Okay Sup Forums. What do I get in reward for tipping these gravestones

Okay Sup Forums. What do I get in reward for tipping these gravestones.

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Nothing. That's about as pathetic and degenerate as you can get. If you can't respect the dead, at least respect the living who put those monuments there to honor their lost loved ones.

A lengthy prison sentence hopefully.


Poor form OP.

it would be funny if you recorded yourself dropkicking one of them

I hope one of those fucking gravestones falls on you as you try to tip it over.

Hopefully curb stomped like the fucking faggot that you are.

Enjoy your Draugr

Fucking faggot you should dig a new one and kill yourself in it worthless scum

10 Varg points

kek. Didn't know Sup Forums got so easily offended. Don't worry guys, I'm not a nig. As a christian I respect both the dead and the living.

the title of honorary nigger probably

You get to be the edgiest kid on Sup Forums for the next 15 minutes.

> liveleak.com/view?i=eca_1471612083

I would personally BTFO of you.

why are you guys so mad
its just a stone
if he can just tip it over then can put it right back

you'd get prosecuted

Those who control symbols control us. Do what thou will n sheeit

Muslim tier bullshit is grave desecration, you fucking respect the dead and leave them to rest.

As I said only Muslims do that bullshit and you don't want to be a Muslim now do you? Or do you? Ackbar?

End yourself

It's a sad world where a board self titled 'Politically Incorrect' has more respect for the dead than most millenials

Piece of shit get your eternal nothingness already

I would probably kill you if I saw you.

Fuck off Muhammad. Dont you have a goat to fuck?

Dont disrespect the dead

"XD yourself you edgy WHIPPERSNAPPER!"
woah guys calm down its literally a rock cut in half

respect and common sense are pretty counter-culture nowadays.

Yeah, you get two broken legs.

Find bastards that do this kind of thing. Don't know who the owners of the graves are. That could be scarface Harris's nan. Also they can never keep their mouths shut. So a few quid always turns up their name.