State University Has 'Stop White People' Event for RA Training

>The State University of New York at Binghamton is actually hosting an event titled "#StopWhitePeople2K16" at a training for resident assistants. Yet again, the politically correct social justice warriors have let slip their own racial prejudices, in the name of opposing systemic injustice and "white privilege."

>The "Stop White People" class reportedly aims to help others understand "diversity, privilege, and the society we function in." In an Orwellian twist, the teachers promise to "give attendees the tool to" debunk "'good' arguments from uneducated people." Anyone who disagrees with the assertion that we live in a society with inherent advantages for white people is "uneducated" and needs to be corrected.


Probably one of the "WE WUZ KANGS" crowd.

Don't you dare slide me.

White students should organize a "We Can't Be Stopped" event.

Yeah we had one of these things at my college orientation. It was pretty much the same exact thing, they just weren't as blatant with the "lol fuck white people". Even had some nigerian nig and purple haired dyke speak.

You faggots can never convince me to go to college. It's fucking worthless; the NEET bullshit is hollow.

Binghamton isn't even full of these people I wore my Trump gear out and about and got one comment of, are you wearing this ironically or are you a bigot.

A vast minority of people there are like this.

Why do white people need to be stopped again?

>A vast minority

>tfw I live in binghamton

>nigger, debt nigger, african
really makes you think

You know what must be done.

Let me guess, the "uneducated" people are whoever doesn't agree with their opinions?

The problem is that no one stops them, so they keep pulling this shit and think it's okay.

>the teachers promise to "give attendees the tool to" debunk "'good' arguments from uneducated people."

This shit is always hilarious to watch
>Nu Male suffers under the fact that he always seems to lose every debate
>all he can come up with is "lol u dumb", which doesn't really debunk the argument
>but despite not being able to tell why it is wrong he is still 100% sure it is
>Nu Male decides to attend a workshop that tells him how to counter these arguments

>workshop boils down to "just tell them lol u dumb"

Their facebook page is begging for reviews




or "you're not educated enough on the subject go google until you're educated"

I'm just glad I got my degree right before this SJW cancer spread to the academic brain

It rings similarly to that bullshit "Only uneducated people vote for [this person]", which has recently seen some use when it comes to the USA elections and Trump.

>When encountered with "good" arguments from uneducated people, how do you respond?

Maybe if your fucking social justice cult can't defend it's points, then it's fucking brainwashing you numale faggots. Goddamn I want to kill a few of these freaks

Paints a sad picture of humanity that basically every kid in the Western world that has some basic education knows the Emperor's New Clothes, yet most don't seem to understand it. Even though the message is explicitly spelled out.



It's like pokemon, their names are based on the one sound they can produce.

>upon release, it angrily kept shouting nwogwugwu, so that's what we called it

Remember the chick that climbed a flag pole to take down the Confederate Flag? She's gonna be a keynote speaker at my university in KANSAS.


Looks like the same font as the No Man's Sky title.

This isn't a joke. This shows they are getting bolder and bolder. It's not just "diversity" anymore. It's "STOP WHITE PEOPLE".

In all honesty we need neither the 1st and 8th amendment.

>stop white people

In early to mid 2012 when the SJW crowd was rapidly gaining traction on dumblr, I hoped and prayed that it would never get this big and that these lunatics would be shamed into silence.

It got this big. And bigger. And now it's fucking brainwashing the newest generations.

You mean a civil/race war? Minorities are doing a good job organizing that themselves.

It won't stick. It's going to have a massive rebound effect and people 30 years from now will be saying, "remember the 2010s? What crazy weird times."

That's what they all say. These are the Jews doing this shit. It's gonna be a cultural revolution of the worst kind.

>the hibernian jew
never trust an irishman or kike, boyo

This shit has been going on since the early 1970s. Schools are getting more extreme with every generation.

I know, but I had never heard about it until 2012. I swear to god it went from harry potter gifs to transracial otherkin homestuck faggots within a matter of 2 months or even less. It happened overnight on tumblr, is what it feels like. I miss pre-SJW tumblr. Yes, there was a time, and what a time it was. Then the fucking retarded homestuck fans fucked it all up and spread their cancerous feminazi bullshit to the entire site.

>be caucasian
>proactively instigate the destruction of your own race and self

I just cannot understand these nu-males, what benefit is there to them in doing this?

Considering that tumblr only shows you content from blogs you are specifically following, it's pretty easy to avoid though.

>It's on the US
>As usual

When did Americans collectively lose their minds?

It has reached a zenith but there is already resistance. I see a lot more push back to all this PC / SJW this year than in 2015, 14, and 13. The way it's going it won't be lasting much longer. The Left is already beginning to cannibalize itself.

AHAHAHAHA no. I've had to unfollow friends who became infected with their shit, and it's pretty fucking hard to ignore when 90% of people there post that shit.

I can only hope so.

>It rings similarly to that bullshit "Only uneducated people vote for [this person]", which has recently seen some use when it comes to the USA elections and Trump.

We see this now for Wilders, and 10 years ago for Fortuyn.. Before that it was Janmaat, but he was kind of a legit nazi.

