Quote from writer of your country

I begin :

"La vrai liberté est : de n'avoir peur ni des dieux ni des Hommes" - Sade

"True freedom is not to be afraid of gods or men" - Sade

Other urls found in this thread:


*tips fedora*

Could you have at least started off with a better one ?

Désolé c'est le premier qui m'est venu à l'esprit.


“Le baiser est la plus sûre façon de se taire en disant tout.” Guy De Maupassant

"The kiss is the safest way to shut up by saying everything." - Guy de Maupassant

Pardon ?

"Vanaaja inimene teadis vähe aga ta sai kõigest aru. Meie teame kohutavalt palju aga me ei saa enam millestki aru."

The people of old knew little, yet understood everything. We know a terrible lot, yet don't understand anything anymore.


Since we're with memey ones :
"L'amour c’est l'infini mis à la portée des caniches." - Céline
"Love is infinity put within the reach of poodles." - Céline


Ok pls i don't understand. Make a sentence.

"Sodat loppuu sotimalla"
"Wars are ended by warring"
- Väinö Linna

I don't find this writer on google. Do you have a link pls ?

« — Mon beau chien, mon bon chien, mon cher toutou, approchez et venez respirer un excellent parfum acheté chez le meilleur parfumeur de la ville. »
Et le chien, en frétillant de la queue, ce qui est, je crois, chez ces pauvres êtres, le signe correspondant du rire et du sourire, s’approche et pose curieusement son nez humide sur le flacon débouché ; puis, reculant soudainement avec effroi, il aboie contre moi en manière de reproche.
« — Ah ! misérable chien, si je vous avais offert un paquet d’excréments, vous l’auriez flairé avec délices et peut-être dévoré. Ainsi, vous-même, indigne compagnon de ma triste vie, vous ressemblez au public, à qui il ne faut jamais présenter des parfums délicats qui l’exaspèrent, mais des ordures soigneusement choisies. » Baudelaire, Le chien et le Flacon

“My beautiful dog, my good little doggy, my pooch, come here and breath in the wonderful cologne I’ve just bought at the best perfume shop in town.”

And the dog, while wagging his tale—a gesture, I believe, that corresponds to laughter and smiles among these poor creatures—ran up and stuck his moist nose with curiosity into the unstoppered bottle. Recoiling suddenly with fear, however, he barked at me as if in reproach.

“Ah! miserable dog, if I’d offered you a package of excrement, you’d have sniffed it with pleasure. You might have devoured it. So, dog—my sad life’s undeserving companion—you resemble the public that one must never exasperate with delicate perfumes. Better, instead, to offer them carefully chosen manure.”

Yeah i know it's a poem but i want to share this with you

"Pape Satàn, pape Satàn aleppe" ― Dante Alighieri
"Top Fucking Kek" ― Dante Alighieri

"Maaa bite"
"Muh dick"

- Me


I think you try to say to me i make a mistake in my sentence, or something like that ? Is it right ? Pls can you make sentence to explain the probleme.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it." -Mark Twain


"Viens scélérate, viens dans mes bras, je n'y puis plus tenir, il faut que ton charmant derrière soit le prix du don que je te promet" -Sade, La philosophie dans le boudoir

"Come bitch, come in my arms, I can not hold on anymore, your charming behind must be the price of the gift that I promise you"

"All happy families resemble one another; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way"
"Pure and complete sorrow is as impossible as pure and complete joy"

Lev Tolstoy

wow that totally me.

you really like de Sade don't you
here is a Finnish song about him. Sang by no other than the world's most achieved ski jumping champion Matti Nykänen

Thanks for the song do you have the lyric in English ? And yeah i like most of the book of Sade. I think it's a writer who really show how sex and lubricity can be use like a weapons against innocent people. Did you know "Eugénie de Franval" ? It's a story writed by Sade. And it's about a Father who keep his daughter isolate from her mother and other men. For finnaly she fall in love of him and fuck with her. It's a really dirty incest story and it was writed in 1800 ! This guy was really a weirdo but a good writer.

there are not even lyrics in Finnish available. but it's mostly about BDSM.

The chorus is as follows
>female singer "oh oh oh, marquis I'm hurting"
>Matti "well that's how it is, but you'll get used to love"
>female singer "oh oh oh, my head is hurting"
>Matti "in pain we will do many tight things"
there is also spanking, marking women like cattle with branding irons and such in it

It is a sardonic love song, doubly so because Matti is a wife beater who's been in and out of prison repeatedly first for beating his wife and then his gf. and also for some murder attempts

Oh so this guy was a bastard (like Sade)

"No matter what you or anyone else does, there will be someone who says that there's something bad about it."- Tom Clancy

He’s making a reference to the second amendment to our constitution

he's still alive.

also, please don't describe family violence as "being a bastard". it is Finnish culture to beat up wife and kids while drunk as a skunk. it's honestly kind of racist to call any of it a bad thing, from a Finnish perspective.

>Quote from writer of your country
aight ehr..
“The great principle of Justice: prevent crime rather than punish it. All that is needed to execute a guilty man is a firing squad or a hangman. To prevent there being guilty men requires great astuteness.”

"Know that the last communist in the world will die in Bulgaria, Minka. Even when in Soviet Russia there won't be a single living communist. What kind of nation are we, Minka.."

- Dimitar Talev

sounds like either something straight out of an Ace Attorney game or something a jesuit would preach. I like it.

