Nazi leaders had genius IQs, but still failed to win

Does this mean that high IQ people aren't guaranteed success? I thought IQ was the primary predictor of outcomes. Explain yourself Sup Forums

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who were they i dont know them.

inb4 american education

its true tho we were never taught about any other nazi than hitler and beyond that i only know a few from looking at some brief histories.

And that's why they tried to tell Hitler that invading Russia in the winter was a stupid fucking idea.

But the boss is the boss.

obviously the nazi leaders were controlled opposition

They had an average IQ for governmental leaders in any Western government

High IQ doesn't mean a thing except that you have higher potential.

IQ X numbers = actual power

Nazis: 138 x 1000 = 138000 power level

subhuman russians/americans: 95 x 10000000000000000000000000000000 = outnumber them thousand to one, who cares, we win.

Nazis were the greatest civilization of humanity and the most superior, their low numbers caused their downfall and lack of time to reproduce with eugenics program.


Worth noting that a lot of serial killers had extremely high genius IQs, like Lawrence Bittaker and Edmund Kemper. High IQ doesn't necessarily equate to common sense

Why is this the only thread with over 5 replies what the fuck is going on

those people just have much different outlooks on life
sanity is a social construct

I'm only half memeing

GR8 B8 M8

Obviously Hillary is the best Nazi hero.

Forgot the pic

This is true.

All my childhood my parents boasted about my high IQ and they constantly said that I was going to be really successful and rich. They thought I was this brilliant prodigy who would become a millionaire.

I ended up flunking out of college and I'm homeless now. I'm going to go live in the woods soon because I have no other options left.

Göring, Dönitz and Schacht.

Well, I never said they were insane - that implies they had to think things that were simply out of touch with reality. No, the saddest thing is that they were completely sane - and often very good individuals who fitted in with society - but decided to throw it all away to satisfy some primal urges.

Bittaker, for example, was a machinist who was making $1000 a week in the 1970s - that's $5000 in today's money. Who knows what he could've done if he didn't team up with Ray Norris and murder and torture five girls in a rape van

Our soiecty is not measured by intellect but by political beliefs. What a time to be alive. Kill me.

If you tested the IQ of people in executive positions in almost any setting, be that finance or politics or whatever you would find they are all far above the average man when it comes to intelligence.

That's not to say there aren't outliers, but the elite is the elite for a reason.

>tfw I took an IQ test when I was little
>tfw I scored 128 with standard deviation of 10
>tfw Spend my time playing War Thunder and shitposting on Sup Forums while my average IQ friend from high school are in their third year of college.
No matter what I do no matter how hard I try to push myself to do something useful I always end up in front of my computer screen wasting time
It's like I was never meant to be happy..

>Nazis were the greatest civilization of humanity
lol they lasted what like 26 years ?

Compare that to the Egyptians, or the Romans, or the British

Bittaker had already been in prison once right? Do you think he would still have made that money after being released if he chose to?

Hitler was relying on Blietzkrieg. He thought that they invade us in 3 months, buuuut they couldn't, because all Russians are ready to die for our land, even if our death will stop invasion only for 10 seconds

Have you heard of George W Bush? He was there because his dad's mates wanted him there...

At least you have a home. My parents kicked me out after I flunked out of college.

>tfw you were the smart nerdy kid in high school and everyone thought you would be rich and successful one day

>tfw the "dumb jocks" from high school are now way more successful than you will ever be

most children score higher on IQ tests than when they're grow up, regression to the mean and all that but also probably your faculties being less focused by then

what seems like primal urges to us might be completely different to them but of the few "insane" people I've read up on these people are on an entirely alien cognitive plane like kaczynski

Uh, try a therapist. It helped me.

>Ottomans on record for longest single dynasty
>Was still degenerate mudslime and shite
Length of dynasty =/= greatness

Not that guy, but what if I can't even afford a therapist

This is one of the worst recurring bait threads

You don't have insurance?
All you need is a few visits. Should only be a couple hundred.