Where is Breivik when you need him

>debunking with arguments

they dont have shit on us

>what benefit is there to them in doing this?
Multiple things.

>false sense of superiority
>sense of community
>convenient because you don't have to think for yourself, the ideology is dogmatic and doesn't allow independent thought
>can pretend they are part of something greater (they actually are, they are the harbingers of a right wing swing)
>bullies who finally found a way to get away with it

And so on.

Maybe I got the wrong impression then. Never followed anything but blogs that provided nothing but content so I only had to unfollow a very few.

It's a workshop to give people copy and paste talking points to serious arguments. I despise this shit on either side. Give people facts, not dogmatic beliefs.

This is a religion.

This "class" is an example of how desperate and at the end of the rope they are with their tried and debunked ideology. Just look at the course description. It's literally a course on how to handle being proven wrong.

fucking kek

We had some government financed (around a few corners IIRC) website where people could upload "memes" to help counter-arguing "racism" on the Internet.

Didn't even take them a single day to be filled with nothing but
>Everyone who disagrees is stupid or has a small dick
>*sips tea* without any argument provided

It really baffles me how someone can lose discussion after discussion and be completely incapable of refuting the arguments in any way, yet insist on them being wrong.
I've had a few points where I was very convinced I was right challenged on Sup Forums and after getting my shit kicked in a few times I realized that my initial opinion was kind of naive and missing important points.

But they're not going to destroy us.

We're destroying ourselves.

News like this.

Sometimes I'm amused and give a chuckled.

Sometimes I get pissed.

I've been getting pissed off more and more lately.

>>false sense of superiority

This always surprises me about these kind of special interest movements.. It's like 'black people/women/insert minority can do EVERYTHING straight white males can do and more, that's why we must treat them like children and find excuses for why they do not actually perform at a similar level than straight white males tend to do'..

I don't actually believe white or black people are inherently superior and inferior to each other.. I do believe that some cultures are clearly superior than others, and provide more incentives and opportunities than others for people to develop themselves... However, 'progressives' (for lack of a better word) don't seem to ACTUALLY believe that. They believe that some groups (women, certain ethnic minorities) are inferior and as such deserve to be shielded and pampered, so as to not let their inferiority get the better of them or something. It's so odd..

Here's the plan:
>attend this shit pretending to be a lefty who really wants to spread that whole diversity message
>all their "arguments" should be fucking bullshit and easy to counter
>if you did so yourself though, they'd just say racist and would automatically win in their mind
>instead, state your counterarguments in third person i.e. "whenever I bring your argument forth in a discussion with a racist, they state that..."
>every 'answer' and comeback they present you can be dismissed with "But then the racists argue that..."
>watch them as they run out of things to say

I went to uni back in the early 2000s and radical leftists already had a stranglehold on campus. They overtook the media with the exception of talk radio and a few newspapers back in the early 1980s. They started to subvert the legal profession even before that, as far back as the 1960s. They call it "the long march through the institutions." Any new media or avenue to power that crops up they notice quickly and invade.

There has always been a resistance but the right is steadily losing and has been for decades. At this point we'd need another world war or a great depression to have a shot at fixing the West. The enemy is too entrenched in their positions of power and influence at this point. They'll lose eventually, but the question is will they take Western civilization down with them?

American deserve this shit, simply because they're not stopping it. How can you let this happen? How can you just sit there? I would either sue them for racial discrimination, or attend the meeting and just destroy them. And it would work, despite the objections and excuses you fucking idiots are going to come up with.

I went to a regular university for a year, before switching to engineering, and I had to take one of these retarded classes that the teacher more or less turned into a exercise in SJW brainwashing. More or less every time, I would get into a heated debate with the cunt of a teacher, and she usually ended up screaming at me like a lunatic. But I would never let her get away with anything, and always called her out.

Seriously, stand up to these fucking animals. If you don't, you deserve what you get.

Don't do that.

Just go to these lectures and record them. Don't be disruptive or anything. Be polite and civil and if they ask you to leave or stop recording question why.

There's no point arguing with these people when you can show people how ridiculous the things they're saying are.

...Oh my god you're right. KEK.

Mate I really believe it's all relative to where you live. I for example currently live in a conservative city and PC/SJW crap doesn't get any attention here outside of a chuckle.

The thing is that you don't argue with this strategy. You just seem interested in learning and then express disappointment as none of their tips for debate work.

Arguing is a false idea to begin with because in their mind they have the moral high ground and have already won. However, if they perceive you as a like-minded one who basically tells them that they got BTFO'd with those narratives, they will start questioning themselves and lose some of their confidence.

>that pic


Damn. Well I'm only 20 and I grew up in a really weird town where everyone is both conservative but liberal at the same time. It's hard to explain. But our school books were pretty unbiased from what I remember. Well, sort of. I don't ever recall learning anything about Europe in history class except for maybe one brief mention here or there. Most of it was native american history, american history, and south american history.

My school was garbage but at least they didn't feed us garbage, metaphorically. They did literally. Got my terrible eating habits from there. Fuck.

>Just look at the course description. It's literally a course on how to handle being proven wrong.

