Is AJ the most misunderstood Sopranos character?

Is AJ the most misunderstood Sopranos character?

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I could see myself becoming AJ and it made me stop being a useless shit and change my life

i wouldnt say that im as bad as AJ, but the relationship he had with Tony kind of reminded me of the relationship i had with my father

The sopranos was an amazing show. Glad you changed your life because of it.

There's nothing to understand about AJ, he's a whiny little bitch teenager.

So your dad loved you but was kinda disappointed in you? Not talking shit asking

this one hit way to close to home

I think people are way off base when they say the actor did a shitty job. Also he said some funny stuff when he was younger.

do any of you have my tfw no gf webm i made of him trying to kill himself in the pool?

if you made it why don't you have it?

What an idiotic question. I'm putting you back to grade 9.

this hurts

>facing away from the door
>door wide open
>not alt-tabbing to college shit every time his parents walked by

AJ was absolutely an idiot

> What's a matter with you!
> it's ok you're ok

You're alright baby. You're gonna be alright.



AJ and Meadow jointly are the most misunderstood. The therapist Carmela sees in "Second Opinion" says it best: "Take only the children -- what's left of them -- and go."

They never had a chance growing up in that house. Meadow on the surface seems like she ended up way better than AJ, but think of her last scene with Tony in the series finale.

>"If I hadn't seen you dragged away all those times by the F.B.I., I probably would
have been a boring, suburban doctor."

the look of grief gandolfini gives and simultaneously tries to hide when she says that is amazing acting

i miss him bros



>having the screen be able to be seen from the doorway

Kek what a pleeb

I never understood this show.

It's about mobsters literally being completely incompetent at pretty much everything they do.



what about her last scene

>italian flag
>is American

The actor did a great job of playing aj that's why we all hate aj

my dad was exactly like tony even down to the mob connections but he never did drugs. americans love their drugs, man.

What country are you in?

I’m not sure if the same micro expressions would be as well received by another actor if they were in a movie. Gandolfini, grew into the character and full credit should be given to him, but viewers were far to aware of the intricacies of their relationship by that point, and had seen Tony in a variety of situations giving us more context from which to draw conclusions based on his facial expressions.

>dad always asked me "what are you laughing at in there at 3 in the morning" (it was Sup Forums)
>uhhhhhhhhhhhhh I dont remember
>>tfw he's dead now

dae hate tony?

a-at least I have a lock on my door

AJ was a product of his household, so yes. Tony's father couldn't raise a man, and neither could Tony. Thus, we have AJ. I used to despise AJ until I realized it wasn't his fault that he was a cunt. The real cunt in this show was Janice, though.

I bet he smiled whenever he heard you laughing, user.

being a kid is realizing that the sopranos is about how big of a douchebag all of these twats are and they are just shitty regular criminals and not true cosa nostra.

growing up is realizing that the whole show is actually a positive endorsement of true OC that really helps the community and doesn't just shit on everyone and take stuff for no reason.

>it's a Janice scene


>Janice scenes
>Carmela scenes
>Dr. Melfi scenes

All are female fanservice and fuck up the pacing.

you could not be more incorrect, carmella and janice were two of the best. melfi was purely a vehicle for tony and once that actor realised it she completely checked out

carmela was like marge simpson. her character made bored housewives look absolutely ridiculous




carmella is great
>you bought a race horse?!
>I didn't buy it
>so it followed you home?

Fuck Tony reminds me of my father when he got angry (not in a bad way).
Dammit I miss my dad

>Tony's father couldn't raise a man
He became an alpha boss though.

do you think aj becomes a wise guy? I think if he saw his dad whacked in front of him he'll probably he's already connected to the other mob sons and paulie would probably help him

Do you think Chrissie was a particularly bright boy growing up? The only thing that spurred him on was drugs and the death of his dad.


He always looked an idiot in comparison to Tony.

he was selfdestructive and insecure, he prolly would have been a fuckup without tony. do you think he would've ended up dofferent if tony was a better father figure?

He was a kid! Do you not look back at the shit you did and cringe yourself to sleep?

he probably hated you


nah he probably went to the army and got killed by a bunch of sand niggers. made in america

>missing the entire point of the show
Chase is too good for you retards

>Almost everybody hates AJ [laughs], and I have never understood it. He’s very relatable, a typical teenage kid. Obviously he’s not gonna be the valedictorian of his class, and he’s got some problems. When you say that his father was a murderer — of course he was. I never understood this disgust with AJ. I don’t know how he could have turned out any differently than he did. And he’s to be commended, and so are his parents, because it’s pretty obvious at the end of the show that AJ is not gonna be a killer like his father, and not gonna be a thief and a liar. Maybe a liar. We all lie. But he’s not gonna be a thief, a bully, and a murderer. That’s progress.

-David Chase

based Chase setting the plebs straight

>the Chad browser

david chase knew exactly what he was doing from day 1 of the sopranos. a true genius.

On the outside.

yeah no shit, he's that way because of his genetics and environment

It's about the struggles of the mob trying to survive in a modern era. Hell, one of the very first lines of the show is Tony talking to Melfi about how "it's good to be in something from the ground up" and how he feels he "came in too late". He's admitting the mobs not what it used to be. The people aren't reliable. Federal agencies have far better methods of surveillance. Mobsters faced with 40 years for drug charges are more likely to flip. Second and third generation mobsters lack both competence and loyalty. These are the challenges the mob faced going into the mid late 90s, which is the decade the show starts in.