I'm sorry user, maybe try joining the military or take up an apprenticeship.
My parents would probably kick me out to if they found out I've been lying to them this whole time.
They think I go to college but I really just go to an empty parking lot far far away and listen to audio books on my phone.

They made them do a test while they were waiting to be executed? I'd rather be waterboarded. Funny thing is they probably half assed the test and really had 160 iqs

get some self-discipline faggot.

Easier said than done. Don't you think we already know that?

pretty much this. IQ is a giant meme

its not about the length of any one dynasty, it's how long the culture endures and its impact.

for example, on here english is the dominant language. thats the impact of british civilisation on the world.

>maybe try joining the military
I have considered this because I'm running out of options, but I don't want to fight for Israel and the globalist elite.

I just don't know what to do. My life is so fucked. I partially brought it on myself, but I think it's too late to fix it.

In my defense, I also had shitty parents, so it's partially their fault too.

>merely pretending
you can't half ass an IQ test
if you could then it could swing both ways anyway so it wouldn't imply they were smarter

I'd imagine they would want to prove their intelligence to the world before they died too since they knew stormfags would be defending them on kenyan basket weaving image boards years later to keep the movement going

138 is genius? My IQ is 209 does that mean I'm a genius as well? How can I leverage that into pussy?

The jews tricked the US to get involved. There was simply too much, then the soviets gave the killing blow.


Most scales max out at 200. Whose IQ test did you take?

shut up you stupid swedecuck

his own probably
he's that smart

>but I don't want to fight for Israel and the globalist elite.
Le epic jew meme
but shitposting aside they won't necessarily assign you into a combat role if you don't want to. The Military is far more than just soldiers. There's mechanics, cooks, guards, etc, etc. Also the discipline you'll get will probably go a long way and even make up for your parents shitting parenting.

IQ is overrated. Scientists actually know very little about intelligence and how the brain works. Sup Forums just likes to bring up IQ because of le edgy racism against black people. But if black people really had lower IQs, then how would you explain all of the black contributions to humanity and black inventions that were almost always stolen by whites and claimed as white inventions, e.g., peanut butter, traffic light, open heart surgery.

You can half-ass an IQ test if you're suffering from an anxiety disorder, or if you're half-asleep.

He literally mentioned there are outliers.


They're plebeians, they're certainly not "elite". You give these people power with your perception. Stop caring about them and their money and they lose all influence.

>e.g., peanut butter, traffic light, open heart surgery.

Like 12

>its not about how long an empire/dynasty endures
>its about how long its culture endures
please kys, come back when you're over 18 at least

and next will be Hilary clinton. you guys have dynasties

I see what you mean, but that doesn't change the fact that I don't want to fight for them or work for them.

I'm not sure how common sense plays in to being a serial killer

>lol they lasted what like 26 years ?

13 years. Only retarded teenagers jack off to the third reich because of its edgy status in society now. Its the same thing as when a little kid pretends to be Darth Vader

WTF I am lit a genius!

these are two different words with two different meanings


This. Instead of dealing with the eternal Anglo, the Nazis decided to backstab Russia, despite us already supplying them with resources and giving zero fucks about the gommie revolution and the mess Europe got itself into.
Hitler went full good goyim and paid the price for it.

The USA and UK had high IQ individuals too. The atomic bomb was created in the USA from scientists that came from Germany.

his plan was always to colonize you fucks though. He says so in Mein Kampf Chapter 14.

I believe the principle of Russbro's post was general, but you're splitting hairs to sound profound. We all knew what he meant. You're not defending against the age remark, so I assume you're under 18. Come back when you've been to university and learned to have an adult discussion.

>The atomic bomb was created in the USA from scientists that came from Germany.

2 of the scientist were german. Oppenheimer was American

I was tested @130 and ended up working in chemistry around people with similar IQs. I put some stock in IQ tests because of this, but I do acknowledge that upbringing and personality are critical components of success. Necessary vs. sufficient conditions.

