupid this asshole is?

Let's play a game, Sup Forums. It's called "Neil deGrasse Tyson or Jaden Smith?" I give you a quote. You tell me if Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist and 'genius,' or if Jaden Smith, Will Smith's apparently constantly stoned son, said it.

These quotes are taken from twitter, and I've edited the formatting and punctuation, but not the words. No cheating.


Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, give me a quote

Round 1:

NGT, or Jaden Smith?

"Just once. Just once. I want to see a TV commercial for a Truck where the announcer has a high pitch voice."


Neil, easy.

Saw people complaining about that one the other day. Tyson

Neil "Smoke De Grass" Tyson

Tyson is a shill and a nigger.

Bottom line.

He is a Free Mason Illuminati Fake Scientist Puppet.

He is pushing the idea that the Earth is Round, when it is FLAT.

Earth is fucking FLAT.

Research the truth:

Look at you smartypantses. You're right. Here's the next one.

NGT or Jaden Smith?

"I wonder what referees look like to zebras"

Has to be Jaden

Maybe someone should've brought a spare?

Explain gravity if the planet were a flat plane.

Neil wouldn't take a zebra's though into consideration past them seeing bipeds.



it's easy to know it's smith

Easy, the earth is moving upwards.
Ever been in an elevator?

gravity doesn't exist the earth is accerating upwards.

You'd think so. But that's just because you're smarter than Neil deGrasse Tyson

If the Earth is flat, that means it was created.

The reason they hide it from you is so that you don't believe in God.

The answer is God.

Checkmate Atheists.

Round 3: NDT or Jaden Smith?

"If newborn babies could speak, they would be the most intelligent beings on planet earth"

Holy fuck

Nah, ive seen it for some time.

I don't see the issue, he's just making dumb jokes.
Give me something that's actually stupid.


>What is the speed of light

gravity is a lie, weight/density explains everything

Jaden, I've seen that tweet

>astrophysicist and genius
People just assume he's a genius, because he has a degree in astrophysics, meanwhile they failed high school math.

A myth created by a Jew

Tyson is a shill.

The Earth is flat.

Why do you think the planes don't actually cross the Atlantic from South America to Africa?

Instead they go to Europe first, then down to Africa.

Google it yourself:

Are you saying God couldn't make a ball?
That's blasphemy.

If you are Slavic you are stupid im germanic failed highschool math and am smart.


>Light hearted comment means someone is stupid

Correct. Maybe that one was a little too easy.

NDT or Jaden Smith?

"If you set a World Record in the Olympics, might be classy if they gave you a Platinum medal instead Gold."

already seen that tweet as well. Doesn't count.


Only a tacky person would think platinum is more stylish, like a music album instead of sticking to the actual classical gold medal.

NGT, Smith couldn't give less of a fuck about metals. Probably doesn't even know Platinum exists.

>OP posts a bunch of NGT comments that are just for laughs

OP I think you're just a buttmad faggot

He could of, but instead made a flat earth, and fixed it in place.

Look at the horizon from high in the sky, there is no curve.

It's flat.

Pic is unedited, unlike NASA's fake ass pictures.

Well outwards but really. Space is accelerating into stuff. Why no one is sure of

only a tacky person thinks gold is more stylish.

Still, nothing he's said has been anything but dumb jokes.
Where are the really dumb ones?
Come on!

Do you mean platinium?

You're just mad because he's making entry level science available to the masses just like Carl Sagan did.

People back then criticized Sagan for the same thing, elitists will always exist.

Stay buttmad amerifag.

>believing lamestream science

gotta be Neil

please tell me you have cancer.

Jaden Smith

I can't see the horizon because it's night time here. I'll just have to take your word for it.


>im germanic
>that flag
sure thing, Abdul

its the original medal used for all Olympics. Why go platinum unless you think the Olympics have no tradition and its like a music album?

>entry level
Bitch i learned everything I know about science from Cosmos and I am basically an expert.

That isn't mainstream. That's quantum theory. Most physicists shit themselves around qm

Look at these pictures from NASA...