"Yeah, nah. Nah, yeah."
- Damo

it's from "I, the supreme"
dictator Francia would think "instead of punishing smugglers around why not scare them enough so they don't smuggle, or catch them before they commit the crime"

"Bat les couilles frère"


>became a doctor of theology and master of philosophy at the College of Monserrat at the National University of Córdoba,
>National University of Córdoba was founded by jesuits
huh, I wasn't off at all with my guess then. the jesuits were behind it. and I based it off reading just one book, The Awakening by Anthony de Mello, a jesuit

nice nice
yeah jesuits are very important for my country and my culture. i never finish realizing how MUCH

"Mi pluma lo mató" - Juan Montalvo

"My pen killed him" -Juan Montalvo

I'm not sure what to believe in but christians don't seem all that bad whenever they go all in with mysticism

gnostics, cathars and jesuits all seem like great guys who preach mostly rationalist thought with a flavor of christianity

"Turha on elää, turha on kuolla, turha on vanhojen naisten vittuja nuolla, koska todellinen mies on sotilas, juoppo ja pukki. Jokainen mies itkee, nuolee vitun ja vetää käteen, mutta harva sen tunnustaa. Mutta minä natsiupseerina tunnustan ne kaikki."

"There's no reason to live, there's no reason to die, there's no reason to lick the cunts of old women, because a real man is a soldier, a drunkard and a hound, but only a few admit it. But I as a nazi officer admit it all."

-Pekka Siitoin

>gnostics, cathars and jesuits all seem like great guys who preach mostly rationalist thought with a flavor of christianity
the shitty ones you "hate" are the charismatics, opus dei and dominicians
but yeah it's not like they're "eeeevul" on purpose. they're just afraid of using their brain, they think it will interfere with their faith (brotip: it doesn't)

valdur mikita. not a very known writer internationally, but top 1 here on book sales
pic rel (from left to right):
>linguistic forest
>linguistics, or in other words, into the forest with linguistics
>savage linguistics
>the art of listening to mushrooms

i hope someone translates this mans books into french or even english so you guys can understand the essence of what it is to be estonians

>Guy De Maupassant

you lads really love your mushrooms

yes we do. the forest and the mushroom is where our true nature is

“In the dark times
Will there also be singing?
Yes, there will also be singing.
About the dark times.”
Bertolt Brecht

>No one in Europe could imagine a family where the father takes his bicycle and goes fishing while the mother is gathering berries from the marshlands, the grandmother is storing away the medicinal herbs gathered from nature and the children go for a swim in the forest-lake on their own, unsupervised. This kind of world is long a fairytale. Eesti is still part of this picturesque guardian of the forest mythos. Together with Latvians and Finns we are the last remnant of Indianian reservation in Europe.


>the charismatics, opus dei and dominicians
I have never heard of any of those. the only sects I hate are catholics and orthodox, they have slave to state morality and they all think they have been relevant since the Roman empire. also protestants and lutherans are not relevant in any way

No protestant, lutheran, catholic or orthodox thought seems particularly interesting to anyone. They are bound to lose interest. I hope for either a pagan or gnostic revival

>the only sects I hate are catholics and orthodox
ouch. jesuits are catholics and so do i
does schism count as "sect" or they're different religions? anyways yeah i know they have huge flaws and this is not /his/ to discuss about it

>jesuits are catholics
in name only. jesuits are more akin to freemasons than practicing catholics
>does schism count as "sect" or they're different religions?
a schism usually ends up with two or more sects of the same religion. martin luther's reform, which was a schism, ended up springing forth something like a dozen of new sects that make up the protestant part of christianity.

ah ok

You must read The Awakening by Anthony de Mello if you are Christian. If you are not, read Power of Now by master Eckhart Tolle. Everything in this world will make sense after that.

"El dinero lo ganan todos aquellos que con paciencia y fina observación van detrás de los que lo pierden."
"The money is earned by all those who with patience and fine observation go after those who lose it."
Benito Pérez Galdós

"Un forastero! No dejes que se escape!"
-some Spanish peasant who likes to throw sickles at tourists for some reason

I'd like visiting Spain a lot more if I didn't have to come packing a 9mm every time

>I have no forts, no houses, no country. I have no cultivated fields, no silver or gold for you to take — all you can get from me is war, nothing else. God fights for us. We fight by God’s order. If you wish war I am happy; if you wish peace I am also content. But if you wish peace, go away from my country to your own. If you wish war, stay where you are!


"Poderoso caballero es Don dinero"
"Mr. Money is a powerful gentleman"
- Quevedo

En América todo lo que no es europeo es bárbaro: no hay más división que ésta: 1: el indígena, es decir el salvaje; 2:, el europeo, es decir, nosotros los que hemos nacido en América

In America (the continent) everything that's not european is barbaric: There's no other division than this: 1: The indigenous, that is to say the savage; 2, that is to say us, those who were born in america.

Juan Bautista Alberdi

Call to mind from whence ye sprang:
'Ye were not form'd to live the life of brutes,
'But virtue to pursue and knowledge high

"Minha verdade espantada é que eu sempre estive só de ti e não sabia. Agora sei: sou só. Eu e minha liberdade que não sei usar. Grande responsabilidade da solidão. Quem não é perdido não conhece a liberdade e não a ama. Quanto a mim, assumo a minha solidão." - Clarice Lispector

"My dazed truth is that I had been always alone of you and I had not been aware. Now I know: I'm alone. Me and my liberty that I don't know how to use. Great responsibility of solitude. Who is not lost does not know liberty and does not love. As for me, I admit my solitude." - Clarice Lispector

"Co do żabojadó. jedzą oni gówno i kochają uczucie kutasa w odbycie" - Sienkiewicz

"As to women, I agree that each has three or four souls, but none of them a reasoning one" - Sienkiewicz

*Co do żabojadów,