Why do americans love protesting so much?!?

Why do americans love protesting so much?!?

wtf we have australian abos??

dios mio

It's embedded in their national myth that throwing a tantrum and squealing will get you what you want. Understanding this explains a lot about America.

Only the lefties

its just a way to find an excuse to get shot

Freedom faggot
You wouldn't know

lmao what the fuck


Tell me, please tell me the world would be a worse place in any fucking way if you dropped a bomb on there...

kill it for fucks sake

I mean if it's between throwing a protest every now and then and having a billion cameras, knife in the bin, and restrictions on porn then for sure throw a protest


>TFW that guy got fired

Why are American radical leftists so grotesque? It is almost always the case intentional such as in manner of garb or otherwise consequential as in manner of short term pleasure seeking, i.e. gluttony.

Look at the people in the original post. Look at the way they are dressed. I would bet between the nine people in foreground they share between them over eighteen tattoos. Why? Why? Why?

wtf im looking at

The four horsemen of the muttocalypse.

So is that thing in the center male or female?

Taking bets here; taking bets!

How many non-surgically manufactured vaginas are in original post image?

the woman wearing a dress seems to be pretty good looking

>Being this conformist
Top cuck

The price of freedom.

>Why are American radical leftists so grotesque
>Why are American so grotesque

From left:

thats the most american picture i ever seen

No doubt the perverts she is surrounded by within these organizations have made incredibly untoward advances. Something awful occurs she wholly deserves it for mixing with these monstrosities.
Sorry I don't self-debase myself to feel special as you do, you retrograde flea

how progressive, clearly this is the future

me in the backround walking up the stairs

me at the bus stop

>the usa is part of the english speaking world


yo sup ma nig

A pair of brillo pads next to a megaphone ???


too dumb to be productive member of society

too much free time because someone else is working paying for their rent and food

staying at home is boring