
*wonders why he has no friends*

>You need substances to make up for your shallow personality
>t. loner with no personality

None of these are needed to have friends but nice try.

Maybe not for some beta nerd online friends lol

I remember when I was 15.

Not everyone here are autists who need alcohol to talk to people.


I don't need such "friends"

I'm sure you can discuss anime sober with your 6 eyed group of 3 friends, nerd

ты чe pыcь

Wow you smoke how fucking degenerate
Wow you drink how fucking degenerate
Wow tfw no gf

> Cirrhosis
I wonder why they die before reaching 50 years old.

>I am so insecure that I will destroy my life in order to earn the approval of the dregs of society

At least do that crap for your own satisfaction.

I tried doing 2/3 of those. It just doesn't work for me. What now

not using drugs and not smoking isn't the reason I have no friends

>''''friends'''' stopped talking to me after I told them I wasn't up for taking ketamine

>and? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?


Isn't ketamine a shit?

>implying anyone who smokes will have cancer
>implying anyone who has sex catches hiv
>implying anyone who drinks will catch cirrhosis
>t.12 yo


>can't smile and chat without drugs

did ketamine once when I was 16 and then a second time at 19, second time I instantly got very pale and sick and started vomiting like crazy, you didnt miss much buddy.


>can't be assed talking to other humans without my daily dose of state sanctioned uppers

fuggen kill me


t.larper whos never had to live round smackheads

>>drugs ba- *dies of overdose*
>>smoking ba- *dies of lung cancer*
>>drinking ba- *dies for being a dumdum*

Have a nice long boring life you sad cunt

If I was born in Finland Id probably overdose on drugs too.

Why are so many people on here anti-alcohol and can't imagine drinking unless they're pounding gallons of it to death? Humans have been enjoying the stuff since the dawn of civilization. Just because you have been enriched with so much soy that the mere mention of alcohol causes your liver to shrivel into your asshole does not mean it's inherently evil.

I try to avoid drinking it because I can't moderate myself and end up drinking way too much.

Why do you care

>Wishing to live longer as shallow loser instead banging girls like rabbit and die happily

t. opioid epidemic


if you've never tried MDMA or any psyhadelics, you have genuinely missed out
you should at least try them once to really understand the scope of experiences