You know Stalin had been planning invasion of Germany long before Hitler was even chancellor. You can't be that stupid, so you're just being dishonest. Severla of the members of the 1918 coup were part of the Russian revolution, sent to Germany by the Soviets. Taking Berlin was a Soviet obsession. Everyone knows that.

lol, the only reason you threw the Germans back during Barbarossa was because Stalin had been building tanks for nearly a decade to invade Germany with.

>You know Stalin had been planning invasion of Germany long before Hitler was even chancellor

No he wasnt. This is complete bullshit

an empire that lasts through many dynasties and has an enduring culture has an undeniable impact on the world, as evidenced by my prior example that pretty much everyone on here speaks English. If you look at the legal systems of many modern countries (particularly in the Anglosphere) their legal systems trace their roots back to the Roman empire.

So to address the original argument, what I am suggesting is that the Nazi regime pales in comparison to these examples and could hardly be considered "the greatest civilization" having lasted all of 13 years - or to be generous, lets say from German unification in 1871 to 1946, that's not even a century.

>No he wasnt. This is complete bullshit
The following research says otherwise:

Dębski, Sławomir. Między Berlinem a Moskwą: Stosunki niemiecko-sowieckie 1939–1941. Warsaw: Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, 2003 (ISBN 83-918046-2-3).
Reviewed by R.C. Raack in The Russian Review, 2004, Vol. 63, Issue 4, pp. 718–719.
Edwards, James B. Hitler: Stalin's Stooge. San Diego, CA: Aventine Press, 2004 (ISBN 978-1593301446, paperback).
Grzelak, Czesław. Armia Stalina 1939-1941: Zbrojne ramię polityki ZSRS. Warsaw: Oficyna Wydawnicza RYTM, 2010 (ISBN 978-83-7399-387-7)
Hoffmann, Joachim. Stalin's War of Extermination. Capshaw, AL: Theses & Dissertations Press, 2001 (ISBN 0-9679856-8-4).
Maser, Werner Der Wortbruch. Hitler, Stalin und der Zweite Weltkrieg. Olzog, München 1994. ISBN 3-7892-8260-X
Fälschung, Dichtung und Wahrheit über Hitler und Stalin, Olzog, München 2004. ISBN 3-7892-8134-4
Pleshakov, Constantine. Stalin's Folly: The Tragic First Ten Days of World War Two on the Eastern Front. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2005 (ISBN 0-618-36701-2).
Reviewed by Ron Laurenzo in The Washington Times, May 22, 2005.
Reviewed by Robert Citino in World War II, Vol. 21, Issue 1. (2006), pp. 76–77.
The series of books authored by Victor Suvorov about the outbreak of the Nazi-Soviet War
Icebreaker (Лeдoкoл) 1990, Hamish Hamilton Ltd, ISBN 0-241-12622-3
Day "M" (Дeнь "M")
Suicide. For what reason Hitler attacked the Soviet Union? (Caмoyбийcтвo), Moscow, ACT, 2000, ISBN 5-17-003119-X
Last Republic, ACT, 1997, ISBN 5-12-000367-2.
Viktor Suvorov, The Chief Culprit: Stalin's Grand Design to Start World War II. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2008 (hardcover), ISBN 978-1-61251-268-6.
The series of books supporting Suvorov The Truth by Viktor Suvorov - volumes 1,2,3
still splitting hairs because to sound smart