Pretty much.
They got away with this shit for the longest time because their ideas were not radical enough for anyone to really care and go through the effort of challenging them and building up a counter-movement.

But now that they go full "kill all whities" their days are numbered. If a mole leaves one hill on your garden per year you'll just ignore it but if your garden starts looking like a minefield you'll find and end that fucker.

George Orwell covers this psychology well in 1984.

Check out "Industrial Society and Its Future." The author nails leftist psychology.

Leftists don't believe in actual equality. They "know," at least subconsciously, that blacks, women, queers, the poor etc. are "inferior" to themselves (they have no belief in God, which is required for seeing the spiritual worth of all people). But their own self-esteem is so low, and they feel so powerless themselves, that they identify with these "underdogs" and "fight for" them, projecting their own inferiority complex onto the entire world. They wallow in the scum of humanity as a way to defile themselves, and yet derive a perverse sense of superiority over their pets from doing so. The leftist mind is truly a sickening spectacle to behold.

>fixing the West
There's no such thing as "fixing the West", for the very simple reason that the whole progressism mental illness is inherent to the nature of the "enlightened" West.
It's like asking to "fix" animals' mating seasons when the main purpose of every life form is reproduction. The "West" as an ideology must fall, for the sake of the european people. Maybe we don't have a lot of chances to survive the collapse, but it's still a chance. Letting the thing rot the way it does right now doesn't leave us any.

I would have to disagree with part of that, I think that their ideology has become their religion, and their God has either become whoever is on top of the progressive stack or themselves.

That sounds like the kind of question a racist would ask. I mean come in, it's 2016!


Kek'd and iMessage group chatted

>I do believe that some cultures are clearly superior than others
and who makes a culture?

Are you implying white people didn't do all of that?

The problem is that leftists don't always play fair. They'll use every dirty trick in the book to hurt you. They'll lie about you and spread false rumors and accusations, and harass you outside of class.

I experienced this back in uni. Some of the professors in my department decided to try to get me expelled after I defended Christianity several times in class. It didn't work but I ended up changing majors.

They'll even file false police reports and fake crimes to frame you for things you didn't do. They'll also vandalize or steal your property, and assault and murder you.

Leftists have no honour or sense of fairness and their ideology is nothing but a screaming void of hate and resentment. Remember that whenever they come to power the inevitable result is genocide. There's a reason for that.


Occupy this event lads

yeah, complete bunch of indoctrinated violent bullying cunts, and none of their ideas ever fucking work, because they're based on bullshit premises


These cucks and SJW racial hypocrites should invite somebody like Ben Shapiro to debate with. They wont ever because they're going to get BTFO.

It might be one day possible to make a radical return to tradition, and restructure society along lines 1000+ years old. We can undo the Enlightenment and Humanism and other such errors but it will be a great undertaking.

Oh there is definitely a religious character to their ideology, which ultimately has its origins in the occult, freemasonry, gnosticism, judaism, kabbalah, if you trace the genealogies of their ideas. Leftism is a religion mascaraing as anything but. It's a religion as old as the one the serpent whispered in Eve's ear.

So why not just kill them?


There should be more dead leftists. Nail bombs at their rallies. Knifing in the parking lot. A brick through their windshield. Just kill them, hide away and you'll go free

Don't you mean No Man's Purchase?

When your ppl have actually done it, this doesn't apply, dingleberry.

Stefan Molymeme said it best.

When you truly believe that there's absolutely no differences between the genders and the races - that we come out of some sort of figurative conveyor belt all identical, any advantage any race may have must be a direct result from some sort of prejudice.

So for example, when they see safe, homogenous, high-trust, white communities (nevermind asian and jewish communities, which generally have even lower crime, but they don't see those for some reason). They don't look for what actually makes them neat and safe to live in, they genuinely think that it was somehow attained at the expense of others.

That's why some are even willing to straight up kill your ass. It's to "take back" what they believe is rightfully theirs.

>I grew up in a really weird town where everyone is both conservative but liberal at the same time. It's hard to explain.

They're called cuckservatives

Holy fuck, legit redpills being thrown in the comments section.

People are actually waking up to this trash.

I wouldn't put it past those two white kids to have gotten into this whole shindig just to get into the sheboon's pants.


Fug, I'm retarded.

*One white kid

We know that you posted it user. You aren't fooling anyone

>Good arguments from uneducated people
Basically Sup Forums


t. Nwogwugwu

This is the same philosophy that surrounds creationist apologist

> Urenna Nwogwugwu

Legit as fuck

People with little formal education making good arguments is how Brexit won

this user gets it.

tremendous waste of money and a near lifetime of crushing, inextinguishable debt for little to no benefit.

not very many billionaires are college educated - or, if they even have a college education, it played no part in their amassing a large fortune.

>Urenna Nwogwugwu

>Ur in a new world order (government)

rest added for cover / comedic effect for those in the know

What about the wugwu syllables?

that's what I meant with

>rest added for cover / comedic effect for those in the know

my point is it may be satire and the name is a clue for the Sup Forums-minded

wugwu just to make it less obvious and at the same time more ridiculous