AJ haters BTFO

>AJ is not gonna be a killer like his father
>enlists in military

He's working for Carmine's studio

I think AJ is the best character, watching his parents divorce and bicker like children hit way too close to home.

What annoyed me the most about The Sopranos is how his family never showed any reaction to people they called their uncle getting murdered or simply disappearing forever. None of them ever acknowledged that Tony had to have killed people to get into his position. Even when they went into hiding none of them talked about how Dad was in the middle of a god damn gang war and plotting to kill people. Bobby Jr was gunned down, Silvio is in a coma, Phil gets popped and they go get some fucking onion rings in a diner as if nothing happened.
The closest we ever got to some kind of acknowledgment was when Jackie Jr got murdered and his sister implied that it was a mob hit. But instead of letting a question like this play out the writers just had Meadow shut it down immediately and never contemplate it again.
The family in The Sopranos is like a video game NPC following their happy lines of dialogue, completely oblivious to the horrible things the player is doing to them as they go through their script.

>They know, but they don't know.
the mob is entirely ran on unacknowledged slaughter

>Meadow shut it down immediately and never contemplate it again.
also Meadow is clearly contemplating it in season 4. watch "No Show" again. her entire story that episode is being so disgusted with her family that she wants to leave home and move to Europe.

Finn witnesses a dude get his face bashed in with a bottle and Meadow dismisses it.
Finn witnesses Vito sucking cock and tells Meadow about how Vito subtly threatened him to keep his mouth shut. Meadow opens her mouth and word reaches Tony, who sits Finn down and gets the story. A few weeks later Vito is killed and anally raped by a broomstick. Not a single person in the Soprano family ever acknowledges him again. That's just crappy writing.

i see your point but this just shows what hypocrites the family actually were. they were too comfortable with the lavish and luxurious lifestyle they were leading, questioning the morals and ethics of tony's business could have put it in jeopardy. with meadow completely disregarding the notion of jackie jr. being murdered by a gangster just showed her character becoming more and more complicit over the years. by the end of the show, she was 100% corrupted by her father's ideology. to put it simply, they're all pieces of shit. ironically AJ turned out the best out of all of them.

>hiding his shit like a beta bitch

lmao finocchio

Are you talking about the same guy who burned bridges with just about everyone except Silvio?



It's a huge issue in Tony and Phils' argument at Carmine's sitdown. "The Good Ship Lollypop", etc. etc.

Did you watch the show?

I'm obviously talking about Tony's family members dumbass

tfw you can't even kill yourself right

Everyone needs a little existential depression to mature them out of childhood

Then you don't seem to get how them turning a blind eye to Tony's mob affairs was what they had to do to live with themselves.

she can't park for shit

that scene where Tony bitched to Melfi about how AJ is too inept to even commit suicide right was great. He's so ashamed of AJ.


That is nonsense. People who were a big part of the kids' lives disappear or wind up dead and they never talk about them again. They're simply written out of the family's dialogue forever. Forgetting people used to exist isn't turning a blind eye, it's just writers avoiding the topic completely because they don't know how to script it.

she parks the car successfully out of third attempt

there were two attempts on Tony's life prior the last scene where a guy comes out of the bathroom

If you think Chase "didn't know" how to script it then you're an idiot. The guy was an astonishingly capable writer. Pussy is brought up after the fact, Adriana is brought up, a shitload of times, between Chris, Carm, and Tony, and a bunch of others too.

What's the second one? When senile junior shot him? That's not an attempt that's an accident

many deceased are mentioned but don't forget you don't see everything they say, otherwise every episode would be 5 hours of the members shooting the shit at the pork store (which I'd watch)

fuck you malanga

Pussy's disappearance is never brought up by any of Tony's family members. Carmella didn't even consider where he went when his wife complained about money.
Adriana is never brought up by either of the kids. Adrianna's mother tells Carmela that Christopher killed her and Carmela vaguely questions it then gets distracted by her new house and forgets about it.
The only people who ever really discuss the dead or disappearing characters are the ones who had some kind of business relationship with them, yet the families never really do. Your astonishingly capable writer put so much focus on this narrative of the kids trying to cope with Tony's line of work but never truly touched on the subject with them questioning things because he didn't know how to write it.
Tony straight up tells Carmela that Richie was murdered and she never acknowledged it again. She never even showed a reaction when Janice hinted at it in the final season. She was given the knowledge just long enough to say one line before the writers wiped the slate clean and made her forget about it forever.

he thought he'd do a better job than his father did of raising him :/ poor AJ

carmela didn't vaguely question adrianna's suspected murder, she was prepared to hire a PI to track her down. tony was concerned enough about her curiosity that he decided to throw her a bone with the housing development. i always thought that maybe the family kind of just learned not to ask questions. tony's a volatile guy and living in his household would be tense at the best of times, do you think the children or carmela would feel like they're in a position to ask the whereabouts of certain associates?

I think they're all misunderstood, it's a shit series about a bunch of Italian-American fatties thinking they're something.

>about a bunch of Italian-American fatties thinking they're something.
this is pretty much true but it's definitely not shit.

Damn that's rough.

Sister's cunt

It must have aged pretty poorly because I watched the whole series for the first time during the last few months and found it really uninteresting.

>Pussy's disappearance is never brought up by any of Tony's family members.
Janice asks Tony about it after they meet and drink when Junior tells Tony he has cancer.