Raack, R.C. "Did Stalin Plan a Drang Nach Westen?", World Affairs. Vol. 155, Issue 4. (Summer 1992), pp. 13–21.
Preventive Wars?" [Review Essay of Pietrow-Ennker, Bianka, ed. Präventivkrieg? Der deutsche Angriff auf die Sowjetunion. 3d ed. Frankfurt-am-Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 2000. ISBN 3-596-14497-3; Mel'tiukhov, Mikhail. Upushchennyi shans Stalina: Sovetskii Soiuz i bor'ba za Evropu 1939–1941. Moscow: Veche, 2000. ISBN 5-7838-1196-3; Magenheimer, Heinz. Entscheidungskampf 1941: Sowjetische Kriegsvorbereitungen. Aufmarsch. Zusammenstoss. Bielefeld: Osning Verlag, 2000. ISBN 3-9806268-1-4] The Russian Review, 2004, Vol. 63, Issue 1, pp. 134–137.
"Stalin's Role in the Coming of World War II: Opening the Closet Door on a Key Chapter of Recent History", World Affairs. Vol. 158, Issue 4, 1996, pp. 198–211.
"Stalin's Role in the Coming of World War II: The International Debate Goes On", World Affairs. Vol. 159, Issue 2, 1996, pp. 47–54.
Stalin's Drive to the West, 1938–1945: The Origins of the Cold War. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 1995. (ISBN 0-8047-2415-6).
"Stalin's Plans for World War Two Told by a High Comintern Source", The Historical Journal, Vol. 38, No. 4. (Dec., 1995), pp. 1031–1036.
"Breakers on the Stalin Wave: Review Essay [of Murphy, David E. What Stalin Knew: The Enigma of Barbarossa. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005 (ISBN 0-300-10780-3); Pleshakov, Constantine. Stalin’s Folly: The Tragic First Ten Days of World War II on the Eastern Front. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Co., 2005 (ISBN 0-618-36701-2)]", The Russian Review, Vol. 65, No. 3. (2006), pp. 512–515.
Solonin, Mark. "23 июня: „Дeнь M" ("June 23 : M-Day") — Moscow: «Яyзa», «Экcмo». 2007 ISBN 978-5-699-22304-6

«25 июня. Глyпocть или aгpeccия?» ("June 25 : foolishness or aggression?") — Moscow: «Яyзa», «Экcмo». 2008. ISBN 978-5-699-25300-5
"Июнь 41-гo. Oкoнчaтeльный диaгнoз" ("June 41. The final diagnosis") — Moscow: «Яyзa», «Экcмo». 2013. ISBN 978-5-699-67335-3
"Die drei Plane des Genossen Stalin" (publication in "Die Rote Walze") - Germany, publishing house «Pour le Merite», 2011. ISBN 978-3-932381-60-7
Topitsch, Ernst. Stalin's War: A Radical New Theory of the Origins of the Second World War. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 1987 (ISBN 0-312-00989-5).
Reviewed critically by Alexander Dallin in The New York Times, November 15, 1987.
Weeks, Albert L. Stalin's Other War: Soviet Grand Strategy, 1939–1941. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002 (hardcover; ISBN 0-7425-2191-5); 2003 (paperback, ISBN 0-7425-2192-3).

>posting this wall of shit

Stalin had no plans on invading Germany, and Hitler wasnt enacting some "preemptive strike"

Hitler talked about invading Russia in mein kampf and Stalin was awestruck when they invaded

Just compartmentalize. Work everyday til 5, then come home and play world of warcraft during prime time.

>post bibliography of research supporting claim
>"nur dur there is zero proofs fuk u"
this much damage control

nice winter meme lol. russians had shit ton of power in borders, tanks, soldiers everything. if hitler didnt attack russians would steam roll whole europe. but then hitler attacked and bombed shit ton of their tanks waiting on railways into pieces and captured ten of thousands russkies soldiers. but i guess its quite common to be jew muppet. kys. nigger.

you posted a wall of shit, not even quotes, just fucking ISBN numbers

post an actual link or an actual quote to support your claim

>if hitler didnt attack russians would steam roll whole europe.

if hitler didnt attack, Russia would have stayed a shitty army that would have stayed on its side of the fence. Hitler gave them a reason to build up and a reason for the allies to supply them.

stop being a nazi cuck

The crux of the argument is basically, if they failed, then aren't they obviously not "the greatest" ?

If they were indeed the greatest, would they not have succeeded ?

The crux of the argument being, you can't respond to the claim of their quality, ideologically, in terms of execution, or otherwise, simply by saying
>"le egipt and Rome lasted longer"
Lot's of shit lasted longer, often through monstrous, degenerate cultural values that still plague the third world today. There are terminal phases in civilization, and though the corpse might shamble across the world long after such blind alleys are chosen, it doesn't mean that the Aztecs were superior, or that harems of little boys was a good thing, or that using lead for irrigation is superior because "the Romans did it for centuries".