These are supposedly "OFFICIAL" real pictures of the Earth from space.

Yet every other year the earth changes the shapes of it's continents?


NASA is lying.

>Projecting this hard
We're having a good laugh over two dumb niggers. Can't handle it then leave.

No, I meant Plat'num. Thanks for the spell check, achmed.

we see light from stars much farther away than the sun. if we have a flat earth there should be no times zones

your pic makes no sense we see the sun rise ans set. it doesnt just move around in the sky it wouldnt set with a flat earth doing that. planes dont look like they are landing as they fly away

It's obviously passive aggressive



Here's another.

NGT or Jaden Smith?

"I wonder if we'd all be living like the Flinstones, modern stoneage families, if metal were never discovered on earth"

>what is weather

Uh, those are never true color. NASA adds color because the camera, solar conditions, and bitrate effect the quality.


How did you know my name is achmed?

Oy vey!



Why's every other object in the fucking sky round then you literal retard?
People who really for real believe the earth is flat should be gassed


Most people here know Jean-Luc picard from the sci-fi series but how many know Auguste piccard, the famed physicist, inventor and explorer who inspired the character from Star-trek and was the first human to have ever reached the upper layers of our atmosphere with a hot air balloon?
This gentleman was clear about the shape of Earth, it is flat.

>Two dumb niggers
No matter how many times you say something like this, it won't make you smarter than Neil, user.

Gonna go with Jaden for this one.

This is the dumbest shit I have ever seen.

>Video says no such thing as other planets

>Any retard with a cheap telescope can see this is a false claim.

Seriously, why can I see Mars with a telescope if it is not real?

No you fools, look at the size of the continents.

Are you saying that America grew?


It's all a hoax.

The Earth is flat.



Gotta be ngt forgetting no metal on earth mean no complex life cuz magnetic field and sheeiiit


sure buddy

Psst stop feeding the flat earth trolls

someone that doesn't know plastics aren't made of metal

Why did he capitalize "Referees' and "Zebras"?

"Education is rebellion."



Guns don’t kill people. Bullets kill people. Fired from guns, brandished by people, who shoot you by accident or on purpose.

Science popularization is a cancer. Science is by definition not something that the masses can participate in except as consumers after discoveries have been turned into products. All Sagan and Tyson do is give people pretty pictures and inspiring words so they can have enjoyable aesthetic experiences while feeling more moral than anyone who doesn't want to abolish the entirety of human history for the sake of a materialist, atheistic future ruled by Jews.

Neil has to know metal is just smelted stone....

You can see Mars in the sky, it's stuck in a firmament or fixture.

The sky just skins around us, our earth stands still.

It's all a lie from NASA and the Top Free Masons.

The elites all know the truth, but the sheep don't.

Quantum theory is mainstream

leave pleb

Kil yourself

What are the earth's dimensions?
How far from one edge to the other?

you even made it easier because you fixed his stupid capitalization lmao


I know he's not a chemist, but anyone who got that far into the sciences would appreciate what a stupid comment that is
Has to be Smith

Trick question it's siiva

I'm shook

This is Jaden

You're a fucking idiot, it captures the imagination of kids and inspires them which in turn will have a higher chance of creating more scientists.

>muh scientific elitism
Some of the greatest scientists of the last 500 years came from deprived backgrounds and thanks to the warm welcome of the scientific community were able to make huge discoveries that change everything.

You're just a cynical little faggot.

Compare how fast a passenger airline travels to how fast the Earth rotates and maybe you'll realize why this is done when traveling east. Nevermind the fact that you can't just go from any one airport to any other one airport in a straight line.

>Can't disprove Flat Earth, resorts to dumbass statements like "Kill yourself".

Have you ever been on a plane?

Haven't you ever seen the horizon with your own eyes?

It's flat.

fuck me

Fuck. Can't believe i missed that one. However, I'm going to double down and say this is Jaden?

This is just a slide thread. Sage and move on.

>could of

That tells you pretty much all you need to know.