You see the problem is the logic of your negation, its not about the opposite being true; your negation is illogical.

you denied something outright as baseless, you were handed a bibliography, now you complain about "a wall of text" -- that's what bibliographies and research tend to look like, walls of text. Have fun educating yourself on the subject,.



>now you complain about "a wall of text"

because thats what it is. Learn how to cite something. Post a quote or something from even one of those (assuming you even read them and didnt just copypaste from some neo-nazi blog)

High IQ is only a precursor of possibilities of success
It means nothing if you are a lazy faggot that does nothing but shitpost online

What was adolfs iq?

>Learn how to cite something
Its a bibliography, lol -- a bibliography is a list of citations, genius.

>open heart surgery
IQ doesn't mean shit. Especially if you have to face off against the rest of the world.

>he is too dumb that he doesn't know how to use search engine
Oh you bosnians, you really are just mutt child of Croatia/Serbia and Turks

wtf? where'd that green text come from?

Fucking retard. IQ is set at birth. Regression to the mean, means that his children wont likely be as smart.

You can also lower your IQ not raise it. I was tested at 120 as a kid. But shitty medication have lowered it signifigantly

its a list of fucking ISBN numbers and literally who works

you have no actual quotes or anything. You cant even articulate the point yourself because you obviously have never read any of it or dont even understand it.

theres literally no proof that Hitler invaded Russia to save europe in a preemptive strike

IQ doesnt mean jack shit. Ive tested mine twice, 134 and 139, and I wouldn't call myself a genius or even close. Being able to problem solve and take tests doesnt make one smarter or more successful than another. Im sure it helps a bit, but there are way too many factors to consider

Hitler foiled them at every turn. He was a charismatic individual that united his nation, he also was a pathetic micro-manager who didn't get the fuck out of the way and let people more capable than him run the show behind the scenes.

I already do that though. I work on weekends as a server at a restraunt and I've managed to save up a small but cozy 7k. However I fill so unfulfilled so irrelevant. Just another cog in the machine. When I die no one will remember me and all the dank memes I posted and high scores on my games will be irrelevant.

>Argentinian education

A bibliography is a list of the SOURCES of citations. Lumping a bunch of sources together with no context and expecting everybody to waste time finding them is a moronic thing to do on an anonymous image board. You're essentially telling people to prove your theory for you.

>It's an "user mindlessly copypastes links he found in Wikipedia" episode

this is very true, it's likely that under other circumstances, like ie they being home, eating and sleeping and all was well and did the test, they would score higher.

I've actually tested it, I don't remember the numbers in my head as it was something people did up here som fuck me must be 13-14 years ago because it was prior to uni.

Anyways it dropped when I did not sleep, a lot, you don't focus this well. It's a saying here like your iq drops like 10% each day you don't sleep or soo, it's just a saying

regardless it drops. rested well fed and you do better.

Also it is possible to train for these things, even though they say it's not. No test is the same, but if you practice a few times first you see the pattern in them and brush up physics if you are not tuned with that etc, it's always you know newtonian stuff if anything shit your learned in highschool.

The Chief Culprit, by Viktor Suvurov read it and educate yourself

>burgerfat claims no evidence
>provide him a bibliography
>burgerfat says you gave too much evidence
>burgerfat complains you dont know how to cite things
>you say a bibliography is a list of citations
>get told by burgerfat its a list of SOURCES cited
Have you ever argued with an actual retard?
This is what it's like.
>can't argue based on evidence, complain about anything else
wow, all these flat-assed lard muffins getting rustled, doing damage control. Sad!

have you actully read any of your sources?
stailin had no plans to invade. deal with it. stailn took 2 weeks to respond because he didn't bealiv hilter had broken their agrement

Bobby Fischer would have lost every chess match if he had a manager over his shoulder telling him what to do with his Queen. Fuhrer leadership shot itself in the foot.